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Russian government websites face ‘unprecedented’ wave of hacking attacks, ministry says (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 10, 2013
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Cambridge, MA
Political Leaning
Slightly Liberal
What goes around comes around. Bogged down in the field, outplayed in the social media propaganda war, and now out-hacked. Not a great few weeks for Putin.

Russian government websites face ‘unprecedented’ wave of hacking attacks, ministry says
Russian government websites and state-run media face an “unprecedented” wave of hacking attacks, the government said Thursday, prompting regulators to filter traffic coming from abroad.

In a statement, the Ministry of Digital Development and Communications said the attacks were at least twice as powerful as any previous ones. It did not elaborate on what filtering measures had been implemented, but in the past, this has often meant barring Russian government websites to users abroad. . .

Wednesday evening, the Russian Emergency Situations Ministry website was defaced by hackers, who altered its content. Notably, the hack replaced the department hotline with a number for Russian soldiers to call if they want to defect from the army — under the title “Come back from Ukraine alive.”

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