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Russia's invasion puts a new light on Trump's Ukraine pressure campaign (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 22, 2019
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This should tell everyone The Deflection Manipulation Game is Trumps Standard Mentality !!!


Russia's invasion puts a new light on Trump's Ukraine pressure campaign

Trump called for the U.S. to attack Russia but make it look like it was actually China — by flying American planes with a Chinese flag on the side.

"And then we say, 'China did it,' " Trump told Republican donors Saturday in New Orleans, according to a recording obtained by The Washington Post. " 'We didn't do it — China did it,' and then they start fighting with each other and we sit back and watch."

end quote

It's the exact same stragety Trump and Republicans have been doing in America...!!!!! They do stuff, and blame it on Democrats... and they expect to sit back and watch the media go into a frenzy, spinning the yarn created and caused by Trump and Republicans.
Time and Time again, its been proven that 'EVERYTHING" Republican say Democrats are doing, is actually the EXACT same things Republicans are doing. It's pure deflection, to get the media into a tizzy... rather than calling Republican and Trump on Exactly what they are doing and have done.

Many of us have been 'Telling American People" this fact repeatedly for the past 6 yrs....

"Trump uses the same twisted blame game, that Putin used on his people and military people, to Invade and attack Ukraine. Trump showed us his attack upon the U.S. Capitol and am erican Democracy on Jan. 6, 2021.

Putin should be tried for Treason against Russian People, and war crimes against Ukraine. Trump should be tried for Treason against America People, and war crimes against American Democracy from the seat of our Office of the Presidency.

Both Men, should be given the highest penalty for "Treason".
It is true Trump is extremely devious. He cares nothing for the truth, only wants to manipulate the news cycle to his favor.

Trump cut off all aid to Central America, aid which was helping people live productive lives and build communities. This caused many communities to fail and drug gangs to take over, caused many residents to give up and flee, to become immigrants.

Then, when they showed up at the American border, Trump claimed it was because Democrats were soft on immigration.

Trump was playing the victim in a game he rigged. The American right totally fell for it.
This should tell everyone The Deflection Manipulation Game is Trumps Standard Mentality !!!


Russia's invasion puts a new light on Trump's Ukraine pressure campaign

Trump called for the U.S. to attack Russia but make it look like it was actually China — by flying American planes with a Chinese flag on the side.

"And then we say, 'China did it,' " Trump told Republican donors Saturday in New Orleans, according to a recording obtained by The Washington Post. " 'We didn't do it — China did it,' and then they start fighting with each other and we sit back and watch."

end quote

It's the exact same stragety Trump and Republicans have been doing in America...!!!!! They do stuff, and blame it on Democrats... and they expect to sit back and watch the media go into a frenzy, spinning the yarn created and caused by Trump and Republicans.
Time and Time again, its been proven that 'EVERYTHING" Republican say Democrats are doing, is actually the EXACT same things Republicans are doing. It's pure deflection, to get the media into a tizzy... rather than calling Republican and Trump on Exactly what they are doing and have done.

Many of us have been 'Telling American People" this fact repeatedly for the past 6 yrs....

"Trump uses the same twisted blame game, that Putin used on his people and military people, to Invade and attack Ukraine. Trump showed us his attack upon the U.S. Capitol and am erican Democracy on Jan. 6, 2021.

Putin should be tried for Treason against Russian People, and war crimes against Ukraine. Trump should be tried for Treason against America People, and war crimes against American Democracy from the seat of our Office of the Presidency.

Both Men, should be given the highest penalty for "Treason".

This is why Trump should be charged for Treason and put in Jail for Life with NO POSSIBILITY of Parole.
Analysis of Insurgency - composed by the CIA
Trump went right down the Hitler Script... and Putin has done the same thing, lying to the people, lying to the military, trying to control and damage the Media.
Trump did all that, including trying to distance us from out Allies and remove us from NATO so as to "isolate us", attacking the Standards and Practices of Representative Democracy, to Attacking the U.S. Capitol to try and install himself in office, and he has lusted over Putin, Xi and Kim, with the same intentions of installing himself and his family like a Tsars over America.

The dummies that backed and support him are too "racist and ignorant to even know what they supported". They are as dumb and gullible as those minions that backed Hitler.. when nothing Hitler was doing had any concern for the Poor un-educated and under-educated Germans Population. Just as Hitler used their racism and ethnicity bias, is the exact same thing Trump did, and its the same thing Putin is doing.
Autocrat Tyrannical Types like Trump, Putin, Xi, Kim, Bashar, and Lukashenko are all "evil men"... even among their conspiring agendas, they still would attack the other, without provocation.
American white people
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