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Satellite imagery shows hundreds of "Russian" tanks near the border with Ukraine/ putler´s new attac (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 2, 2017
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Satellite imagery shows hundreds of "Russian" tanks near the border with Ukraine/ putler´s new attac

does it mean that putler prepare a new attack on Ukrainian state ?


"Satellite imagery from Google Earth taken on November shows hundreds of Russian main battle tanks at a new military base on the outskirts of the Kamensk-Shakhtinsky.

The large-scale military base only 18 kilometers away from the border with toward rebel-held territory in eastern Ukraine. Images show hundreds of main battle tank like as T-64 and also T-62M, while a thousand military trucks, artillery systems and tankers are located slightly higher.

Russia has been ramping up its forces near the border with Ukraine since August and now poses the greatest military threat since 2014, the year Moscow annexed Crimea, the commander of Ukraine’s armed forces told Reuters in an interview on Tuesday.

Muzhenko said Russian troop levels were at “the highest” since 2014, when Moscow annexed Crimea and then deployed forces to eastern Ukraine.

“In front of us is an aggressor who has no legal, moral or any other limits,” he said. “It is very difficult to predict when it will occur to him to begin active combat actions against Ukraine.”

“This (the Kerch Strait incident) was an act of aggression from regular forces, the border service (of the Russian Federation) in relation to the Ukrainian armed forces,” Muzhenko said."

Re: Satellite imagery shows hundreds of "Russian" tanks near the border with Ukraine/ putler´s new a

So a tank made in the 1960s is now a threat to Europe?
Re: Satellite imagery shows hundreds of "Russian" tanks near the border with Ukraine/ putler´s new a

So a tank made in the 1960s is now a threat to Europe?

everything what putler has today made in 1950-60. still NATO prefers empty talks with Nigeria in snow and allowing him kill Europeans daily

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