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Russian cosmonauts arrive at ISS in colours of Ukraine flag (1 Viewer)


Why a duck?
DP Veteran
Sep 30, 2013
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Political Leaning
Wow, that took some stones....

Three Russian cosmonauts arrived at the International Space Station last night in flight suits made in the yellow and blue of the Ukrainian flag, in what appeared to be a daring statement against the war.

Oleg Artemyev, Denis Matveev and Sergey Korsakov blasted off from Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan for a six-month stay aboard the orbiting laboratory yesterday, joining the crew of two Russians, four Americans and one German.

In an extraordinary move, the three new arrivals emerged from their Soyuz capsule after docking with the space station wearing bright yellow jumpsuits with blue stripes, instead of the standard-issue blue uniform.

Wow, that took some stones....

Three Russian cosmonauts arrived at the International Space Station last night in flight suits made in the yellow and blue of the Ukrainian flag, in what appeared to be a daring statement against the war.

Oleg Artemyev, Denis Matveev and Sergey Korsakov blasted off from Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan for a six-month stay aboard the orbiting laboratory yesterday, joining the crew of two Russians, four Americans and one German.

In an extraordinary move, the three new arrivals emerged from their Soyuz capsule after docking with the space station wearing bright yellow jumpsuits with blue stripes, instead of the standard-issue blue uniform.

Very heroic but I am afraid they will be disappeared upon their return
I have yet to see any verifications of the story.

Anyone have some MSM citations?
Jeezzzz, just google cosmonauts Ukraine, there are a dozen stories, plus pictures, plus videos.

You have the internet....
Wow, that took some stones....

Three Russian cosmonauts arrived at the International Space Station last night in flight suits made in the yellow and blue of the Ukrainian flag, in what appeared to be a daring statement against the war.

Oleg Artemyev, Denis Matveev and Sergey Korsakov blasted off from Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan for a six-month stay aboard the orbiting laboratory yesterday, joining the crew of two Russians, four Americans and one German.

In an extraordinary move, the three new arrivals emerged from their Soyuz capsule after docking with the space station wearing bright yellow jumpsuits with blue stripes, instead of the standard-issue blue uniform.

In many cases the "sciencey" types are opposed to stupid unnecessary wars. For some dumb reason.
Maybe these are those types.
Jeezzzz, just google cosmonauts Ukraine, there are a dozen stories, plus pictures, plus videos.

You have the internet....

If you have nothing, just say so.
Something tells me they might end up requesting to touch down in the United States instead of home...

Or....maybe somewhere with fewer FrEeDuMbZ$™ than the USA.

After all it would be pretty ironic to survive a stay on the ISS, only to be shot and killed in a "drive by"....or maybe get cancer and then be bankrupted by your treatments.
I suggest they touch down in the UK somewhere, maybe a good old fashioned capsule splashdown in the English Channel.
The Times is pretty mainstream.
As an American, I am obviously subjected to nonsense all day long from Fox and cult so I am understandably skeptical without at least 2 MSM SOURCES. Always. On every subject.
As an American, I am obviously subjected to nonsense all day long from Fox and cult so I am understandably skeptical without at least 2 MSM SOURCES. Always. On every subject.
As a Canadian I instinctively trust the Times of London. And the BBC.
I'd like to find out how those guys managed to smuggle those coveralls aboard the capsule so I'll probaby Google it because the Times story only goes a couple of paragraphs before it asks for money.
As a Canadian I instinctively trust the Times of London. And the BBC.
I'd like to find out how those guys managed to smuggle those coveralls aboard the capsule so I'll pbobaby Google it because the Times story only goes a couple of paragraphs before it asks for money.

Plus, even with someone that is gold. Like the NY Times, I need verification for things like this.
I posted the freaking story, what more do you want me to do for you?
I have no issue with your post, I simply asked if anyone could offer a second citation as we live under Trumpism, a world of alternate facts. (Lies)
I have no issue with your post, I simply asked if anyone could offer a second citation as we live under Trumpism, a world of alternate facts. (Lies)
But, you literally have the internet, you could do it yourself in 3 seconds. Empower yourself.
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Can those on the ISS get home if Russia says **** you? We should probably be planning for that. Let's hope that someone has.
Can those on the ISS get home if Russia says **** you? We should probably be planning for that. Let's hope that someone has.
SpaceX Dragon can carry 7, but the most they have launched is 4.
I swear, why ask someone to provide another source when you are actually on the freaking internet?
I was going to mention that ass wiping was not included with my Google search assistance but thought that might be a bridge too far. 😃
As an American, I am obviously subjected to nonsense all day long from Fox and cult so I am understandably skeptical without at least 2 MSM SOURCES. Always. On every subject.

This is peachy. So-called MSM news outlets like Jeff Zuker’s CNN and his Mini-Me, Brian Stelter, for years promoted major stories that turned out to be fabricated, like the since-discredited Steel dossier and the Hunter Biden laptop that was claimed to be a product of Russian disinformation. Their hatred of Trump clouded their ability to properly do their job, which is to tell the truth.

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