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Saw Ann Coulter speak... (1 Viewer)


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Feb 18, 2006
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I recently saw lovely Anne Coulter when she came to my University to speak. A few comments to speak about:

1. The College Republicans payed over 12,000 for her to speak.
2. She spoker for less than 40 minutes and took a few questions.
3. She addressed the mulsims as ragheads, and a Muslim who asked a question, she addressed as "My brown-skinned brother".
4. She would only address Islam as a "cult".
5. She constantly called out and criticized Ted Kennedy and Clinton instead of other democrats.
6. She was rude to every democrat who asked a question, even if the question wasn't attacking her. She had no respect for any prodding questions.

There were a number of other interesting points. I am a College Republican, and I think Coulter is a little crazy. But, most importantly she's damn hot, for a political analyst.

Your thoughts on Coulter speaking in the college scene?
simonsiegel said:
I recently saw lovely Anne Coulter when she came to my University to speak. A few comments to speak about:

1. The College Republicans payed over 12,000 for her to speak.
2. She spoker for less than 40 minutes and took a few questions.
3. She addressed the mulsims as ragheads, and a Muslim who asked a question, she addressed as "My brown-skinned brother".
4. She would only address Islam as a "cult".
5. She constantly called out and criticized Ted Kennedy and Clinton instead of other democrats.
6. She was rude to every democrat who asked a question, even if the question wasn't attacking her. She had no respect for any prodding questions.

There were a number of other interesting points. I am a College Republican, and I think Coulter is a little crazy. But, most importantly she's damn hot, for a political analyst.

Your thoughts on Coulter speaking in the college scene?
She's a hack who isn't representative of the whole Conservative movement...

At the end of Howard Stern's movie, "Private Parts", the station manager mentioned how the enemies of Howard listened to him MORE & LONGER than the people who were fans...

It's the same thing here...The Conservatives with an IQ in the triple digits pay her no mind...But the Left are more than happy to say that what she thinks is what ALL Conservatives think...Simply not true...

But it's an easy target...Why tackle legitimate debate when you can just smear someone who's only agenda is to smear?...

I always find it strange that people attack irrelevant pundits...

Way to drop down to their level...:roll:
She's not a political analyst. She doesn't even deserve to be called something like that. She's pretty much an entertainer like Michael Moore, O'Reilly, and Matthews.

The fact that your college republicans paid to see her speak is absolutely nuts. If you want some interesting conservative intellectuals to listen to, you should've paid Pat Buchannan or someone like him.
Or George Will.

Conservatism does have an intellectual core. It's just that intellectualism does not play well in American politics-- in any movement-- and most people prefer simplistic, emotional partisan politics... the political equivalent of football hooligans.

It's really a shame, because if all our various political ideologies were being led by their best and brightest, it would be better for all of us-- even those who disagree.
It's the same thing here...The Conservatives with an IQ in the triple digits pay her no mind...But the Left are more than happy to say that what she thinks is what ALL Conservatives think...Simply not true...

I would point out, though, that if no one agreed with her or thought she made valid points on a regular basis, she wouldn't be doing what she does because she couldn't make a living at it. The fact that her books sell well and her website gets plenty of hits indicates that she has a sizeable following.

I'm a liberal, and I think Coulter is more or less the devil incarnate (though I do believe she makes one very valid point to do with corruption in the democratic party). But by attacking her, I don't think I'm necessarily attacking all conservatives.
I don't think he was saying that conservatives don't agree with her. I think he's just saying that she is such a jerk, she alienates the smart conservatives.

I think the reason that she is so popular (Besides the fact that she is drop dead sexy) is that she basically says what many dumb *** "conservatives" think. I think the average "conservative" (who shouldn't really be called conservatives since they support Bush's liberal style economics) is a closet racist, to be completely honest. Thats why she is happy when she calls them ragheads.
No one should take Coulter seriously. Like Moore, Sheehan etc. she only rallies her base. She doesn't convince any liberals or moderates to come to the conservative side. She is just an entertainer. A good one though.
simonsiegel said:
I recently saw lovely Anne Coulter when she came to my University to speak. A few comments to speak about:

1. The College Republicans payed over 12,000 for her to speak.
2. She spoker for less than 40 minutes and took a few questions.
3. She addressed the mulsims as ragheads, and a Muslim who asked a question, she addressed as "My brown-skinned brother".
4. She would only address Islam as a "cult".
5. She constantly called out and criticized Ted Kennedy and Clinton instead of other democrats.
6. She was rude to every democrat who asked a question, even if the question wasn't attacking her. She had no respect for any prodding questions.

There were a number of other interesting points. I am a College Republican, and I think Coulter is a little crazy. But, most importantly she's damn hot, for a political analyst.

Your thoughts on Coulter speaking in the college scene?

Awwww are you mad that she didn't treat your ignorant questions with respect? Are you angry she said things you know are true and hated to hear?

Sorry bud, not everyone is going to treat liberals with respect.

If you don't want to be treated like an idiot, don't ask idiotic questions.
cnredd said:
She's a hack who isn't representative of the whole Conservative movement...

At the end of Howard Stern's movie, "Private Parts", the station manager mentioned how the enemies of Howard listened to him MORE & LONGER than the people who were fans...

It's the same thing here...The Conservatives with an IQ in the triple digits pay her no mind...But the Left are more than happy to say that what she thinks is what ALL Conservatives think...Simply not true...

But it's an easy target...Why tackle legitimate debate when you can just smear someone who's only agenda is to smear?...

I always find it strange that people attack irrelevant pundits...

Way to drop down to their level...:roll:

Am I really hearing this?????:lol:

coming from the cons who jump at Ted Kennedy every chance they get? WOW!!!!!
cnredd said:
She's a hack who isn't representative of the whole Conservative movement...

At the end of Howard Stern's movie, "Private Parts", the station manager mentioned how the enemies of Howard listened to him MORE & LONGER than the people who were fans...

It's the same thing here...The Conservatives with an IQ in the triple digits pay her no mind...But the Left are more than happy to say that what she thinks is what ALL Conservatives think...Simply not true...

But it's an easy target...Why tackle legitimate debate when you can just smear someone who's only agenda is to smear?...

I always find it strange that people attack irrelevant pundits...

Way to drop down to their level...:roll:

How can you say that Ann is irrelevant? Her books are constantly best sellers, and she's a regular on Fox news. The hatred she spews is being mimiced in this forum and across America on a regular basis.

I'm glad that you don't take her seriously, but too many simple minds do my friend.
Che said:
Am I really hearing this?????:lol:

coming from the cons who jump at Ted Kennedy every chance they get? WOW!!!!!
You're taking it to the extremes...

If I actually paid attention to Coulter there might be some valid points to what she says...

I'll never know...because I can't get past the manner in which she says them...

Conservative with an IQ - "I think the Democrats have no platform"

Ann Coulter - "I think the Democrats have no platform and they're a bunch of treasonous fags and they should be shot and they will all burn in hell."

Notice the difference?...The common denominator is the same, but the alienation portrayed by her gives no room for legitimate debate, making her nothing more than a "screamer"...

We have the same kind of people right here on this very forum...
sortofconservative said:
We have the same kind of people right here on this very forum...

FreeThinker said:
If that was an attempt at humor, you failed on multiple angles...

The "sortofconservative" tag says more about you than it does me...

It shows that you believe that "towing the party line" is more important than individual thought...

I got news for ya...Conservatives are allowed to think that other Conservatives are wrong...Liberals are allowed to think that other Liberals are wrong...

So please excuse me if I don't force myself to agree with everything a cerrtain Conservative says simply because they say they're a Conservative...

I don't blindly consume...:shrug:

[Moderator Mode]

And may I remind you that this is NOT the Basement?

[/Moderator Mode]
cnredd said:
If that was an attempt at humor, you failed on multiple angles...

The "sortofconservative" tag says more about you than it does me...

It shows that you believe that "towing the party line" is more important than individual thought...

I got news for ya...Conservatives are allowed to think that other Conservatives are wrong...Liberals are allowed to think that other Liberals are wrong...

So please excuse me if I don't force myself to agree with everything a cerrtain Conservative says simply because they say they're a Conservative...

I don't blindly consume...:shrug:

[Moderator Mode]

And may I remind you that this is NOT the Basement?

[/Moderator Mode]

Since you were obviously referring to me, it was extremely funny. I'm sorry that years of debating liberals has numbed your sense of humor.

Also I tend to break from the conservative party on two major issues: abortion and religion. No, I don't blindly follow the party line as you accuse me of.

[Moderator Mode]

And may I remind you that you can either move the thread or PM me if you feel like acting like a moderator. Publicly throwing around the fact that you are a mod is just a bit lol when such a thing as PMs exist.

[/Moderator Mode]
cnredd said:
You're taking it to the extremes...

If I actually paid attention to Coulter there might be some valid points to what she says...

I'll never know...because I can't get past the manner in which she says them...

Conservative with an IQ - "I think the Democrats have no platform"

Ann Coulter - "I think the Democrats have no platform and they're a bunch of treasonous fags and they should be shot and they will all burn in hell."

Notice the difference?...The common denominator is the same, but the alienation portrayed by her gives no room for legitimate debate, making her nothing more than a "screamer"...

We have the same kind of people right here on this very forum...

You missed the point. You're claiming that ann doesn't rep all cons. Meanwhile you claim Ted reps all libs. You're wrong in both cases:lol:
Che said:
You missed the point. You're claiming that ann doesn't rep all cons. Meanwhile you claim Ted reps all libs. You're wrong in both cases:lol:
Whoa whoa whoa l'il horsie!...

Where the heck did I ever say that?...:confused:
Ann Coulter is funny in the same way Michael Moore is funny. When you are in the mood for them they can both be hysterical and highly entertaining. They both sometimes say things you can agree with but they both always follow up a sensible statement with something so outrageous you almost crap yourself laughing. I enjoy them both but would never vote for either in any type of election. As far as Coulter books being best sellers....it doesn't mean anything. I have bought and read Moore books as well as Coulter books. They have both made excellent toilet reading.
Coulter is no more credible than Moore and she no more speaks for all conservatives than Moore does for all liberals. Like Moore, she makes her money telling dittoheads what they want to hear.

However, if some from conservative side of the aisle still insist aligning all liberals with the likes of Moore or Sheehan, then they themselves also deserve to be aligned with quacks like Coulter or O'Reilly.

I am called a liberal by the more facist minded people. I am called a conservative by more socialist types of people.

I am simply a conservative that believes in "live and let live" and I don't feel it's my place to shove my ideologies down the throats of other free Americans like myself.............OR.............I am a liberal who is pro-life, pro-gun, anti-big government and anti-government cheese.

On anybody's scale, I am a moderate (With the exception of the facist or socialist scale. They like to pretend they represent the middle, when in fact, they are on the fringe and are a true minority in and amongst themselves.)

Most everyone I know (or care to know) is a little of both. Liberal AND conservative. That's where the real strength is and that's the true mark of a freethinker.
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Is there a transcript of her speech? In what context did she call Muslims "ragheads." Is that any worse that calling Americans worse than Saddam as bin Laden has just said? He is, after all, a "raghead." (We could say that he is a "towelhead" or a "dishtowel head" and it would be descriptive of his actual headware.) Sounds like it might have been entirely appropriate if she was referring to terrorists. I'd call them worse. In fact, it might have been rather tame in view of the fact that no Americans have yet flown airmbombs into Muslim landmarks murdering 3,000 innocents as was done on 9/11. In fact I would call them vermin and cockroaches but I digress. Vermin and cockroaches serve a useful purpose in cleaning up after human scum like bin Laden.

Why does political correctness only work one way? It is perfectly OK to refer to Bush as an "idiot" and a "liar" but we are to look to the "root causes" when discussing known terrorists. It's always our fault. No doubt we'll be blamed for the floods in the Philipines. I'm sure that's coming next.

What's wrong with this picture?
Che said:
You missed the point. You're claiming that ann doesn't rep all cons. Meanwhile you claim Ted reps all libs. You're wrong in both cases:lol:

You just claimed Ann coulter reps all cons while Ted Kennedy doesn't reps all libs, you are wrong on both points.

The thing is Ted is a senator, Coulter isn't, so Kennedy shows he as a loyal base in his state, while Coulter just attracts random idiots nationwide.
1) I just saw Coulter and Arianna Huffington in a hilarious catfight. I posted about it on that psychotic Muslim thread about the cartoons in the Todays News Forum.

As always, Coulter won.

2) Coulter has a caustic way of making points, but I think the conservative IQ thing here is way off. I think really dumb Republicans AND really smart ones (but nobody in the middle of the party) are drawn to her. The really smart ones are attracted to her because they aren't distracted by all the fireworks, and when they look past all that to get to the message between the lines, they see what no one else is seeing.

Example: On Bill Mahr's show a couple of years ago, I saw Coulter talking about the big deal being made out of Bush's initial reaction (in the classroom) to news of 9/11. Instead of playing along with the lame attempts liberals were making to make hay out of such an irrelevant thing as his initial body language, she said, "My problem wasn't with his reaction, it was with the fact that he was reading to a bunch of school kids. I'm not the one who gave women the right to vote.

To moderately intelligent Republicans, this would seem like an incoherent, mindless slam on women's rights, and they would be repulsed. To dumb Republicans, it would get mindlessly cheered merely for being ballsy. But to really smart Republicans, it would speak volumes.

She was complaining about the fact that the female vote controls every election; many of them vote based on obnoxiously stupid things like sex appeal (remember all those jaw-dropping polls about Clinton getting voted for based on nothing but how sexy he supposedly was?); it requires presidents to do a lot of phony things that have nothing to do with their job-like sitting and reading to kids. MEN don't want to see that kind of crap. It exists only to pander to the female vote.

This one statement was full of bigger statements. Coulter is a Constitutional scholar and a strict Constitutionalist. One of the biggest things it was a statement about is the fact that the role given to the president in the Constitution is commander of the military. What in the hell was he doing reading to a bunch of school kids?

The 10th Amendment clarifies that anything not covered by the Constitution is strictly to be dealt with by the states, as they see fit. The Federal Department of Education shouldn't even exist because of this, and part of what she was saying was that the president shouldn't even have educational initiatives, but because women control every election, we just forgo the Constitution.

Her toxic little jabs have a lot more to them than many people realize.
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FreeThinker said:
Since you were obviously referring to me, it was extremely funny. I'm sorry that years of debating liberals has numbed your sense of humor.

Also I tend to break from the conservative party on two major issues: abortion and religion. No, I don't blindly follow the party line as you accuse me of.

[Moderator Mode]

And may I remind you that you can either move the thread or PM me if you feel like acting like a moderator. Publicly throwing around the fact that you are a mod is just a bit lol when such a thing as PMs exist.

[/Moderator Mode]

[mod mode]

And may I remind you that at this forum we often (not always) warn/nudge/ban publically. If you don't like it, stop breaking the rules.

[/mod mode]
Che said:
Am I really hearing this?????:lol:

coming from the cons who jump at Ted Kennedy every chance they get? WOW!!!!!

Except here's the difference - TK is actually an elected Democratic senator who is respected and deals daily in Democratic officiall issues.

Coulter is a pundit, endorsed by no elected republican, who has no official dealings with the party.
Synch said:
You just claimed Ann coulter reps all cons while Ted Kennedy doesn't reps all libs, you are wrong on both points.

The thing is Ted is a senator, Coulter isn't, so Kennedy shows he as a loyal base in his state, while Coulter just attracts random idiots nationwide.

..aaaaaand i should read all the way through before i post.:lol:

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