mustafa said:
Forget it :mrgreen: .... Why are you against saudi's and arabs so much anyway ... and what do you think of Islam and what exactly you don't like about it , can you give some examples plz ... just wanna know ur percpective
Thanx :2wave:
you realy want to know. i will do my best to answer as candid as I can.
1. I want you take a look at this website, watch and listen to some of the garbage these clerics spew out of their mouth.
2. As one who lived under Islamic regime, I know all too well how much of your dignity, and self respect you a forced to give up in order to just survive as a minority (Jew) in an fundementalist Islamic regime.
You know mustafa? many decades ago when I was a child, we were invited by a Muslim neighbor to another muslim family's celebration of something I don't remember. Upon arrival there, the head of a family kissed and hugged my Jewish father, not being aware of his religion. Later when conversation got as far as my father was forced to reveal his religion, I watched that freaking Muslim curse at my father, his face all red, calling him a "dirty Jew get out of my house", Then he run to take a hot shower and throughouly scrubb himself. I kid you not. You know those images stay with you the rest of your life.
When I see or hear a despotic Imam from Saudi Arabia, or Egypt preach blind hatred of Jews to innocent children of 8 or 10 years of age. I can not and will not tolerate not only these scums, but the type of religion they represent. Islam or no Islam, I DON'T CARE.
What do I have against Saudi Arabia?. The same complain as any other rational persons would have. I expect them to divert some of their vast money donated for the 100,000 madresses around the world to teach these school children vocational skills where they also can make a decent living, beside learning useless and hollow pipe dream of bygone area of Islam past glories, which is unlikely ever to return - given the present circumastances.
What I have against them, is they are more then any Islamic state, are in position to premeate and influence peace between Jews, Christians and Muslims. Instead of conintued support of radical Whabbi sect of Islam, which is by and large more responsible for killing innocet people (muslims and non-Muslims alike), then any other Islamic sect.
My main question is why rational and level headed Muslims can't contain the radical elements of their religion?.
I do have problem with ummah that always plays the victim when thing do not go its way - despite the fact to the contrary. contantly preach for revenge.
Take the example of Israel vs. Pals. since WWII over 130 Million people around the world were displaced, lost their lives, homes, land, dignity. Since then, parctically every group had picked up the pieces, looked forward, forged cooperation with its former enemies and quitely built itself and moved on. Just look at the japan-China. Japan-Koreas. Europe-Germany. Japan-US, Germany-Israel, US-Germany. Now compare that to Israel-Arabs conflict. Why is it the Palestinians are the only remaining refugees on this planet.
Granted, injustice was done. There was a war in 1948 between Israel and Arab. There were more losers, there were less winners. Yes few thousands (Not all) pals were forced out from their land and homes. So faith happened to Jews in Europe, Jews throughout Arab- Islamic counries, including my own family. why these arabs can't swallow their hollow and useless pride, look at he bright side of life. Get down with the Israelis, peach in from their vast land and faniancial resources together with Israel just solve the pals problem once for all. Why do they insist to return to a place it is no longer there. Why any settlement has to end with eminent destruction of the other side. Why no compromise for god sake.
Why Pals are still kept in refugee camps throughout Arab countries, where they are treated like wild and deceased animals.
I don't have problem with Muslims, but I do have problem with the kind of Islam which preaches intolerant and hatred of "infedels". And refers to its holy book for guidance to kill and destroy others who don't subscibe to its narrow and brital ideology.