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Sandy Cortez gets tricked into making the case for tax cuts... by NPR (1 Viewer)


Educating the Ignorant
DP Veteran
Dec 19, 2008
Reaction score
Political Leaning
NPR: Next question: “I get that. But deficit spending is borrowing money. It has to be paid back eventually, somehow, like through taxes.”

CORTEZ: Yeah, and I think that is always the crux of it. So when we decide to go into the realm of deficit spending, we have to do so responsibly. We ask, “Is this an investment or is this actually gonna pay for itself?”

NPR: So you’re saying, “Borrow the money; make the investment. The economy will grow; we’ll pay off the debt”?

CORTEZ: Absolutely! Because we’re creating jobs.

NPR: Next question: “I get that. But deficit spending is borrowing money. It has to be paid back eventually, somehow, like through taxes.”

CORTEZ: Yeah, and I think that is always the crux of it. So when we decide to go into the realm of deficit spending, we have to do so responsibly. We ask, “Is this an investment or is this actually gonna pay for itself?”

NPR: So you’re saying, “Borrow the money; make the investment. The economy will grow; we’ll pay off the debt”?

CORTEZ: Absolutely! Because we’re creating jobs.


Yeah...…...we've always been for tax cuts for the poor and middle class. Not paying attention or something? LMAO!
Yeah...…...we've always been for tax cuts for the poor and middle class. Not paying attention or something? LMAO!
That isnt what she is talking about

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Yeah...…...we've always been for tax cuts for the poor and middle class. Not paying attention or something? LMAO!

She made the case for tax cuts, and how they pay for themselves.

PS. The poor don’t pay taxes.
Yeah...…...we've always been for tax cuts for the poor and middle class. Not paying attention or something? LMAO!

if making $19,500 a year after taxes is rich, yea, I've ONLY ever seen tax cuts for rich people :roll:
Yeah...…...we've always been for tax cuts for the poor and middle class. Not paying attention or something? LMAO!

What about mom-n-pop businesses? Should they get a tax cut?
PS. The poor don’t pay taxes.

This is a popularly used expression which is factually wrong. In fact, egregiously wrong.

Try to figure out why and respond, I will then issue your grade.

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