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[s]Soviet[/s] Russian Propaganda Machine In Action... (1 Viewer)


Retired Navy Commander
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DP Veteran
Sep 3, 2014
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Pacific NW
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First, a brave Russian "correspondent" being "shelled" by those war-mongering Ukrainians:

Now in contrast, an actual shelling by the Russians:

Can you pick out the subtle differences?

Geeze, the Russians are actually worse at this than Fox "News."
Yes, far from the dramatic testimony of Naira al-Sabah)))
There was propaganda of the Hollywood level.
Yes, far from the dramatic testimony of Naira al-Sabah)))
There was propaganda of the Hollywood level.
Russia could take some tips from the US. Our propaganda is much more convincing generally.
Yes, far from the dramatic testimony of Naira al-Sabah)))
There was propaganda of the Hollywood level.
Not exactly the same, but I get your point. Regarding al-Sabah, there was actual reporting by trusted sources (including Amnesty International) that the first Bush admin relied on, and there really were babies who died in the hospital when Iraqi doctors fled. That's different from making up a video out of whole cloth.

I'd say the "evidence" presented by the second Bush admin about Hussein's WMD is more on point. But even it wasn't as obviously, laughably, manufactured. Some actually believed it, including General Powell, to his later shame.
I'd say the "evidence" presented by the second Bush admin about Hussein's WMD is more on point. But even it wasn't as obviously, laughably, manufactured.
Literally. Our conspiracies actually took some time and investigative journalism to uncover. Russia has been releasing videos with the meta data showing information that contradicts their claims, hilariously staged video such as this, and making absurd claims like that Ukraine decided now, after 8 years, was the time to launch an attack into the Donbass region.
Russia could take some tips from the US. Our propaganda is much more convincing generally.

All they need to do is translate ****er Carlson's show into Russian.

Oh wait.
Literally. Our conspiracies actually took some time and investigative journalism to uncover. Russia has been releasing videos with the meta data showing information that contradicts their claims, hilariously staged video such as this, and making absurd claims like that Ukraine decided now, after 8 years, was the time to launch an attack into the Donbass region.
Yeah, it's totally believable that Ukraine, surrounded by almost 200,000 Russian troops and overwhelming air and naval power, would launch combat operations in the very region Putin is publicly slavering over.
Anybody firing against the local populace in the independent Republics deserves to be shot .

So if Russians find Ukranians who have been trained by the US trying to cause trouble in their own back yard , they deserve what is handed out as a welcome .

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