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Same Players Promoting Another Bloodbath, This Time In Iran (1 Viewer)


Jul 28, 2010
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Playing the Never Again Card, Again | Criminal State

Playing the Never Again Card, Again

August 18, 2010 by Jeff Gates

"The phony intelligence used to induce our March 2003 invasion of Iraq has been dusted off. This time it’s being deployed to take us into Iran. Same scam. Same storyline. Same fraud—even featuring some of the same players. Except that this time around their deception lacks the broader context required to gain traction for their phony content. That key difference makes today’s perpetrators far more transparent—for those willing to look. Those foisting on us this latest fraud also face another challenge: Americans now realize it was Israel and its advocates who fixed that false intelligence. That realization adds combustibility to the facts now fueling Israel’s fast-fading legitimacy. Each week brings new insights that undermine generally accepted truths about 911 and our response to that mass murder on U.S. soil. As the costs continue to rise in both blood and treasure, the credibility of those who sold us this “Clash” continues its steady decline. One key player in this long-running fraud remains unfazed: mainstream media."

In March 2002, Israeli-American Jeffrey Goldberg published in The New Yorker a story alleging an alliance between the jihadists of Al Qaeda and the secular Baathists of Iraq. Though an impossible premise, his account made it appear plausible. His collaborator was James Woolsey, a former Director of the CIA and an avid Zionist. Woolsey assured us that Iraqi intelligence officials met in Prague with Al Qaeda. Woolsey’s intelligence was “sexed up” to sound credible. Now we know it was false. All of it. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. In the consistency and common source of this duplicity lies the perilous future of Israel and its fast-shrinking legitimacy as a nation state. The fast-growing worldwide revulsion at all things Israeli suggests that this latest fraud may yet fail—though not for lack of trying."

The Liars Return

"Goldberg is back with another round of “reporting” in the best Goebbels tradition. Woolsey helped hyped his 2002 New Yorker essay, calling it a “blockbuster.” That it was. Woolsey, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Richard Perle lobbied the Bush White House in May 2004 to retain Iraqi liar Ahmed Chalabi as the U.S.-favored leader for Iraq. Perle took two decades to develop Chalabi as an Israeli asset—at U.S. taxpayer expense. New York Times “reporter” Judith Miller featured as facts Chalabi’s fabrications about Iraqi WMD. Meanwhile, Perle took over as chair of the Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board in 2001—on which Woolsey and Gingrich served. None dare call this treason—yet. Goldberg is now making the Evil Doer case for Iran. Writing in the July 22, 2008 issue of The Atlantic, he argues the Israeli case for bombing Iran and urges that the U.S. again join the fray."
Some more propaganda. Yay.
You WOULD say that, You evil Joo, you.

The fact that no one from the Middle East section would refute the material I posted speaks volumes about who the true "propagandists" are here at debatepolitics.com. Sweeping the facts under the rug by calling them "conspiracy theories" or making unoriginal, childish comments does not change them. If you disagree with the points that have been made, or feel that they are inaccurate, please try to back your assertions, which so far have been nothing more than snotty comments, with some substance. What has been done so far is right out of the old USSR playbook.

Can you prove Iran has no nukes? Neither can we. So how is your opinions any more relevant than ours? All we can both do is speculate with what we DO know.
The fact that no one from the Middle East section would refute the material I posted speaks volumes about who the true "propagandists" are here at debatepolitics.com. Sweeping the facts under the rug by calling them "conspiracy theories" or making unoriginal, childish comments does not change them. If you disagree with the points that have been made, or feel that they are inaccurate, please try to back your assertions, which so far have been nothing more than snotty comments, with some substance. What has been done so far is right out of the old USSR playbook.


Yes, you have referenced a hate site.

Yes, you have referenced a hate site.


What "hate site" are you refrring to sir? I have referenced NO "hate sites"....Again, no substance as usual, just ad hom and general BS....
What "hate site" are you refrring to sir? I have referenced NO "hate sites"....Again, no substance as usual, just ad hom and general BS....

The hate site that refers to Israel as a "criminal state".

Feel free to take your Jew hatred elsewhere.
The hate site that refers to Israel as a "criminal state".

Feel free to take your Jew hatred elsewhere.

If it was a country other than Israel being called a criminal state would you still call it a hate site?
If it was a country other than Israel being called a criminal state would you still call it a hate site?

If it's objective were the same as this site, of course.
If it's objective were the same as this site, of course.

Oh so, if I pointed to another site that used this same language in reference to another country you would just say the objective was different and therefore it wasn't a hate site. What is this so-called objective and what actual proof do you have that it is the objective?
The hate site that refers to Israel as a "criminal state".

Feel free to take your Jew hatred elsewhere.

I have no hatred for Jews or any other hapless religious dupes, sport. I believe that the state of Israel is run by a pack of lying, theiving, murderous criminals. The evidence supports my assertions. The rulers of Israel are atheists who have nothing to do with Judaism or any other silly religious dogma, except to use it as a tool to inflame their minions. Israel, by definition IS a "Criminal State". Their actions speak for themselves. The author of "Crimial State" is Jeff Gates. Here are his credentials:

JEFF GATES: Watching Israel Delegitimize the United States of America | My Catbird Seat

"Jeff Gates is a widely acclaimed author, attorney, investment banker, educator and consultant to government, corporate and union leaders worldwide. He served for seven years as counsel to the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance. He is widely published in the trade, popular and academic press. His Website: Criminal State | Guilt By Association His latest book is Guilt by Association: How Deception and Self-Deceit Took America to War. His previous books include Democracy at Risk: Rescuing Main Street From Wall Street and The Ownership Solution: Toward a Shared Capitalism for the 21st Century."

What, if ANY are your credentials, and why should anyone take any of your inane, pointless drivel seriously? Do you dispute the assertions made by Mr Gates? If so, on what grounds. You have accused him of creating a "hate site". Do you have anything at all to back up YOUR assertions? If so, make a cogent argument. Thusfar you have provided nothing but silly, pointless, unsubstantiated attacks on Mr Gates and me.

Originally Posted by Gardener
The hate site that refers to Israel as a "criminal state". Feel free to take your Jew hatred elsewhere.

I have no hatred for Jews or any other hapless religious dupes, sport. I believe that the state of Israel is run by a pack of lying, theiving, murderous criminals. The evidence supports my assertions. The rulers of Israel are atheists who have nothing to do with Judaism or any other silly religious dogma, except to use it as a tool to inflame their minions. Israel, by definition IS a "Criminal State". Their actions speak for themselves. The author of "Crimial State" is Jeff Gates. Here are his credentials:

JEFF GATES: Watching Israel Delegitimize the United States of America | My Catbird Seat

"Jeff Gates is a widely acclaimed author, attorney, investment banker, educator and consultant to government, corporate and union leaders worldwide. He served for seven years as counsel to the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance. He is widely published in the trade, popular and academic press. His Website: Criminal State | Guilt By Association His latest book is Guilt by Association: How Deception and Self-Deceit Took America to War. His previous books include Democracy at Risk: Rescuing Main Street From Wall Street and The Ownership Solution: Toward a Shared Capitalism for the 21st Century."

What, if ANY are your credentials, and why should anyone take any of your inane, pointless drivel seriously? Do you dispute the assertions made by Mr Gates? If so, on what grounds. You have accused him of creating a "hate site". Do you have anything at all to back up YOUR assertions? If so, make a cogent argument. Thusfar you have provided nothing but silly, pointless, unsubstantiated attacks on Mr Gates and me.


When Gardener calls the leadership of Iran a bunch of murdering thugs, I guess that doesn't qualify as hatespeech here on this forum....LOL....But when I express my well founded opinion opinion that Israel is a "criminal state", the moderators immediately moved this post into the "Conspiracy Theories" sub-forum....This was originally posted rightfullyly in the middle east section...Then ignorant blowhard Gardener spews his usual pointless, unsubstantiated drivel and dissappears without supporting any of his claims...If this is to be a political debate forum, let's get real and cut the transparent BS....


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