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Russian Soldiers Raped Dozens, Impregnated 9 in Bucha Basement—Ukraine Says (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 16, 2021
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Political Leaning
It's happening all over the areas that russia has taken control.

Apparently for two reasons.

1. They want to rape young girls and women over and over to make them never want to have sex again and never create more Ukraine people.
2. They believe that Ukraine women are nazi prostitutes.

The Russians are using rape as a weapon of war on innocent young girls and women.

Yet we have people in the US and even on this board who support russia in this war. Or they blame Biden for the war.

Should those women who are made pregnant by those sick monsters be able to terminate that pregnancy if they choose to do so?

I say yes.

It's happening all over the areas that russia has taken control.

Apparently for two reasons.

1. They want to rape young girls and women over and over to make them never want to have sex again and never create more Ukraine people.
2. They believe that Ukraine women are nazi prostitutes.

The Russians are using rape as a weapon of war on innocent young girls and women.

Yet we have people in the US and even on this board who support russia in this war. Or they blame Biden for the war.

Should those women who are made pregnant by those sick monsters be able to terminate that pregnancy if they choose to do so?

I say yes.

Only a heartless thug would say that these girls don't deserve the right to end their pregnancies.
This isn't the abortion forum. Take it there if that's what you want to discuss
This isn't the abortion forum. Take it there if that's what you want to discuss

There's a certain kind of colored bar that's missing from under your account name. Curious.


I suppose you don't have anything to say about the evil of what Putin did and Trump called "genius"? Y'know, the topic of the thread: Russian invaders systemically raping, yet again.
There's a certain kind of colored bar that's missing from under your account name. Curious.


I suppose you don't have anything to say about the evil of what Putin did and Trump called "genius"? Y'know, the topic of the thread: Russian invaders systemically raping, yet again.

Thank you.
There's a certain kind of colored bar that's missing from under your account name. Curious.


I suppose you don't have anything to say about the evil of what Putin did and Trump called "genius"? Y'know, the topic of the thread: Russian invaders systemically raping, yet again.
Russia bad
Orange man bad
Russia bad
Orange man bad
At least you admit your boy wears makeup all day every day.

Like a trans person often does.

But you apparently approve of anything Russia does because trump luvs Putin. Even raping women and children. Which kinda makes sense, actually.
It's happening all over the areas that russia has taken control.

Apparently for two reasons.

1. They want to rape young girls and women over and over to make them never want to have sex again and never create more Ukraine people.
2. They believe that Ukraine women are nazi prostitutes.

The Russians are using rape as a weapon of war on innocent young girls and women.

Yet we have people in the US and even on this board who support russia in this war. Or they blame Biden for the war.

Should those women who are made pregnant by those sick monsters be able to terminate that pregnancy if they choose to do so?

I say yes.

If any of those P-bastards are still alive, it would be difficult to resist the removal of their peckers by hatchet - application of a dirty rag to the open wound optional.
More war crimes in Ukraine, against the weakest.

I wish there were more protection of women in war zones, but that unfortunately depends on the orders and discipline of the armies. Chances are slim for any punishment of the rapists.

So damn depressing.
It's happening all over the areas that russia has taken control.

Apparently for two reasons.

1. They want to rape young girls and women over and over to make them never want to have sex again and never create more Ukraine people.
2. They believe that Ukraine women are nazi prostitutes.

The Russians are using rape as a weapon of war on innocent young girls and women.

Yet we have people in the US and even on this board who support russia in this war. Or they blame Biden for the war.

Should those women who are made pregnant by those sick monsters be able to terminate that pregnancy if they choose to do so?

I say yes.

They should be able to terminate the sick ****s who raped them as well.
That is sadly always the end-point of electing fascists and authoritarians.

It leads to crimes against minorities and the weakest and war.

That is why people should always remember that you must work for democracy every single day and keep voting against fascist parties and candidates, not just in a singular candidate election, but more broadly.

Currently, Republicans are a form of fascism, therefore voters should vote Democratic in November (even if Dems are currently kinda incompetent).
More war crimes in Ukraine, against the weakest.

I wish there were more protection of women in war zones, but that unfortunately depends on the orders and discipline of the armies. Chances are slim for any punishment of the rapists.

So damn depressing.

There are protections, however the far right don't respect those protections and the rest of the world is scared of the nukes.
It's happening all over the areas that russia has taken control.

Apparently for two reasons.

1. They want to rape young girls and women over and over to make them never want to have sex again and never create more Ukraine people.
2. They believe that Ukraine women are nazi prostitutes.

The Russians are using rape as a weapon of war on innocent young girls and women.

Yet we have people in the US and even on this board who support russia in this war. Or they blame Biden for the war.

Should those women who are made pregnant by those sick monsters be able to terminate that pregnancy if they choose to do so?

I say yes.

I didn't think you were being serious about #1. That is horrific.
It's happening all over the areas that russia has taken control.

Apparently for two reasons.

1. They want to rape young girls and women over and over to make them never want to have sex again and never create more Ukraine people.
2. They believe that Ukraine women are nazi prostitutes.

The Russians are using rape as a weapon of war on innocent young girls and women.

Yet we have people in the US and even on this board who support russia in this war. Or they blame Biden for the war.

Should those women who are made pregnant by those sick monsters be able to terminate that pregnancy if they choose to do so?

I say yes.

I hate reading about this. It makes me wanna puke.
I was ill looking at the first pics of the bodies in Bucha.

If there is any justice in this world, Russia will own this stain of shame on it's name for decades to come. And the Russian people who support Putzin and Co. bare most of the responsibility.
Donald Trump called Putin's plan genius.
I didn't think you were being serious about #1. That is horrific.

Yes, I agree with you. it's horrific.

I would add it's evil and monstrous.

You didn't read the article.

Those aren't my words.

Those are the words of the russians who raped the young girls and women

From the article you didn't read.

Screen Shot 2022-04-24 at 1.20.33 PM.png
Yes, I agree with you. it's horrific.

I would add it's evil and monstrous.

You didn't read the article.

Those aren't my words.

Those are the words of the russians who raped the young girls and women

From the article you didn't read.

View attachment 67387323
I did read the article. That's how I learned that Russians are actually raping girls to discourage them from ever having Ukrainian babies.

You know what happens when you assume, right? I read every OP article before I respond to a thread. It should be a requirement.
It's happening all over the areas that russia has taken control.

Apparently for two reasons.

1. They want to rape young girls and women over and over to make them never want to have sex again and never create more Ukraine people.
2. They believe that Ukraine women are nazi prostitutes.

The Russians are using rape as a weapon of war on innocent young girls and women.

Yet we have people in the US and even on this board who support russia in this war. Or they blame Biden for the war.

Should those women who are made pregnant by those sick monsters be able to terminate that pregnancy if they choose to do so?

I say yes.

What kind of sick propaganda are they feeding their soldiers and people?
It's happening all over the areas that russia has taken control.

Apparently for two reasons.

1. They want to rape young girls and women over and over to make them never want to have sex again and never create more Ukraine people.
2. They believe that Ukraine women are nazi prostitutes.

The Russians are using rape as a weapon of war on innocent young girls and women.

Yet we have people in the US and even on this board who support russia in this war. Or they blame Biden for the war.

Should those women who are made pregnant by those sick monsters be able to terminate that pregnancy if they choose to do so?

I say yes.

If this is true, would anyone be surprised? The Russians are waging a cruel and brutal assault on the Ukrainian people.
Men like this should be burned alive. Not to death mind you. Just to the point that they are forced to spend the rest of their lives in unrecognizably scarred, perpetual agony.
This is why we have laws preventing cruel and unusual punishment.
Even if the vengeful side of me dislikes that sometimes, they exist for a reason.

And in Russia, where they don't necessarily have that restriction, who knows whether they'll get medals or something.
I did read the article. That's how I learned that Russians are actually raping girls to discourage them from ever having Ukrainian babies.

You know what happens when you assume, right? I read every OP article before I respond to a thread. It should be a requirement.

Then why did you say you didn't think I was serious about #1?

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