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Saudi Press: U.S. Blew Up World Trade Center To Create ‘War On Terror’ (1 Viewer)


Mar 13, 2011
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Saudi Press: U.S. Blew Up World Trade Center To Create ‘War On


Sean Adair/Reuters

by DEBORAH DANAN22 May 20167,044

TEL AVIV – The Saudi press is still furious over the U.S. Senate’s

unanimous vote approving a bill that allows the families of 9/11

victims to sue Saudi Arabia. This time, the London-based Al-Hayat

daily has claimed that the U.S. planned the attacks on the World

Trade Center in order to create a global war on terror.


"September 11 is one of winning cards in the American archives,

because all the wise people in the world who are experts on

American policy and who analyze the images and the videos [of

9/11] agree unanimously that what happened in the [Twin] Towers

was a purely American action, planned and carried out within the

U.S. Proof of this is the sequence of continuous explosions that

dramatically ripped through both buildings. … Expert structural

engineers demolished them with explosives, while the planes

crashing [into them] only gave the green light for the detonation

– they were not the reason for the collapse. But the U.S. still

spreads blame in all directions."

Saudi Press: U.S. Blew Up World Trade Center To Create 'War On Terror'

Yup. Using Saudi Arabian nationals. Brilliant! Who could have possibly connected those dots?
A sign that Obama and the congress have pissed off yet another long standing US ally?

(Odds of this ending up in Conspiracy Theories?... 3:1, worse or better?)
A sign that Obama and the congress have pissed off yet another long standing US ally?

And a strong supporter of terrorism who sourced the majority of terrorists involved in 9/11 attacks. If it weren't for their oil, we wouldn't be friends with SA.

(Odds of this ending up in Conspiracy Theories?... 3:1, worse or better?)

Let's see now. The USA definitely use the PR value of the event to initiate a war against Iraq and a War of Terror. Building 7 could certainly use an explanation. No investigation but a hearing type similar to the Warren Commission. Iraq is a shambles and a disaster for humans in Iraq. The War of Terror got rid of that no-good, greedy, corrupt, evil guy in Libya that was wasting all that oil money of things like free housing, free food, free energy, free University education for the citizens of Libya and we've cured that by delivering fear, chaos, mayhem, destruction and death on an apocalyptic scale to those same citizens. Is there a message? " War is good business, and busines is good. " The Military Industrial Corporate Complex has profitted handsomely and every good detective knows, "Follow the money."
And a strong supporter of terrorism who sourced the majority of terrorists involved in 9/11 attacks. If it weren't for their oil, we wouldn't be friends with SA.

If it weren't for the oil, the country's population would be in the thousands and only arabologists would know it existed.
And a strong supporter of terrorism who sourced the majority of terrorists involved in 9/11 attacks. If it weren't for their oil, we wouldn't be friends with SA.

That's a lot of friendship for just a little oil. Saudi Arabia accounts for about 10% of US imports.

(Odds of this ending up in Conspiracy Theories?... 3:1, worse or better?)

Why would it?

The thread is about what the newspaper is reporting, not the truth of their report.
I don't think they (U.S. officials) did it.

But I am convinced that the minute the second plane hit the WTC, neocons in Washington were cheering (assuming no one they cared about was in either building).

Neocons had been desperate for a reason to justify the massive military and more American policing of the world...and bin Laden gave them the perfect excuse.

There is no realistic way you could convince me that neocons were not grateful for what bin Laden did (again, assuming no one they cared about was injured/killed during 9/11).

But again, I don't think they did it. I would say I am 85% sure...but NOT 100%.
And a strong supporter of terrorism who sourced the majority of terrorists involved in 9/11 attacks. If it weren't for their oil, we wouldn't be friends with SA.

Then, why are we trying to be friends with Iran?
Yup. Using Saudi Arabian nationals. Brilliant! Who could have possibly connected those dots?

Many people have connected those dots years ago. Many more people are so well indoctrinated they don't believe it. Go figure.

The other 'dot' connected by many is the Israeli one, but that deception is also still standing after these years because of the success of indoctrination.

Tell a lie frequently enough and loud enough, and the brainwashed masses will buy it.
A sign that Obama and the congress have pissed off yet another long standing US ally?

The effect was huge beyond New York city, and it changed the course of history.

Due to the actions of the Saudi's who brought down the trade centers, the US went into Afghanistan and beyond, ending in killing Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan. In the middle was the creation of Dept of Homeland security, Patriot Act, Global War on Terrorism, invasion of Afghanistan leading to the destabilization of Pakistan and the rise of the Taliban, and eventually leading the USA into a war in Iraq. And we are still in it.

We have given them a pass before:
Who shafted the economy in the '70s with the oil embargo?

Screw them. You cannot just pretend it didn't happen because they are some kind of friend because they buy our military equipment. We demand they identify who was involved, and execute them, and maybe we can be BFF's again.
Trump's job

I revealed the Tramp campaign was a comedy on 4/30. Within days his rivals Cruze and Kasich dropped the election campaign. It would be a joke to go on with this comic show.

This country is ruled by the Feds. They rule the country by controlled intelligence and media. They select politicians through rigged election and justify the election result through the fake poll done by media.

In 2001, Clinton left the White House with a budget surplus. That was unusual. Most U.S.presidents added deficit to the huge national debt. Yet the Feds arranged George W. Bush to win the election. They need a candidate of their own to take care of the big events they planed to create - 911 attack, the Patriot Act and the Mid-east wars.

When the media beat the drum to push up Trump's popularity, it means the Feds having another plan to produce a second "Bush". That's why I said something big will happen - bigger than 911 attack and the Mid-east wars.
The effect was huge beyond New York city, and it changed the course of history.

Due to the actions of the Saudi's who brought down the trade centers, the US went into Afghanistan and beyond, ending in killing Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan. In the middle was the creation of Dept of Homeland security, Patriot Act, Global War on Terrorism, invasion of Afghanistan leading to the destabilization of Pakistan and the rise of the Taliban, and eventually leading the USA into a war in Iraq. And we are still in it.

We have given them a pass before:
Who shafted the economy in the '70s with the oil embargo?

Screw them. You cannot just pretend it didn't happen because they are some kind of friend because they buy our military equipment. We demand they identify who was involved, and execute them, and maybe we can be BFF's again.

The Wahabi's are the Saudi's right wing religious extremist nut jobs, who don't represent the government, the Royal family, nor the common man on the street.

It would be no more appropriate to blame the US Federal Government for the Westboro Baptist Church.
The Wahabi's are the Saudi's right wing religious extremist nut jobs, who don't represent the government, the Royal family, nor the common man on the street.

It would be no more appropriate to blame the US Federal Government for the Westboro Baptist Church.
My takeaway is that it was member of the Royal House of Saud. It it was Wahabi's then the Saudi's should have taken action against them, just as we would have done to the Westboro church if they attacked the Trade Centers.
...and half this message board agrees with them.
My takeaway is that it was member of the Royal House of Saud. It it was Wahabi's then the Saudi's should have taken action against them, just as we would have done to the Westboro church if they attacked the Trade Centers.

The Saudi's have been taking action against the Wahabi's for a long time now already.
A bit harder to do when they are in other countries and no longer under your jurisdiction.
The Saudis cooperated with others, but likely had little to do with actual or original planning. The visas issued to the "hijackers" were issued in the US Embassy in Saudi. Money transfers were made from Saudi interests to the Saudi nationals posing as hijackers. Saudi individuals are involved with Carlyle Group.

Their hands are dirty, but not necessarily bloody. The Israeli government's hands are more bloody than dirty.

Is it really wise to take Breitbart at face value?

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