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Russian government hackers penetrated DNC, stole opposition research on Trump (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 13, 2011
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Political Leaning
Russian government hackers penetrated the computer network of the Democratic National Committee and gained access to the entire database of opposition research on GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump, according to committee officials and security experts who responded to the breach.The intruders so thoroughly compromised the DNC’s system they also were able to read all e-mail and chat traffic, said DNC officials and the security experts.
The intrusion into the DNC was one of several targeting American political organizations. The networks of presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump were also targeted by Russian spies, as were the computers of some GOP political action committees, U.S. officials said. But details on those cases were not available.
A Russian Embassy spokesman said he had no knowledge of such intrusions.

Read more @: Russian government hackers penetrated DNC, stole opposition research on Trump

Wow... Not only did they get into DNC's network but also some of the GOP PACS.
Admittedly I'm not sure why they wanted to steal 14TB's worth of images of the Donald's Hair from the DNC opposition research but hey, whatever floats their boats.
Admittedly I'm not sure why they wanted to steal 14TB's worth of images of the Donald's Hair from the DNC opposition research but hey, whatever floats their boats.

I guess they want some spoilers on the **** load of ads
The follow up question I have is whether Trump will try to use his Russian connections to obtain access to this research. I know a rational candidate would want to know about the negative research obtained by the other side, but Trump just wears his negatives so proudly that I am not sure he would qualify.
The follow up question I have is whether Trump will try to use his Russian connections to obtain access to this research. I know a rational candidate would want to know about the negative research obtained by the other side, but Trump just wears his negatives so proudly that I am not sure he would qualify.

That would be a smart move on his part.
And within a few hours, Fox and Friends will - wait for it - blame Hillary and claim it was all because of her private e-mail server!

You bring up a good point. How can we be certain that what Secretary Clinton has stated under oath, that her private server was NOT hacked by spies, is accurate and true if the DNC, GOP SuperPACS and others were? Thanks for bringing that up. Good point.
You bring up a good point. How can we be certain that what Secretary Clinton has stated under oath, that her private server was NOT hacked by spies, is accurate and true if the DNC, GOP SuperPACS and others were? Thanks for bringing that up. Good point.

"How can we be certain her private server was NOT hacked"? That's the classic logical fallacy of "proving a negative" - can't be done. How can we be certain that ANYbody was "not hacked"? We can't.

But the fact that it's an impossible-to-prove logical fallacy won't stop the Right from trying to use it.
"How can we be certain her private server was NOT hacked"? That's the classic logical fallacy of "proving a negative" - can't be done. How can we be certain that ANYbody was "not hacked"? We can't.

But the fact that it's an impossible-to-prove logical fallacy won't stop the Right from trying to use it.

Not even close to what I said.

We have a Russian hacker saying that it was. We cannot get an answer from her or her subordinates that isn't masked in fog and obfuscation. You brought it up, not me. What I said, Glen, is how can we be certain that we were told the truth.

Read what I said, again. I asked "How can we be certain that what Secretary Clinton has stated under oath, that her private server was NOT hacked by spies, is accurate and true..."
Admittedly I'm not sure why they wanted to steal 14TB's worth of images of the Donald's Hair from the DNC opposition research but hey, whatever floats their boats.
The want a heads up on the strengths and weaknesses of the future president.
Admittedly I'm not sure why they wanted to steal 14TB's worth of images of the Donald's Hair from the DNC opposition research but hey, whatever floats their boats.

There's no telling how much incriminating information Clinton is hiding.
The follow up question I have is whether Trump will try to use his Russian connections to obtain access to this research. I know a rational candidate would want to know about the negative research obtained by the other side, but Trump just wears his negatives so proudly that I am not sure he would qualify.
If Trump is smart enough to make allies all over the world then he should see what he can do to get the information.
And within a few hours, Fox and Friends will - wait for it - blame Hillary and claim it was all because of her private e-mail server!

You can bet they hacked her private email server too.
If Trump is smart enough to make allies all over the world then he should see what he can do to get the information.

Russia is the only country where Trump has a net favorability, so I guess that he is "lucky" (or maybe he just hired them directly) that it was Russian hackers.
You bring up a good point. How can we be certain that what Secretary Clinton has stated under oath, that her private server was NOT hacked by spies, is accurate and true if the DNC, GOP SuperPACS and others were? Thanks for bringing that up. Good point.

We really can't be sure, can we?
Not even close to what I said.

We have a Russian hacker saying that it was. We cannot get an answer from her or her subordinates that isn't masked in fog and obfuscation. You brought it up, not me. What I said, Glen, is how can we be certain that we were told the truth.

Read what I said, again. I asked "How can we be certain that what Secretary Clinton has stated under oath, that her private server was NOT hacked by spies, is accurate and true..."

He says he did...but did he? Apparently, he did NOT. As techinsider.io points out, the only indication that he hacked her server is that he said so...and that's it. What's more, anyone familiar with the hacking community knows that most hackers want bragging rights, the bigger the better...and if this guy had actually broken into Hillary's server, would he really have kept quiet about it? Everything I've seen over the years says "hell, no" because he would have wanted the bragging rights that would have come with it.

What this whole thing is, is yet another example of Fox and the right-wing echo chamber hearing something they desperately wanted to hear, and so published it as if it were gospel...all the while never verifying what they were told to begin with. Sorta reminds me of how Dubya's administration got fooled into thinking that Iraq was involved with 9/11 - some guy told them it was, but just like Fox News with the "Guccifer" story above, they didn't verify it - it was something they wanted to believe anyway, and so they didn't think they needed something as silly as "due diligence" to verify what they were being told.
He says he did...but did he? Apparently, he did NOT. As techinsider.io points out, the only indication that he hacked her server is that he said so...and that's it. What's more, anyone familiar with the hacking community knows that most hackers want bragging rights, the bigger the better...and if this guy had actually broken into Hillary's server, would he really have kept quiet about it? Everything I've seen over the years says "hell, no" because he would have wanted the bragging rights that would have come with it.

What this whole thing is, is yet another example of Fox and the right-wing echo chamber hearing something they desperately wanted to hear, and so published it as if it were gospel...all the while never verifying what they were told to begin with. Sorta reminds me of how Dubya's administration got fooled into thinking that Iraq was involved with 9/11 - some guy told them it was, but just like Fox News with the "Guccifer" story above, they didn't verify it - it was something they wanted to believe anyway, and so they didn't think they needed something as silly as "due diligence" to verify what they were being told.

Not really sure what any of that had to do with my point. The point of my post still withstanding, we cannot be sure if what Hillary Clinton or any of her subordinates have told us regarding her private email server is accurate regarding whether the server was hacked or not given the fog and obfuscation in all of their comments on the subject, even under oath.
He says he did...but did he? Apparently, he did NOT. As techinsider.io points out, the only indication that he hacked her server is that he said so...and that's it. What's more, anyone familiar with the hacking community knows that most hackers want bragging rights, the bigger the better...and if this guy had actually broken into Hillary's server, would he really have kept quiet about it? Everything I've seen over the years says "hell, no" because he would have wanted the bragging rights that would have come with it.

What this whole thing is, is yet another example of Fox and the right-wing echo chamber hearing something they desperately wanted to hear, and so published it as if it were gospel...all the while never verifying what they were told to begin with. Sorta reminds me of how Dubya's administration got fooled into thinking that Iraq was involved with 9/11 - some guy told them it was, but just like Fox News with the "Guccifer" story above, they didn't verify it - it was something they wanted to believe anyway, and so they didn't think they needed something as silly as "due diligence" to verify what they were being told.

Terrorists like bragging rights. Hackers....not so much.
If Putin releases Hillary's emails, he will do the greatest favor to the US. It will be a proof that he loves this country more than he wants to keep his spying capabilities secret.

I always liked this guy.
Terrorists like bragging rights. Hackers....not so much.

Try Googling "hackers bragging rights". The ones who do it for profit generally want to keep it very quiet...but the ones who do it just to do it generally want to show the hacking community what they did. "Guccifer" - whose very 'name' should be a glaring clue that he's into it just to show he can do it - apparently didn't sell anyone any info, nor did he inform anyone about what he allegedly did.

The guy's full of crap - and so's the right-wing echo chamber for taking his word as gospel without ever verifying his claims, without performing the due diligence expected of professional media organizations.

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