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Russian Military Operation Puts the Spotlight on Ukraine’s Neo-Nazis: What You Need to Know About Them (1 Viewer)


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Nov 22, 2015
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Russian Military Operation Puts the Spotlight on Ukraine’s Neo-Nazis: What You Need to Know About Them

Worth a read.
Who friggin cares. The whole thing is about killing as many Russian soldiers as possible and driving the rest out.
Sort all that other stuff out after.
Who friggin cares. The whole thing is about killing as many Russian soldiers as possible and driving the rest out.
Sort all that other stuff out after.
Haha, how old are you?
You must have been running the Afghan War against the Soviets. You sound like William Casey.

"Fanatics? Who the hell friggin cares? This whole thing is about killing as many Russians as possible and driving the rest out. Sort all the other stuff out after."
After 9-11: "Look man, I was always vigilant against that stuff. Never wanted fanatics in the fight. No sirree, not me. Go look for blame elsewhere."

Or maybe you were in charge of Teddy Roosevelt's covert policy of supporting Japan during the Russo-Japanese war.

"Endangering the Pacific? Who the hell friggin cares? This whole thing is about killing as many Russians as possible and driving the rest out. Sort all the other stuff out after."
After Pearl Harbor & Atomic bombings: "Look man, I was always vigilant against that stuff. Never wanted to endanger the Pacific. No sirree, not me. Go look for blame elsewhere."

People like you have kept history very exciting. May you see more of that excitement up close and personal.
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Russian Military Operation Puts the Spotlight on Ukraine’s Neo-Nazis: What You Need to Know About Them

Worth a read.
We have quite the white supremacist problem right here in the United States. You want Russia to invade us too?

Your only possible response to this is to play stupid and ask “What white supremacist problem?”
We know Ukraine has an active neo-Nazi problem.
Historically it was so bad that it reduced the Jewish population of the country from just under a hundred thousand to under 17 thousand, but that was WW2.

But why is Ukraine "looking the other way" when it comes to Azov boyz and the other neo-Nazi groups right now during the war.

I'd like to pose a hypothetical scenario involving California and our own Far Right Party of Trump.

Suppose fascism DOES win here...and the retooled Trump DoD decides it's time to "neutralize all those communists in California" by sending several large battalions to Los Angeles.
Will Angelenos rise up and try to kill off the Bloods, Crips, 18th Street and White Fence gangs if they signal their willingness to fight the (Trump) Pentagon Fascists?
I doubt it.

That doesn't mean Los Angeles is run by the Bloods and Crips, does it?
Does it mean that L.A. is all Bloods and Crips?
Trump would IMMEDIATELY declare that he's just wiping out those communist street gangs "that run California" and he'd waste no time labeling Angelenos as such to the rest of the country, to his deplorables.
We have quite the white supremacist problem right here in the United States. You want Russia to invade us too?

Your only possible response to this is to play stupid and ask “What white supremacist problem?”

My response is that you're creating a Straw Man.

If there is such a problem, then what is your response to it?
Why do you keep citing Indian news sources?

Just curious.

Here you go:

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My response is that you're creating a Straw Man.

If there is such a problem, then what is your response to it?
Well going by your line of reasoning, ask Putin to invade us, apparently.
Russian Military Operation Puts the Spotlight on Ukraine’s Neo-Nazis: What You Need to Know About Them

Worth a read.
That would be a Ukrainian issue for Ukrainians to deal with! This does not excuse an invasion by a war criminal!
Well going by your line of reasoning, ask Putin to invade us, apparently.

You're hiding behind sarcasm -- but as a more serious point of debate, what is your response to this alleged "White Supremacy" problem?
If you feel support for Trump represents a "White supremacy problem" then what will you do if Trump wins? Smash up some cities?
You're hiding behind sarcasm -- but as a more serious point of debate, what is your response to this alleged "White Supremacy" problem?

It’s your thread, you tell us. Is the solution for Putin to invade us?

If you feel support for Trump represents a "White supremacy problem" then what will you do if Trump wins? Smash up some cities?

Interesting. I say “White Supremacist” and you think “Trump.” Very interesting.
It’s your thread, you tell us. Is the solution for Putin to invade us?
Interesting. I say “White Supremacist” and you think “Trump.” Very interesting.
Hilariously, the person most likely to be a white supremacist in this thread is trying to use white supremacy as justification for an invasion. Don't feed the trolls.

Russian Military Operation Puts the Spotlight on Ukraine’s Neo-Nazis: What You Need to Know About Them

Worth a read.

Your constant attempts to justify the Russian invasion and war crimes against the Ukrainian people are disgusting. Russia's troll farms are not employing their best people apparently.
That would be a Ukrainian issue for Ukrainians to deal with! This does not excuse an invasion by a war criminal!
I agree that the invasion is a bad thing. But I also feel that the 2014 Capitol Insurrection street coup to overthrow an elected govt was a bad thing.
As a matter of fact, I feel that the 2014 Capitol Insurrection street coup is the reason for this invasion.

Because the Capitol Insurrection street coup of 2014 basically invalidated the votes of all the Ukrainians who voted for the govt that got undemocratically thrown out.
One third of Ukraine's population is Russian-speaking, and so there is sizable support for good relations with Russia.
The democratically elected govt of Yanuckovitch supported those policies for that reason.
Those who participated in the 2014 Capitol Insurrection street coup had no right to overthrow the govt for that.
It’s your thread, you tell us. Is the solution for Putin to invade us?

In 2014 there was a Capitol Insurrection -- like Jan 6 in Washington, DC.
Why do you oppose one while supporting the other?
According to your logic, Capitol Insurrection by Far Right should be equally opposed in both cases.
But you don't want that. In one case, you want to support the Capitol Insurrection by the Far Right, but in the other case, then you want to condemn the Capitol Insurrection.
Why are you so inconsistent in your logic, and so determined to apply double standards?
Here you go:

Fine, but you didn't answer my question.
In 2014 there was a Capitol Insurrection -- like Jan 6 in Washington, DC.
Why do you oppose one while supporting the other?
According to your logic, Capitol Insurrection by Far Right should be equally opposed in both cases.
But you don't want that. In one case, you want to support the Capitol Insurrection by the Far Right, but in the other case, then you want to condemn the Capitol Insurrection.
Why are you so inconsistent in your logic, and so determined to apply double standards?
What does any of this have to do with Russia’s pretext for invading Ukraine? Are you suggesting a Russian invasion is a solution to white supremacism here and in Ukraine or aren’t you?
What does any of this have to do with Russia’s pretext for invading Ukraine? Are you suggesting a Russian invasion is a solution to white supremacism here and in Ukraine or aren’t you?
If you couldn't understand my analogy, you must be irreparably brain-damaged. I think you're just ducking away from it, because you have no answer.
I'm not the one who claims the United States is overrun by Neo-Nazis. You're the one claiming that. I don't buy your argument, and have never claimed to.

But you, on the other hand, have claimed to oppose the Jan 6 Capitol Insurrection. That's your position. So why is it that the 2014 Capitol Insurrection, which included Far Right groups, is a good thing to you?
Can you at least give your verdict on that, to show your moral consistency? Or is it really that you have no consistent morals?
The president of Ukraine is Jewish so I'm not sure the neo-Nazis are a force.
If you couldn't understand my analogy, you must be irreparably brain-damaged. I think you're just ducking away from it, because you have no answer.
I'm not the one who claims the United States is overrun by Neo-Nazis. You're the one claiming that. I don't buy your argument, and have never claimed to.

But you, on the other hand, have claimed to oppose the Jan 6 Capitol Insurrection. That's your position. So why is it that the 2014 Capitol Insurrection, which included Far Right groups, is a good thing to you?
Can you at least give your verdict on that, to show your moral consistency? Or is it really that you have no consistent morals?
So by your thinking, should Russia invade the US because we have proud boys, oath keepers, and 3 percenters?
If the Ukraine has a problem with neoNazis, then UKRAINE should deal with it.

Another country doesn’t get to invade because of it.

Aren’t you also the poster that was sharing about African students having an issue evacuating?

Why the racial angles all the time? Are you attempting to justify the invasion by Russia because Ukraine has racial issues?
Why the racial angles all the time? Are you attempting to justify the invasion by Russia because Ukraine has racial issues?
Confusing the message is a common propaganda technique.

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