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Saw 2 I know how to win. (1 Viewer)

Trajan Octavian Titus

DP Veteran
Aug 17, 2005
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We can't stop here this is bat country!
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
If I was the cop with the missing son I would have put that ****er through water boarding. He won't die but he'll wish that he is dead for a while. And the beauty of it is is that it only takes a wet cloth, a board, and a roap. This whole movie is ****ing retarted I would have broke this **** in under 2 minutes guaranteed. And if he didn't talk under waterboading (which is highly improbable) I would have started to cut off his fingers, one by one by one, then I would have started to go to town with a balpine hammer on ****oes toes, that mother ****er would have given me his life story by the time I finished with him. I know he isn't supposed to care about death but the whole point of successful torture is to keep the subject alive.
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He was tortured. As a matter of fact, he was planning on being tortured, and he used the cop's confidence in brutality to play him.

Torture isn't about pain. It is about helplessness and fear.

The old man was holding all of the cards and he damned well knew it. There's nothing the cop could have done that would've broken him within the time limit-- and even if the cop had more time to work with, the old man would have died from his illness long before he would've broken.

The methods you describe are mere brutality; they're the tools of crooked cops and gangsters, and only work on the kinds of people that crooked cops and gangsters deal with.
Korimyr the Rat said:
He was tortured. As a matter of fact, he was planning on being tortured, and he used the cop's confidence in brutality to play him.

Torture isn't about pain. It is about helplessness and fear.

The old man was holding all of the cards and he damned well knew it. There's nothing the cop could have done that would've broken him within the time limit-- and even if the cop had more time to work with, the old man would have died from his illness long before he would've broken.

The methods you describe are mere brutality; they're the tools of crooked cops and gangsters, and only work on the kinds of people that crooked cops and gangsters deal with.

No they just beat the **** out of him they didn't use effective "interrogation," techniques, I would have had that ****ers life story in under 2 minutes I would have found out the kid was in the safe. It's called water boarding.
All of you guys are wrong...sorry....:2no4:

The first thing that would have been done with the room they found the guy "Saw" in was to remove him and process the entire room. Hence they would have found the kid in the safe.

2 hours to track a video feed? I dont think so. In the real world less then 30 minutes.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
No they just beat the **** out of him they didn't use effective "interrogation," techniques...

You are not paying attention.

Trajan Octavian Titus said:
I would have had that ****ers life story in under 2 minutes I would have found out the kid was in the safe. It's called water boarding.

You would have run whatever quaint little technique you're referring to for two minutes-- and then he would have played you the exact same way he played the cop.

Your understanding of interrogation is sadly limited. If it were even remotely possible to break a determined prisoner in two minutes with any simple technique, there would never be a question of using it regardless of the ethics involved.

You couldn't break me in under two minutes-- and I am a fat, spoiled and decadent civilian who is looking forward to enjoying a long and fruitful life.

cherokee said:
The first thing that would have been done with the room they found the guy "Saw" in was to remove him and process the entire room. Hence they would have found the kid in the safe.

2 hours to track a video feed? I dont think so. In the real world less then 30 minutes.

It wouldn't have made for a good movie, but it's certainly a more valid point than Mr. Titus'.

They'd have tracked the video feed and realized that it was pre-recorded. Would've saved them a lot of other problems. Not the least of which is, they could have fast-forwarded the video to realize that they only had to worry about the accomplice and the boy.

As for finding the kid in the safe, I doubt they'd have accomplished that in under two hours. With Jigsaw's penchant for booby traps, they'd have needed bomb squad, and I don't know if there are any imaging techniques you could use to detect a living person inside a safe that way. You couldn't X-ray it.

They would have gotten the kid out pretty soon-- assuming that the automatic release were somehow disabled-- but it probably would have been four or five hours later.
Korimyr the Rat said:
You are not paying attention.

You would have run whatever quaint little technique you're referring to for two minutes-- and then he would have played you the exact same way he played the cop.

Your understanding of interrogation is sadly limited. If it were even remotely possible to break a determined prisoner in two minutes with any simple technique, there would never be a question of using it regardless of the ethics involved.

You couldn't break me in under two minutes-- and I am a fat, spoiled and decadent civilian who is looking forward to enjoying a long and fruitful life.

Do you know who Kalid Shek Mohammad is? K.S.M. would certainly be considered a very determined prisoner and he broke in under two minutes through the use of waterboarding. Two minutes is a good time, navy seals break in 2 minutes you would break in under 30 seconds.
I did jump the gun somewhat.
The bomb squad would have came in after the first booby trap.

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