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Scum of the earth (1 Viewer)

What kind of person points a gun at two thirteen year olds and steals money from their lemonade stand?
Perhaps that was reparations?

Two kids selling lemonade were robbed at gunpoint. Then their community stepped in to help - CNN

trump's pedophile buddies Dooshowitz and Epstein raped little girls for years and trump's other buddies Bill Barr, Alexander Acosta, and Dooshowitz got him a sweetheart deal at the expense of their victims.

Perhaps that was "reparations" for Epstein? Because, you know, wealthy pedophiles need all the help they can get, poor guys :roll:

What a ****ing ridiculous, race-bating OP!
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What are thirteen year olds doing with a lemonade stand? They should be mowing lawns and stuff.

What kind of person points a gun at two thirteen year olds and steals money from their lemonade stand?Perhaps that was reparations?

Two kids selling lemonade were robbed at gunpoint. Then their community stepped in to help - CNN

In good 'ole 'Merka, there are around 14,000 homicides, 1,400,000 violent crimes, and many more property crimes per year per FBI stats. What does this one crime have to do with politics?


Trumpism: the ugliness is the point.
Why, for f***, sake does anyone think there a political angle to this? These guys aren't going to vote in either way for anyone. They are lowlifes. Please do not assign them a side in the election. No one is advocating for them.
So the police bought their lemonade at $20 a cup? That was nice of them.
tbh, we're a gun culture where unspeakable stuff like this is gonna happen. i could post thousands of pics of murdered people (babies to adults) from every walk of American life.

and i have. they just get ignored.
The same kind that points a gun to a 5-year old's head and pulls the trigger.

And the kind that drives into a crowd of protesters? Or is there another unmentioned metric here?
trump's pedophile buddies Dooshowitz and Epstein raped little girls for years and trump's other buddies Bill Barr, Alexander Acosta, and Dooshowitz got him a sweetheart deal at the expense of their victims.

Perhaps that was "reparations" for Epstein? Because, you know, wealthy pedophiles need all the help they can get, poor guys :roll:

What a ****ing ridiculous, race-bating OP!
You win the "First off-topic Trump reference" award.
Well, here's proof that right wingers want to blame literally all crime on BLM.
CNN is definitely not right wing.
I am impressed the police did not arrest these kids for operating without a food inspection or certificate of occupancy license.
Some of you should actually read the story.

First, I didn't see any mention of the robbers racial identity. Second, this was a feel-good story about how the entire police department surrounded the lemonade stand, buying cups of lemonade for $20 a pop, and the entire community rallied behind both the police and the kids.

Jeez, y'all just read a headline, decide the kids must have been white (because black kids don't have lemonade stands?) therefore the robbers must have been black because... reparations??

WTF is wrong with some of you?
I read the story 2x's and couldn't find any racial identifiers for the robbers. I saw 2 white kids in the picture of the stand.
I guess all crime is committed by people of color so....
Some human beings do NOT have a conscience.

That's why everyday some individuals rob, sucker punch, rape, and murder -- without the slightest remorse.

Some years back when the New York Times was still an actual "news"paper, it published an interview with a murderer, who was quoted as saying something like: "I killed someone. Does that make me a bad person?" He was not being ironic.

And some decades ago, two teenagers in the South ordered Chinese food by phone. When the delivery person arrived, they murdered him. Then they calmly sat down and enjoyed their meal.
trump's pedophile buddies Dooshowitz and Epstein raped little girls for years and trump's other buddies Bill Barr, Alexander Acosta, and Dooshowitz got him a sweetheart deal at the expense of their victims.

Perhaps that was "reparations" for Epstein? Because, you know, wealthy pedophiles need all the help they can get, poor guys :roll:

What a ****ing ridiculous, race-bating OP!

Thank you proving that TDS is a real disease.

You do realize this thread has nothing to do with trump correct.
Why do you let such a pos as trump live rent free in your head 24/7. That can’t be healthy.

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