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Salvador Allende/General pinochet (1 Viewer)


Libertarian socialist
DP Veteran
Jul 23, 2005
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Staffs, England
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Very Liberal
Im currently writing a personal study on this issue for my history course and im curious as to what peoples view on the matter is. What im assesing is the credibility of Pinochets claim that he overthrew Allende to save the country from economic ruin and a marxist-leninist dictatorship. My own veiw is that although Allende did go through a disturbingly authoritarian phase, the coup wasnt necessairy. My main reason for this is that during the period before the coup Allende began to copoporate with the army more and cut his links with extremist groups to restabilise chile. The real reason for the coup was the tendancy of america and its multinationals to defend its own econominc intrests through military action and suporting dictators. You can see a similar pattern in veitnam, gutamala and cuba
Red_Dave said:
Im currently writing a personal study on this issue for my history course and im curious as to what peoples view on the matter is. What im assesing is the credibility of Pinochets claim that he overthrew Allende to save the country from economic ruin and a marxist-leninist dictatorship. My own veiw is that although Allende did go through a disturbingly authoritarian phase, the coup wasnt necessairy. My main reason for this is that during the period before the coup Allende began to copoporate with the army more and cut his links with extremist groups to restabilise chile. The real reason for the coup was the tendancy of america and its multinationals to defend its own econominc intrests through military action and suporting dictators. You can see a similar pattern in veitnam, gutamala and cuba
This example illustrates the total hypocracy & double standards of the USA, that they could overthrow a democratically elected president by backing a military coup as part of the hysterical anti communist phobia exaggerated by those wishing to maintain the status quo of the USA as financial controller of the world & to protect US multi national corporate interests.
Heck I'm a capitalist, but this was going far too far & there are many many examples of the same thing in other countries.
To think that treacherous slimeball Kissinger that was at the back of it, got a Nobel peace prize :shock:
He should have been got rid of at the same time America evacuated it's bowels of Nixon.
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Maggie Thatcher i liked her, but i will let Robin to say a bit more about that.
SHE was good to the BRITS in 1 way,she gave every 1 there house at a third of the price,that was great,not many country will ever do that even the UNITED STATES
would never think about it,tho i had my own house any way,but it was a great move, she was a good PM,better than the shite we have now.

Robin can explain to u guys how she done it.


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