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Russian Oligarchs Whining Is The Funniest Thing I've Seen All Day (1 Viewer)


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Dec 27, 2017
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Apparently they aren't capable of living without chauffeurs and maids.

Will l be allowed to have a cleaner, or a driver? I don’t drive a car . . . maybe my stepdaughter will drive. We don’t understand how to survive.

Reminds me of some of the people my father knew. (When I was young)
My family was at a gathering. Someone dropped a spoon next to me. I picked it up, out of courtesy. I thought people were going to need
smelling salts. Somebody said to me ..I think it was a woman....in a stern voice.."We don't do things like that" Even at 7 years old, I hated her instantly.
Not kidding.
Reminds me of some of the people my father knew. (When I was young)
My family was at a gathering. Someone dropped a spoon next to me. I picked it up, out of courtesy. I thought people were going to need
smelling salts. Somebody said to me ..I think it was a woman.."We don't do things like that" Even at 7 years old, I hated her instantly.
Not kidding.
Personally, I think it would be hilarious if people actually fainted because you picked up a spoon.

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