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School bus cameras (1 Viewer)

New Technology Catches Drivers Who Don't Stop for School Buses Video - ABC News

So do you think this is a good idea or not? I'm all for it, or at least insofar as if we are going to have speeding cameras near schools and red light cameras then this is no additional burden.

Well, I support stopping for school busses. But some of those situations should not exist because busses should only be picking up kids in safe areas, like parking lots or residential streets.

The shots where it was a two lane rural or residential area? Yep, cars need to be stopping and the cams are a good idea.

Yet several of those stops were dangerous and kids shouldn't be congregating near them. Look at 0.47 in the video. That's a 5 lane highway (turn lane in the middle); it repeats a 1:22 and then shows another major traffic way at 1:24 with another 4 lane street with a traffic island.

Part of the problem is with working families with no home parent. They don't have time to walk their kids to a group pick-up spot, wait till the bus comes, and later pick the kids up. So we have all these "convenience" stops where one or two kids get off every few feet.

IMO there should be major pick-up points at normal areas traffic is expected to stop, like corner stop-light/signs, major parking lots, etc.

Still, I don't see a problem with the cams. Since people want convenience we still have to protect the kids.
I'm not usually a fan of public surveillance cameras but this is a time I can get behind it. Some of those videos were scary.
New Technology Catches Drivers Who Don't Stop for School Buses Video - ABC News

So do you think this is a good idea or not? I'm all for it, or at least insofar as if we are going to have speeding cameras near schools and red light cameras then this is no additional burden.

100% for it.

Terrifying. I've known a family whose child was killed crossing the street to board the bus in the AM. A vile tragedy that should never have happened.

I've taught my kids to stop and look both ways when they get on and off the bus as a precaution.
soon its going to be you will not be able to make a move outside, without being on camera
And? It's not like one should have any expectations of privacy when in a public space, or space viewable from a public space.
New Technology Catches Drivers Who Don't Stop for School Buses Video - ABC News

So do you think this is a good idea or not? I'm all for it, or at least insofar as if we are going to have speeding cameras near schools and red light cameras then this is no additional burden.

that is horrendous to watch...since when is saving three minutes out of one's day not worth a life?

the other violation that makes me crazy angry is when vehicles will not pull to the side for an ambulance blazing down the street with lights flashing and sirens blasting...I get the odd person may panic and not know which way to pull but most should know to pull over and stop

I hope they fine these asshats to the MAX
that is horrendous to watch...since when is saving three minutes out of one's day not worth a life?

the other violation that makes me crazy angry is when vehicles will not pull to the side for an ambulance blazing down the street with lights flashing and sirens blasting...I get the odd person may panic and not know which way to pull but most should know to pull over and stop

I hope they fine these asshats to the MAX

Not to excuse the idiots in the video, but it's a lot more than "three minutes" when you are stuck behind a school bus that is stopping at every other house.

In Ohio, on highways divided into four or more lanes, traffic going the opposite direction of a stopped school bus is not required to stop.
I think part of the problem is ignorance of when to stop, and when it isn't necessary. Different types of roads like with a median area, there is no requirement. When there's no median there is a requirement to stop. I think many people get confused by a stopping bus situation because it happens to them infrequently, so they keep going. My mom drove a bus for ten years and would relate such stories often. People are just dumb, it's not that they don't care.
If you are deterred by the consequences of killing a child when passing a school bus that's picking up kids, I hardly think you are going to be deterred by getting a ticket.

Another example of feel good actions that will do nothing to make anyone safer.
Of course it a good idea. The police can't be everywhere. Either we are a nation of law or we are not. The idea that you can break laws simply because of no fear of getting caught should be addressed by technology if possible.

I want automated strike zones in major league baseball also. I am so sick and tired of watching the umpire getting it wrong calling balls and strikes. Use available technology and get the call correct.
New Technology Catches Drivers Who Don't Stop for School Buses Video - ABC News

So do you think this is a good idea or not? I'm all for it, or at least insofar as if we are going to have speeding cameras near schools and red light cameras then this is no additional burden.

I'm 100% for it, too.

If dumb asses would STOP and NOT KILL CHILDREN then we wouldn't need to hone in one them. But people are selfish ****headed pricks who don't care about the laws or anyone but themselves so they get all the scrutiny we can afford.
A child's right to live exceeds my right to get to work quickly.

Metro Atlanta has seen a few of its jurisdictions install these school bus cameras. To which I say, good. You do not have the constitutional right to drive any way you want. You obey the rules, or you lose your privilege of driving. If you don't like that, don't drive.
Gov Schwarzenegger entertained the idea of speed cameras on freeway overpasses writing tickets.

The government cannot be trusted with "Automatic enforcement" programs.

I think the better solution is to drop the kids off in such a way they don't have to cross into traffic.
I believe there should be cameras on every school bus. One watching our children as well as one monitoring the driving of our buses. I cannot tell you how many times I have been passed by a speeding bus.

Oh and they do move the children off the busy streets after a few are killed. Typical government way of handling things. Don't waste your time trying to get something done before it happens. That was a waste of my time. I talked to the police, the principal of the school, and the parents watching the kids and nothing was done until after the tragedy as usual.
I think the better solution is to drop the kids off in such a way they don't have to cross into traffic.

Exactly. A positive solution to the problem that will work. Good luck selling that to the people in charge. I tried.

I drove by 15 or so kids every morning on my way to work. They were on a corner of a busy 4 lane divide road and short street going back into a small development. The street was only 2 blocks long and had a large circle at the end that a bus could easily go around and come right back out. One morning I had a child start out into the street and stop just inches from my truck. I did not know if I hit the kid or not until I saw he was OK in the mirror. I talked to a police officer, the parents, and called the principal about the incident. I was told they would look into it. 3 years later a child was killed and then they moved them back off the main street and picked them up at that circle.

If any of you decide to actually get off your backside and try and solve one of these problems here is some great advice. Get signed papers from the people that you have notified of the problem. Then when the tragedy happens take those signed papers to the news and get these worthless people fired.
My god! People want a police state!!!!

100% for it.

Terrifying. I've known a family whose child was killed crossing the street to board the bus in the AM. A vile tragedy that should never have happened.

I've taught my kids to stop and look both ways when they get on and off the bus as a precaution.

Apparently those parents didn't.
Apparently those parents didn't.

Well when someone is willing to do something as extreme as jump the curb and drive on the sidewalk there's no such thing as 'safe enough'... but precautions never hurt.
Well when someone is willing to do something as extreme as jump the curb and drive on the sidewalk there's no such thing as 'safe enough'... but precautions never hurt.

In my day we respected school buses.

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