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School called police on third grader who mentioned brownies (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Mar 2, 2013
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Northern New Jersey
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School called police on third grader who mentioned brownies | Miami Herald

School called police on third grader who mentioned brownies

Brownies might seem like an innocuous snack to bring to a third grade class party. But mentioning them got a 9-year-old boy in New Jersey questioned by police in mid-June when a classmate misinterpreted his comments as “racist,” according to the boy’s mother.

Read more here: School called police on third grader who mentioned brownies | Miami Herald

This is what happens when we have leftist, race baiters running the country like Obama and his PC, race crazy followers. You good with this, lefties?
Usually it is RWers bringing it up, and denying they are by pointing to some outrage they perceive as liberal. This thread is the perfect example.
Probably true, but I don't believe that necessarily means there is more racism, just more likely to be talked about out in the open.
Our O-6 at formation said the same thing at ODO.
School called police on third grader who mentioned brownies | Miami Herald

School called police on third grader who mentioned brownies

Brownies might seem like an innocuous snack to bring to a third grade class party. But mentioning them got a 9-year-old boy in New Jersey questioned by police in mid-June when a classmate misinterpreted his comments as “racist,” according to the boy’s mother.

Read more here: School called police on third grader who mentioned brownies | Miami Herald

This is what happens when we have leftist, race baiters running the country like Obama and his PC, race crazy followers. You good with this, lefties?

Let's just say it WAS racist...which is a freakin' joke...what business is that of the cops? I'd petition to have the idiot at the school fired. Too STOOPID to teach children.
Did you read my links? Fire the prosecutor, who was appointed by Christie.
Let's just say it WAS racist...which is a freakin' joke...what business is that of the cops? I'd petition to have the idiot at the school fired. Too STOOPID to teach children.
School called police on third grader who mentioned brownies | Miami Herald

School called police on third grader who mentioned brownies

Brownies might seem like an innocuous snack to bring to a third grade class party. But mentioning them got a 9-year-old boy in New Jersey questioned by police in mid-June when a classmate misinterpreted his comments as “racist,” according to the boy’s mother.

Read more here: School called police on third grader who mentioned brownies | Miami Herald

This is what happens when we have leftist, race baiters running the country like Obama and his PC, race crazy followers. You good with this, lefties?

Do you just assign every ridiculous thing you see in the news to "those damn liberals"? Can you show the political leanings of the person who made this decision?

Did you read my links? Fire the prosecutor, who was appointed by Christie.

Christie is just having him prosecuted in hopes he can get his morbidly obese fingers on that kid's brownies.
Usually it is RWers bringing it up, and denying they are by pointing to some outrage they perceive as liberal. This thread is the perfect example.

Golly. What possibly could have happened to Anthony? Where o' where did he go?
And guess what, the prosecutor was appointed by Chris Christie. Oh the outrage. :doh

Haddonfield’s Colalillo nominated for Camden County Prosecutor
Geeeezus how pathetic. How ****ing desperate are you to turn everything into a "republicans BAD!!!" commentary?

Had you read your own article in your zeal to condemn Christie you would have read that the woman in question was appointed by a democrat governor and that Christies nominations were made to appease and pass a democrat controlled state legislature. But hey...when your sole intent is to divert from how ****ing ridiculous the PC nation has become and turn every single issue into a pathetic partisan rant, I guess thats going to happen, isnt it?

Lost in all this is the fact that a family now has a record with the police AND Child Protective Services due to a child bringing ****ING BROWNIES to school.
Brownies should have rights, too. It's not easy being a mythical creature these days.
Let's just say it WAS racist...which is a freakin' joke...what business is that of the cops? I'd petition to have the idiot at the school fired. Too STOOPID to teach children.

Union protection she can't be fired. although filing a false police report is a crime.
although from what I have read the school calls the cops at least 5 times or more a day
because the teachers refuse to handle the kids in their and give class discipline.

it is just a circus over there.
Of course Christie did it cause of a mean old democrat.
Geeeezus how pathetic. How ****ing desperate are you to turn everything into a "republicans BAD!!!" commentary?

Had you read your own article in your zeal to condemn Christie you would have read that the woman in question was appointed by a democrat governor and that Christies nominations were made to appease and pass a democrat controlled state legislature. But hey...when your sole intent is to divert from how ****ing ridiculous the PC nation has become and turn every single issue into a pathetic partisan rant, I guess thats going to happen, isnt it?

Lost in all this is the fact that a family now has a record with the police AND Child Protective Services due to a child bringing ****ING BROWNIES to school.
Why would you fire the teacher? The prosecutor told the school they had to report everything.
Union protection she can't be fired. although filing a false police report is a crime.
Do you just assign every ridiculous thing you see in the news to "those damn liberals"? Can you show the political leanings of the person who made this decision?

Christie is just having him prosecuted in hopes he can get his morbidly obese fingers on that kid's brownies.

Maybe the teacher should have used her brain. I mean that is why she was given one and she is a teacher after all.
I thought she was supposed to have some critical thinking skills that would lead to find out what was actually being
said and discussed.

nope brownies OMG it has to be racist call the cops call the cops.
such is the PC mucked up world we live in.
Why would you fire the teacher? The prosecutor told the school they had to report everything.

she is the one that called the cops and file a false police report? you can be criminally charged for filing a false police report.
If she is to stupid to use her head to figure out what occurred then she probably doesn't need to be teaching kids.
Collingswood School Superintendent Scott Oswald said Thursday that Camden County prosecutors had demanded in a May meeting that the district report nearly every incident of student misbehavior to the police.

Maybe the teacher should have used her brain. I mean that is why she was given one and she is a teacher after all.
I thought she was supposed to have some critical thinking skills that would lead to find out what was actually being
said and discussed.

nope brownies OMG it has to be racist call the cops call the cops.
such is the PC mucked up world we live in.

she is the one that called the cops and file a false police report? you can be criminally charged for filing a false police report.
This is what happens when we have leftist, race baiters running the country like Obama and his PC, race crazy followers. You good with this, lefties?

Are you good with posts 2 and 3?
Collingswood School Superintendent Scott Oswald said Thursday that Camden County prosecutors had demanded in a May meeting that the district report nearly every incident of student misbehavior to the police.

again if they can't use their head and understand what the situation is before calling the cops then they should not be teaching.
nearly every incident NOT EVERY INCIDENT like they are doing. In fact the police chief has warned the school before about this kind
of thing and for what reasons they should be called.

a kid saying brownies does not warrant the cops being called. the teacher has proven she is not capable of teaching kids or handling them.
Collingswood School Superintendent Scott Oswald said Thursday that Camden County prosecutors had demanded in a May meeting that the district report nearly every incident of student misbehavior to the police.

And how did the child misbehave?

Also, that is the stupidest ****ing order that anyone can possibly imagine.
No doubt it is stupid. So are these conservative outrages.
"I do not believe children should be policed in this way," Samantha Martinez, who has two children, told the Courier-Post. "All that's going to do is make children afraid of police, and that's the last thing we want to do."

I think this parent is probably right. I know I wouldn't want police consistently questioning elementary school kids about what they did wrong in class that day.

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