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Sanders fans may be excited for free stuff... but are less willing to pay for it. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 20, 2009
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Political Leaning
How very astonishing.

Vox recently conducted a study ,with the help of the polling firm Morning Consult, to determine how much more supporters of the Vermont Senator would be willing to pay in taxes in order to enact his healthcare and college proposals.
The study found that more than half of all supporters would not be willing to pay more than $1,000 annually for his “Medicare-for-All” healthcare, or $1,500 for free college...

Sanders’ plan for “Medicare-for-All” would increase taxes for most voters by at least $1,000 per year. That’s because the proposed program would include:

  • A 2.2% surcharge on individual incomes; and
  • A new 6.2% tax on earnings (paid for by workers but likely to be passed onto workers over time in the former of lower wages).

As a result, some analysts have concluded that the Vermont Senator’s plan will end up costing Americans nearly double what his campaign estimates it will — and that is with the average American household on the hook for an additional $4,692 in federal taxes under a President Sanders next year...

Those promising to take from Peter to give to Paul can always count on Paul's vote.
How very astonishing.

Those promising to take from Peter to give to Paul can always count on Paul's vote.

Sanders fans may be excited for free stuff... but are less willing to pay for it.



How very astonishing.

Those promising to take from Peter to give to Paul can always count on Paul's vote.

What's astonishing to me is that these people are already currently mandated (by a law Democrats championed) to pay several times that amount just in premiums to private sector insurance companies.

"Would you like to save over 75% of what you currently spend on health insurance premiums and instead have a single payer system?" "YEAH!!!!" "Okay, here's what it'll cost you after your 75% savings." "Hmm, no, nevermind, I'll stick with what I've got." WTF? How do these people even have the capacity to manage a checking account?

No wonder they want government to take care of them. They're blatantly incompetent. Apparently those who rally whole-heartedly behind Sanders or any other Presidential candidate (GOP side too) aren't actually using their brains to think about anything. An fMRI would probably reveal no activity except in the brain-stem. Mindless zombies.
How very astonishing.

Those promising to take from Peter to give to Paul can always count on Paul's vote.

In Germany the cost is well higher and that is for a less extensive level of medical services.
How very astonishing.

Those promising to take from Peter to give to Paul can always count on Paul's vote.

A program like the one BS wants would cost between 18.5 and 23 percent of their income at the lower than US German health care level.
In Germany the cost is well higher and that is for a less extensive level of medical services.

The Germans are fools, led around by the nose.

The German Public Service TV station that interviewed me in October, ARD, is funded in part by mandatory payment from all German citizens...$18 a month, whether you watch the programming, have a TV, or not!
A program like the one BS wants would cost between 18.5 and 23 percent of their income at the lower than US German health care level.
[emoji38] hooray! magic!!!

I bet it comes in at least as on-feel-good-projection as Medicare/Medicaid!

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Fools All!!!

Voting to pay additional taxes is like being a whore in Titsburg! Cutting spending and cutting Big Govt. .....is the key....

You can't constantly cut taxes. Taxes have to be there.
What's astonishing to me is that these people are already currently mandated (by a law Democrats championed) to pay several times that amount just in premiums to private sector insurance companies.

"Would you like to save over 75% of what you currently spend on health insurance premiums and instead have a single payer system?" "YEAH!!!!" "Okay, here's what it'll cost you after your 75% savings." "Hmm, no, nevermind, I'll stick with what I've got." WTF? How do these people even have the capacity to manage a checking account?

No wonder they want government to take care of them. They're blatantly incompetent. Apparently those who rally whole-heartedly behind Sanders or any other Presidential candidate (GOP side too) aren't actually using their brains to think about anything. An fMRI would probably reveal no activity except in the brain-stem. Mindless zombies.

Stellar post!
You can't constantly cut taxes. Taxes have to be there.

I said CUT Spending. I've worked for Federal, County and City governments, my wife worked for State govt. and the waste across the board is unbelievable.
Most govt. agencies can make do on 50-70% of what they take in.
I said CUT Spending. I've worked for Federal, County and City governments, my wife worked for State govt. and the waste across the board is unbelievable.
Most govt. agencies can make do on 50-70% of what they take in.

So you've been sucking at the government teet for some time now eh?
As a taxpayer I want less spent on gov benefits with the focus being on lowering tax burden and pushing for personal prosperity and personal empowerment to better one's circumstances. The government should exist to protect me, defend the country and national interests, and ensure proper working infrastructure. Social welfare should be on the individual with safety nets for unavoidable outcomes like medical disability. If someone needs to work 60 hours to meet their needs then they need to work 60 hours. If I have to take out extreme loans to pay for an education and spend 80+ hours a week working towards my education people receiving thousands in benefits can work full time and then some.
So you've been sucking at the government teet for some time now eh?

No....that would be the socialists, who believe Bernie Sanders is anything but a Communist! What I did was to serve my country and serve the citizens of my community. I sucked nothing, but I did earn a sometimes not so living wage, in doing so.
The waste isn't as much in the rank and file, as it is with those running the asylum....starting with the President and all of Congress.....and the heads of all departments in all govt. agencies.
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As a taxpayer I want less spent on gov benefits with the focus being on lowering tax burden and pushing for personal prosperity and personal empowerment to better one's circumstances. The government should exist to protect me, defend the country and national interests, and ensure proper working infrastructure. Social welfare should be on the individual with safety nets for unavoidable outcomes like medical disability. If someone needs to work 60 hours to meet their needs then they need to work 60 hours. If I have to take out extreme loans to pay for an education and spend 80+ hours a week working towards my education people receiving thousands in benefits can work full time and then some.

I've been working since I was 6, officially since I was 14 and paying taxes since I was 19. Often times, earning my wages to pay for some free loading, pencil neck, Bernie Sanders type!
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No....that would be the socialists, who believe Bernie Sanders is anything but a Communist! What I did was to serve my country and serve the citizens of my community. I sucked nothing, but I did earn a sometimes not so living wage, in doing so.
The waste isn't as much in the rank and file, as it is with those running the asylum....starting with the President and all of Congress.

So while you, as a government employee, were serving the people, all those around you were not?

lol... your answer is talking point claptrap you can't back up.

"I hate gubamint. Gubamint bad.. except for me and the people around me in gubamint. Everyone else bad. Fire bad! I like chocolate!"
So while you, as a government employee, were serving the people, all those around you were not?

lol... your answer is talking point claptrap you can't back up.

"I hate gubamint. Gubamint bad.. except for me and the people around me in gubamint. Everyone else bad. Fire bad! I like chocolate!"

There you go again.............................entering facts not in evidence! I wasn't just talking about me.

And btw....my government service was only about half of my working life. I worked in the private sector for about 20 years as well, retired from police work 18 years ago and now run my own business.
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I've been working since I was 6, officially since I was 14 and paying taxes since I was 19. Often times earning my wages to pay for some free loading, pencil neck, Bernie Sanders type!

As a soon to be working professional I will pay back student loans on high interest that are pure profit for the gov on top of paying a large chunk of my income in taxes. As an individual who worked in high school and college and a student who paid money to invest in my future working 80+ hours a week to get through a doctoral program I'd expect similar standards from others who are able-bodied. The "living wage" at 40 hours per week is a farce. There is nothing wrong with requiring more than that if the same can be expected of students who are expected to pay off their education with interest compared to shelling out thousands in benefits to people who physically can work more to provide. As an American citizen I want better infrastructure, strong foreign policy, and a system that's set up to allow me to keep as much of my wealth with freedom over my personal prosperity instead of confiscating that to pay for others that are able-bodied and have an entitlement mindset. The government should be focused on allowing hard-working citizens to prosper and providing the framework for that.
There you go again.............................entering facts not in evidence! I wasn't just talking about me.

And btw....my government service was only about half of my working life. I worked in the private sector for about 20 years as well, retired from police work 18 years ago and now run my own business.

Good for you. So you only worked half your adult life on the government dole... while hating government. What a mind-screw that must be to have to reconcile.
As a soon to be working professional I will pay back student loans on high interest that are pure profit for the gov on top of paying a large chunk of my income in taxes. As an individual who worked in high school and college and a student who paid money to invest in my future working 80+ hours a week to get through a doctoral program I'd expect similar standards from others who are able-bodied. The "living wage" at 40 hours per week is a farce. There is nothing wrong with requiring more than that if the same can be expected of students who are expected to pay off their education with interest compared to shelling out thousands in benefits to people who physically can work more to provide. As an American citizen I want better infrastructure, strong foreign policy, and a system that's set up to allow me to keep as much of my wealth with freedom over my personal prosperity instead of confiscating that to pay for others that are able-bodied and have an entitlement mindset. The government should be focused on allowing hard-working citizens to prosper and providing the framework for that.

I agree....

Good for you. So you only worked half your adult life on the government dole... while hating government. What a mind-screw that must be to have to reconcile.

I don't hate government, I despise those who control the government....mostly out of power and greed. How many times have you said, or heard someone else say...."this would be such a great job if only the bosses would stay home."

I've said it often, many fellow workers have said it too. The institutions aren't the big problem, it's those in power. I've worked many jobs where I despised my boss, but needed to support my family.

Bernie Sanders is a Tinker Bell and btw....he has been on the government dole since 1981 and had been the longest-serving independent in U.S. congressional history, though his caucusing with the Democrats entitled him to committee assignments and at times gave Democrats a majority.
The country does not have the money to finance Sanders pipe dreams!

And all the young college and high school dopes out there, supporting him....are clueless dweebs!
I agree....

I don't hate government, I despise those who control the government....mostly out of power and greed. How many times have you said, or heard someone else say...."this would be such a great job if only the bosses would stay home."

I've said it often, many fellow workers have said it too. The institutions aren't the big problem, it's those in power. I've worked many jobs where I despised my boss, but needed to support my family.

Bernie Sanders is a Tinker Bell and btw....he has been on the government dole since 1981 and had been the longest-serving independent in U.S. congressional history, though his caucusing with the Democrats entitled him to committee assignments and at times gave Democrats a majority.
The country does not have the money to finance Sanders pipe dreams!

We are the richest country on earth. Poorer countries do more with less. Sanders' plans do more with less. Like spending a lot less on healthcare while covering 100% of the population.
I said CUT Spending. I've worked for Federal, County and City governments, my wife worked for State govt. and the waste across the board is unbelievable.
Most govt. agencies can make do on 50-70% of what they take in.

Cutting overhead spending, which is what government most certainly is, is almost always a good thing. It isn't surprising the levels of waste, all of which needs to be curb / cut / reduced / eliminated.

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