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Sarah Palin on media double standard: 'I wouldn't have prostituted myself ... to garner better press (1 Viewer)

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The media treats Democrats as "delicate pieces of china," while Republicans are largely portrayed as the "bull in a china shop," former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin argued Wednesday.

In an interview on "Tucker Carlson Tonight," Palin said she was both "nauseated and just laughing," from remarks delivered at the Democratic Convention, reflecting a culture that is "just so out of touch with the normal average Americans."

Sarah Palin on media double standard: '''I wouldn'''t have prostituted myself ... to garner better press''' | Fox News

I am not sure who is a bigger piece of ****. Carlson or Palin?
I liked her reality show. I wish that had become a regular staple instead of a 1 time thing.

Yeah everyone loves a train wreck
Palin is just happy to get back in front of a camera.........
To republican men, she was nothing more than a piece of arse they fantasized about. As far as I'm concerned she became the prostitute of the gop the day she accepted McCain's offer.
To republican men, she was nothing more than a piece of arse they fantasized about. As far as I'm concerned she became the prostitute of the gop the day she accepted McCain's offer.

she wasn't unattractive ... until she opened her mouth
To republican men, she was nothing more than a piece of arse they fantasized about. As far as I'm concerned she became the prostitute of the gop the day she accepted McCain's offer.

It wasn’t McCain’s idea.

She campaigned for the job. She even gave Bill Kristin a helicopter ride!!

After that, he “waved the pom poms” for Sarah Palin............
It wasn’t McCain’s idea.

She campaigned for the job. She even gave Bill Kristin a helicopter ride!!

After that, he “waved the pom poms” for Sarah Palin............

I wouldn't be surprised if McCain had any idea of who Palin was.
"Remember, these Democrat candidates, they are treated as delicate pieces of china whereas someone like me, and other kind of hardcore common constitutional conservatives, we’re more like the bull in the china shop," she argued.

No, Palin, you're a demented ass clown who already had her 15 minutes.
Welp kids, it's officially election season. Fox has wheeled Caribou Barbie out of the bubble wrap to give an opinion that any rational human wouldn't give a **** about. Perhaps we can again be regaled with White Trash Tales of teenage pregnancy and drunken family fistfights before November ends.
damn. those DNC speeches are so good they're bringing in the old troops to try to attack them.
That woman is so stupid she could be Trump's twin sister.

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