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Russia's open message to the Democrat party (1 Viewer)


Sir Poop A lot
DP Veteran
Sep 9, 2007
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Yea, they saw the army's new recruitment ad. The one with the lesbians? Yea so, here's how scared the russians are of us:

Yea, they saw the army's new recruitment ad. The one with the lesbians? Yea so, here's how scared the russians are of us:

Funny how Russia doesn't seem to be attacking NATO countries yet. Care to take a venture as to why? :)
Yea, they saw the army's new recruitment ad. The one with the lesbians? Yea so, here's how scared the russians are of us:

blah blah blah ...... not all lesbians are democrat and the one's that are we welcome them with open arms
blah blah blah ...... not all lesbians are democrat and the one's that are we welcome them with open arms
Our military, culture, and borders have been weakened from the inside out for the last 30 years. Putin's not doing it. democrats are.
Our military, culture, and borders have been weakened from the inside out for the last 30 years. Putin's not doing it. democrats are.
How would you know?

You have military experience? A broad knowledge of American culture, and border security challenges/efforts to secure the border?

It is irrefutably true that Dems have approved billions of dollars for security along our southern border predating Loser #45’s single term.

Dems, along with the majority of Americans fully support securing our southern border from illegal immigration. They also support the smart spending of Americans tax $.
Meanwhile, their message to the GQP.

Funny how Russia doesn't seem to be attacking NATO countries yet. Care to take a venture as to why? :)
Because of a lesbian army?
Russia's open message to the Republican party:

Our military, culture, and borders have been weakened from the inside out for the last 30 years. Putin's not doing it. democrats are.

Hi he only ones destroying America from the inside like termites are Republicans and their attacks on American democracy.
When that skilled pilot lesbian straps on an A10 the laughing will stop pretty fast. The days when every military role required more muscle than brains are well past.
This was really your best rip? I'm so so sorry. :cry:
Some people should just walk away from the keyboard.

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