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Russian War Crimes? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 10, 2016
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I was watching a video of Ukrainian Troops reentering areas controlled recently by Russian troops and the road was scattered with dead bodies of civilians. One was still laying next to the bike he had been riding. I have read they have found bodies with their hands tied behind their backs naked, shot in the back of the head and their bodies burned. It is like the Russians shot everything that moved. I do not know if it was done in retribution or fear, but either way it seems to be proof of Russian war crimes. And this kind of killing by the Russian troops seems to over 85% approval of the Russian people who support Putin and the war. At the beginning of sanctions I felt sorry for what they would do to the Russian people, no longer.
I And this kind of killing by the Russian troops seems to over 85% approval of the Russian people who support Putin and the war. At the beginning of sanctions I felt sorry for what they would do to the Russian people, no longer.
It's awfully hard to know the actual percentage of Russians who support the rape of Ukraine.

But let's not forget that a significant percentage of Americans were talked into supporting our invasion of Iraq.

I understand that at least 100,000 innocent Iraqi civilians died as a result of that war based on false information about WMDs.

When this nightmare ends, let's hope that the big boys (and girls) in the States and Europe hold the Butcher responsible.

But chances are that it will be business as usual!

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