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Scr** the Brew... drink Mead! (1 Viewer)


Jul 3, 2005
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Centrist Coast of California
Political Leaning
Teach and Southern... the choice is not Pez or Cheerwine... trust me. Mead is the sweet tasty goodness you seek. Being a longtime lover of Pez (have a drawer full of dispensers) and Cheerwine, I value my opinion. ;)
My personal favorite is this one.
It is so yummy and sweet, yet very wine like.
If you really want the HONEY essence to come through, you need to try Honeymoon Nectar. Tastes like what it is... fermented honey. And will knock you on your keister! Too strong for me on most days, but great for a party!


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Lilith said:
Teach and Southern... the choice is not Pez or Cheerwine... trust me. Mead is the sweet tasty goodness you seek. Being a longtime lover of Pez (have a drawer full of dispensers) and Cheerwine, I value my opinion. ;)
My personal favorite is this one.
It is so yummy and sweet, yet very wine like.
If you really want the HONEY essence to come through, you need to try Honeymoon Nectar. Tastes like what it is... fermented honey. And will knock you on your keister! Too strong for me on most days, but great for a party!

Pish-posh on mead. I make my own mead and Mellomel! If you really want something that goes down like candy about packs a whalup, look for a mellomel.
I don't know if you can actually buy Mellomel's anywhere in the states, as far as I know. But it wouldn't be the first time I missed something on my local liquer store shelves.
Homebrewing is kinda a family thing. My brother does beers, ales, stouts...etc (the hops and wheat stuff), and I do the Meads and Mellomels...the honey stuff.
I have a friend who I turned on to homebrewing and she makes some really interesting, albeit kinda lightweight, meads. She mixes in pure nectars and gets some really fun flavors!
bleh... cheerwine... because it ALWAYS puts a smile on your face. it has been around forever. My earliest memories of it are when my dad used to drive me up to a rural country gas station to pick up bait before we went fishin on lake gaston. He'd pick up a 12 pack of it for us to drink while we fished. It's made and sold only in areas around the carolinas, and within the carolinas, it rules all. Every national fastfood restaurant even has it on tap. It's half the price of any pepsi or coke, but it has more flavor than cherry coke or doctor pepper. It's been made into Icecream, and has recipes to make it into many other things... including bbq sauce (yummm!)
The finest Mead you can get is made in the monastery on Caldy island off the Tenby coast in Pembrokeshire south Wales,by the Monks there.
It's well worth a visit if you are on vacation in the UK.
I quite enjoy a small drop of Mead,but it's a little sweet for my liking.
Androvski said:
The finest Mead you can get is made in the monastery on Caldy island off the Tenby coast in Pembrokeshire south Wales,by the Monks there.
It's well worth a visit if you are on vacation in the UK.
I quite enjoy a small drop of Mead,but it's a little sweet for my liking.

Mead is gross!

Give me a G & T or a good cider anytime!
I'm not keen on Gin,but I do like a nice cold glass of strongbow or old english on a warm day.
More than one glass of Mead would probably make me puke.
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Am I the only one who's not picky?
It's past midnight here and I'd like to say I loves you all except Lib and Soviet guy and I'd even give em a kiss for the ell of it......Gurp ,passes out,goodnight! :cheers:
Naughty Nurse said:
Mead is gross!

Give me a G & T or a good cider anytime!

Cider is great, but you just can't get Good cider in the states.

What's worse is you can't even get really good gin in the states either. Not bad gin, mind you, but not great gin.

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