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Sailor eyed in possible arson on Navy ship that burned for days (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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Sailor eyed in possible arson on Navy ship that burned for days


Investigators believe a massive fire that erupted on the Navy ship the USS Bonhomme Richard may have been intentionally set, and a Navy sailor has been identified as a possible suspect, two Defense officials confirmed Wednesday. The new details in the investigation of the July fire were reported earlier Wednesday by KGTV, an ABC affiliate in San Diego where the amphibious assault ship is based. Two Defense officials confirmed to NBC News that investigators now suspect arson. But the investigation is ongoing, and a determination has not been made as to whether the sailor is an actual suspect in the fire. The sailor was not named, and no additional details were released. The Naval Criminal Investigative Service, with assistance from the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives' national response team, is investigating the circumstances of the fire. The fire started July 12 and was extinguished four days later after extensive damage"The Navy will not comment on an ongoing investigation to protect the integrity of the investigative process and all those involved. We have nothing to announce at this time," Navy spokesman, Lt. Tim Pietrack, said in an email Wednesday night.

Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Michael M. Gilday has praised the work of more than 400 sailors from 16 ships based in San Diego who helped fight the fire and pledged a thorough investigation. Eleven of the ship's 14 decks were "devastated by the fire," he said. Shortly after the fires were extinguished, a Navy official said that if the ship was deemed unsalvageable it would cost $4 billion to replace. The Bonhomme Richard was nearing the end of a two-year upgrade estimated to cost $250 million when the fire broke out, NBC San Diego reported. About 160 crew members were on board when the fire started, but all were accounted for. More than 60 sailors and civilians suffered what were described as minor injuries, including heat exhaustion and smoke inhalation, before the fire was extinguished. An NCIS spokesman said that out of respect for the investigative process, the law enforcement agency does not comment or confirm details related to ongoing investigations.

Possible arson. A LHD-6 sailor? Outside contractor? What would be the motive?

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