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Same punishment? (1 Viewer)


New member
May 16, 2005
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Shouldn't the lady who pretended to have a finger in her Wendy's chili and the Runaway Bride both get the same punishment? They both generated undo media and both obviously are disturbed.

Still it appears that only the Wendy's lady is going to get to say goodbye to her child for maybe ten years and hello to jail. On the other hand the rich spoiled (you know what) is getting a pat on the back and a loco husband to boot.
GetVictd said:
Shouldn't the lady who pretended to have a finger in her Wendy's chili and the Runaway Bride both get the same punishment? They both generated undo media and both obviously are disturbed.

Still it appears that only the Wendy's lady is going to get to say goodbye to her child for maybe ten years and hello to jail. On the other hand the rich spoiled (you know what) is getting a pat on the back and a loco husband to boot.
The former is a calculating thief and con artist pulling a scam to defraud. She was also was also charged with grand theft in connection with an unrelated incident uncovered during the course of the Wendy's investigation. She is accused of bilking a woman out of $11,000 in a real estate transaction.

The latter is an anxiety filled woman who had trouble coping with the lunacy that surrounds a 600 guest wedding.

They are as alike as day and night. So are their motives and actions.
Fantasea said:
The former is a calculating thief and con artist pulling a scam to defraud. She was also was also charged with grand theft in connection with an unrelated incident uncovered during the course of the Wendy's investigation. She is accused of bilking a woman out of $11,000 in a real estate transaction.

The latter is an anxiety filled woman who had trouble coping with the lunacy that surrounds a 600 guest wedding.

They are as alike as day and night. So are their motives and actions.

No both filed false reports. There is no difference. They both committed a crime (like sin is sin no matter the degree).

BTW the latest news is both may serve time...the bride (6yrs) and the wendy's woman (10yrs).
GetVictd said:
No both filed false reports. There is no difference. They both committed a crime (like sin is sin no matter the degree).

BTW the latest news is both may serve time...the bride (6yrs) and the wendy's woman (10yrs).
There are three kinds of sin; original, mortal, and venial; just as there are degrees of murder, theft, assault, etc.

The Wendy's gal will get jail time; the bride will get a stern lecture and maybe some community service.
Fantasea said:
There are three kinds of sin; original, mortal, and venial; just as there are degrees of murder, theft, assault, etc.

The Wendy's gal will get jail time; the bride will get a stern lecture and maybe some community service.

:lol: you're probably right. American Justice
Fantasea said:
There are three kinds of sin; original, mortal, and venial; just as there are degrees of murder, theft, assault, etc.

The Wendy's gal will get jail time; the bride will get a stern lecture and maybe some community service.

An impressive recollection of fact and a most insightful answer.

I appreciate your wisdom.

The Voice
GetVictd said:
:lol: you're probably right. American Justice

Oh o! Lastest news apparently the husband to be did not want to participate in pre-marital sex. Also the 32-year-old MEDICAL ASSISTANT has three priors (shoplifting).

1. Making False Statements, a felony - five years - $10,000.00 fine
2. Filling a False Police Report, a misdemeanor - one year - $1,000.00 fine

*The city of Duluth, Ga. wants their money back for the seach parties (LOL) $43,000.00

...I might win this debate (Fantasea :shock: )
GetVictd said:
Oh o! Lastest news apparently the husband to be did not want to participate in pre-marital sex. Also the 32-year-old MEDICAL ASSISTANT has three priors (shoplifting).

1. Making False Statements, a felony - five years - $10,000.00 fine
2. Filling a False Police Report, a misdemeanor - one year - $1,000.00 fine

*The city of Duluth, Ga. wants their money back for the seach parties (LOL) $43,000.00

...I might win this debate (Fantasea :shock: )
:Oopsie The plot thickens!

Perhaps the 600 who were invited to the wedding could solve the problem by sending their gift checks directly to the City of Duluth. :2rofll:
F L A S H ! ! ! !

The mayor of Duluth GA announced today that she would settle for a payment of $13,000 "To get this all behind us."

Justice? Or, injustice?
Fantasea said:
The former is a calculating thief and con artist pulling a scam to defraud. She was also was also charged with grand theft in connection with an unrelated incident uncovered during the course of the Wendy's investigation. She is accused of bilking a woman out of $11,000 in a real estate transaction.

The latter is an anxiety filled woman who had trouble coping with the lunacy that surrounds a 600 guest wedding.

They are as alike as day and night. So are their motives and actions.

For once I agree with you 100%.

IMHO, if a guy got cold feet and left town, nobody would be sending out search parties looking for him and he wouldn't feel any compunction to call his parents and make really lame excuses (kidnapped by Latino male, etc.) to justify his absence. He wouldn't be shown on camera getting on a plane to go back home, humiliated and repentant, with a rug over his head. And nobody'd be asking him to repay the cost of the search, police overtime, ad nauseam. He'd just be seen as doing a typical "guy" thing. She did a "guy" thing and boy, did she get punished for it.

The war on women in this country just goes on, and on, and on...
geekgrrl said:
Originally Posted by Fantasea
The former is a calculating thief and con artist pulling a scam to defraud. She was also was also charged with grand theft in connection with an unrelated incident uncovered during the course of the Wendy's investigation. She is accused of bilking a woman out of $11,000 in a real estate transaction.

The latter is an anxiety filled woman who had trouble coping with the lunacy that surrounds a 600 guest wedding.

They are as alike as day and night. So are their motives and actions.
For once I agree with you 100%.

IMHO, if a guy got cold feet and left town, nobody would be sending out search parties looking for him and he wouldn't feel any compunction to call his parents and make really lame excuses (kidnapped by Latino male, etc.) to justify his absence. He wouldn't be shown on camera getting on a plane to go back home, humiliated and repentant, with a rug over his head. And nobody'd be asking him to repay the cost of the search, police overtime, ad nauseam. He'd just be seen as doing a typical "guy" thing. She did a "guy" thing and boy, did she get punished for it.

The war on women in this country just goes on, and on, and on...
The problem with her is found in that old adage, "The truth will out."

I saw a news program run of the tape of her 'interview' with the cops. The story she told was from "Venus" all right. Ms Sweetie Face has turned out to be a collosal liar. What a fable she invented.

"Oh what a tangled web we weave,.."

Don't miss it.
GetVictd said:
:lol: you're probably right. American Justice

Yes our system weights the serverity of the offensive and the maliciousness and premeditation of it and tries to do so fairly. Be glad you live under the American Justice system (assuming you do)

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