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Saddam claims he was tortured . . . poor baby. (1 Viewer)

Trajan Octavian Titus

DP Veteran
Aug 17, 2005
Reaction score
We can't stop here this is bat country!
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
BAGHDAD, Iraq - After several hours of quietly listening to testimony, Saddam Hussein launched into an extended outburst at his trial Wednesday, alleging that he had been beaten "everywhere on my body" while in detention.


That's all Saddam? You mean you weren't put feet first into a meet grinder or forced to watch your wife raped before you had your tongue cut out, aww that's so unfair perhaps we can put amendment 1977 through as soon as possible so as to grant you protections under the U.S. bill of rights.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
BAGHDAD, Iraq - After several hours of quietly listening to testimony, Saddam Hussein launched into an extended outburst at his trial Wednesday, alleging that he had been beaten "everywhere on my body" while in detention.


That's all Saddam? You mean you weren't put feet first into a meet grinder or forced to watch your wife raped before you had your tongue cut out, aww that's so unfair perhaps we can put amendment 1977 through as soon as possible so as to grant you protections under the U.S. bill of rights.

Woo hoo, Trajan.....we agree! :2dancing: We reap what we sew, although he clearly has not reaped enough.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
BAGHDAD, Iraq - After several hours of quietly listening to testimony, Saddam Hussein launched into an extended outburst at his trial Wednesday, alleging that he had been beaten "everywhere on my body" while in detention.


That's all Saddam? You mean you weren't put feet first into a meet grinder or forced to watch your wife raped before you had your tongue cut out, aww that's so unfair perhaps we can put amendment 1977 through as soon as possible so as to grant you protections under the U.S. bill of rights.

Have Pelosie and Reid claimed that Chaney ordered it and called for a congressional hearing yet?
Stinger said:
Have Pelosie and Reid claimed that Chaney ordered it and called for a congressional hearing yet?

You're such a weenie, Stinger. :lol:
Stinger said:
Have Pelosie and Reid claimed that Chaney ordered it and called for a congressional hearing yet?

lmfao it's probably only a matter of time I mean the story only broke this morning so I give it a matter of days before this allegation becomes Bush's fault and proof positive of the nobility of Saddam Hussein verses the evilness of the U.S..

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