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Schwarzenegger! What a ****! (1 Viewer)


Aug 16, 2005
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Political Leaning
How much longer is this insipid fool, going to milk his movie quote cow for everything it doesn't have?

In the long line of movie references to promote his politics and win the US populations hearts, this latest one has got to be the most thick-witted one yet:

"If I was to make another Terminator movie, I would tell Terminator to travel back in time to tell Arnold not to have another special election," Mr Schwarzenegger said.


Yes, well...thanks Mr Braunschveigger, for that completely ****ing nonsensical statement, that reflects just how your hindsight and resolve of your shitty politics work!

I say: Maybe, if John Connor captured that Terminator, and re-wired it to anally rape you with a Mini-gun for 10 hours, before pulling the trigger...We would solve this little problem!

A complete C.U.N.T - of the highest order!
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Brigand said:
How much longer is this insipid fool, going to milk his movie quote cow for everything it doesn't have?

In the long line of movie references to promote his politics and win the US populations hearts, this latest one has got to be the most thick-witted one yet:

"If I was to make another Terminator movie, I would tell Terminator to travel back in time to tell Arnold not to have another special election," Mr Schwarzenegger said.


Yes, well...thanks Mr Braunschveigger, for that completely ****ing nonsensical statement, that reflects just how your hindsight and resolve of your shitty politics work!

I say: Maybe, if John Connor captured that Terminator, and re-wired it to anally rape you with a Mini-gun for 10 hours, before pulling the trigger...We would solve this little problem!

A complete C.U.N.T - of the highest order!

I thought it was clever way of admitting what a huge mistake he had made in calling for the special election. It cost him 7 million dollars of his own money, not to mention the political capital he pissed away, that alone should make you wet yourself. You obviously don't like, or appreciate the man, actually, you seem to border on insanity where this man is concerned. I think you are making much too much about this, take a sedative or something man, you're making a fool of yourself.;)
Deegan said:
I thought it was clever way of admitting what a huge mistake he had made in calling for the special election. It cost him 7 million dollars of his own money, not to mention the political capital he pissed away, that alone should make you wet yourself. You obviously don't like, or appreciate the man, actually, you seem to border on insanity where this man is concerned. I think you are making much too much about this, take a sedative or something man, you're making a fool of yourself.;)

I hope this doesnt mean you are supporting Schwartzeneggar now. You arent going Liberal on me now, are you? :)
Deegan said:
I thought it was clever way of admitting what a huge mistake he had made in calling for the special election. It cost him 7 million dollars of his own money, not to mention the political capital he pissed away, that alone should make you wet yourself. You obviously don't like, or appreciate the man, actually, you seem to border on insanity where this man is concerned. I think you are making much too much about this, take a sedative or something man, you're making a fool of yourself.;)

You appreciate that utter cack filled statement as being something relevant...and clever??? Well...

Look, f.uck off and play elsewhere you spasmodic dope.

Following me around, sniffing at my heels and barking like a little scrap yard dog...Actually, In line with this character of yours, you could do with a good kick in your snout, to send you on your way and back to licking your own arsehole, you silly, torpid prick.

Try going out, getting drunk, getting laid, jumping off a bridge...Anything, that would seemingly be far more interesting than the sad, tedious, lusterless state, that is your life. How painful it must be, to be you! GOD! How depressingly painful.

Then again...A sales exec. Should of found that out before, giving you the oppotunity to hang on to my leg.
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