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Russian State TV Show Goes Off Message, Criticizes War on Ukraine (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 17, 2020
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Springfield MO
Political Leaning
“A Russian state TV channel went off message Monday night as participants denounced the war in Ukraine.

A popular talk show broadcasted on the Russia-1 channel, “Evenings with Vladimir Solovyov,” hosted by Solovyov, one of the Kremlin’s most loyal propagandists, strayed from the Kremlin line when guests of the prime-time show began criticizing Russia’s war in Ukraine.

"Do we need to get into another Afghanistan, but even worse?” asked academic Semyon Bagdasarov.

Filmmaker Karen Shakhnazarov, also questioned the Kremlin’s decision to wage war on neighboring Ukraine, stating it risked isolating Russia and spooking its closest allies.

Solovyov was forced to interrupt the guests, curbing the criticism aimed at the Kremlin.”

And he was last seen digging a 6 foot hole in his garden.
“A Russian state TV channel went off message Monday night as participants denounced the war in Ukraine.

A popular talk show broadcasted on the Russia-1 channel, “Evenings with Vladimir Solovyov,” hosted by Solovyov, one of the Kremlin’s most loyal propagandists, strayed from the Kremlin line when guests of the prime-time show began criticizing Russia’s war in Ukraine.

"Do we need to get into another Afghanistan, but even worse?” asked academic Semyon Bagdasarov.

Filmmaker Karen Shakhnazarov, also questioned the Kremlin’s decision to wage war on neighboring Ukraine, stating it risked isolating Russia and spooking its closest allies.

Solovyov was forced to interrupt the guests, curbing the criticism aimed at the Kremlin.

Hmm… did he do so by starting to laugh out loud and then change the subject (perhaps, claiming to be a friend in need)? ;)
“A Russian state TV channel went off message Monday night as participants denounced the war in Ukraine.

A popular talk show broadcasted on the Russia-1 channel, “Evenings with Vladimir Solovyov,” hosted by Solovyov, one of the Kremlin’s most loyal propagandists, strayed from the Kremlin line when guests of the prime-time show began criticizing Russia’s war in Ukraine.

"Do we need to get into another Afghanistan, but even worse?” asked academic Semyon Bagdasarov.

Filmmaker Karen Shakhnazarov, also questioned the Kremlin’s decision to wage war on neighboring Ukraine, stating it risked isolating Russia and spooking its closest allies.

Solovyov was forced to interrupt the guests, curbing the criticism aimed at the Kremlin.”

I read somewhere that Russian talking heads aren't even allowed to use the word 'war' when talking about Ukraine.
Madison Cawthorn is gonna hate that guy now.
What is clear is that the host of the show will need to be very careful in picking his guests in the future if he wants to stay on TV.
His interruption of the guests to try to change the subject reminds me most of when a liberal happens to show up on FOX for a “both sides” interview and BOTH the other debater AND THE HOST will constantly interrupt him or her as he or she try to make their points. In other words, it’s not a “fair and balanced” debate when the host is putting weights on the scale of the right winger guest.

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