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SchoolHouseRock (1 Viewer)


Benevolent Dictator
DP Veteran
May 19, 2004
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
*I'm just a bill.
Yes, I'm only a bill.
And I'm sitting here on Capitol Hill.
Well, it's a long, long journey
To the capital city.
It's a long, long wait
While I'm sitting in committee,
But I know I'll be a law someday
At least I hope and pray that I will,
But today I am still just a bill.*

I think I am showing my age a bit here....
What other SchoolHouseRock songs can you remember?
Not moving to the United States until I was 11, I wasn't exposed to much of School House rock. But my nephew is in school, and he still watches it. However, I do know one song, if only because Blind Melon re-did it.

Three is a magic number
Ya it is, it’s a magic number
Somewhere in that ancient mystic trinity
You’ll get three
As a magic number
The past, the present, the future,
Faith, and hope, and charity,
The heart, the brain, the body,
Will give you three,
It’s a magic number

It takes three legs to make a tripod or to make a table stand,
And it takes three wheels to make a vehicle called a tricycle
And every triangle has three corners,
Every triangle has three sides,
No more, no less,
You don’t have to guess
That it’s three
Can’t you see?
It’s a magic number

A man and a woman had a little baby
Yeah they did
And there were three in the family
And that’s a magic number

3, 6, 9,
12, 15, 18,
21, 24, 27,

Now multiply backwards from 3x10
3x10 is 30
3x9 is 27
3x8 is 24
3x7 is 21
3x6 is 18
3x5 is 15
3x4 is 12
And 3x3 is 9
And 3x2 is 6
And 3x1 is 3 of course
(now dig the pattern once more!)

3, 6, 9,
12, 15, 18
Oh yeah

3x10 is 30
3x9 is 27
3x8 is 24
3x7 is 21
3x6 is 18
3x5 is 15
3x4 is 12
And 3x3 is 9
And 3x2 is 6
And 3x1
What is it?

A man and a woman had a little baby
There were three in the family
And that’s a magic number
My Hero, Zero

I have an album with 15 classics redone by current (from 96') bands. It's great.
Conjuction junction, what's your function!!!!

Great song.
We the people
In order to form a more perfect union,
Establish justice, insure domestic tranquility,
Provide for the common defense,
Promote the general welfare and
Secure the blessings of liberty
To ourselves and our posterity
Do ordain and establish this Constitution
for the United States of America.

As a side note.....This is to Burnasty

I'm sure you're great person...good to your family...hospitable to your friends and a great assest to your local community....But ya know what?

That avatar of yours has been given me nightmares for about a month now!

That is one scary, disturbing visual...It haunts me everytime I close my eyes...

That avatar is the main reason people take shotguns down to the local stripmall.

If I ever paint the guest bedroom black, put bicycle reflectors on all of the walls, turn out the lights, put a strobe light on, and take vast quantities of LSD, THAT avatar is what I imagine would show up....

That is just WRONG....
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I feel blessed I could warm your heart. I will change it for ya. :)
Burnasty said:
I feel blessed I could warm your heart. I will change it for ya. :)

Thank you SO much!

That thing reminded me of the time I had Buster Pointdexter's "Hot Hot Hot" going through my head for about five days....Suicide was not that far off...:2wave:

This is one of those exceptions in life where if it comes down to a devil or a "spanking" dinosaur...I choose the devil...

Yet, for some sadistic reason, I miss it already....

It was like a hypnotic trance...the car crash that you can't look away from...

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