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Russia Withdraws Security ‘Reserve’ From Belarus Border (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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Political Leaning
Russia Withdraws Security ‘Reserve’ From Belarus Border


Russia has withdrawn a rapidly formed unit of “law enforcement reserves” that had been standing by to intervene in Belarus if the country’s post-election unrest got out of hand, the Kremlin said Monday. Russian President Vladimir Putin announced on Aug. 27 that he has formed the unit of law enforcement officers at the request of Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko. Putin said it would be deployed as soon as “extremists start plundering” amid sustained demonstrations against Lukashenko’s disputed presidential election victory Aug. 9. Putin and Lukashenko agreed at a summit in southern Russia that the unit will stand down, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said following their talks Monday evening.

Lukashenka and Putin agreed that Lukashenka's goons can handle the peaceful protests in the cities of Belarus.

Putin knows Lukashenka is now damaged goods and will begin collecting for his protection racket services.

First Putin will make sure that Lukashenka/Belarus are financially indebted to Moscow.
Russia Withdraws Security ‘Reserve’ From Belarus Border


Lukashenka and Putin agreed that Lukashenka's goons can handle the peaceful protests in the cities of Belarus.

Putin knows Lukashenka is now damaged goods and will begin collecting for his protection racket services.

First Putin will make sure that Lukashenka/Belarus are financially indebted to Moscow.

Next time you talk to Putin say hi from me and ask if he remembers me from the KGB days.
Next time you talk to Putin say hi from me and ask if he remembers me from the KGB days.

I'm sure he does remember. He values all of his siloviki.

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