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Russia To "Suspend" Gas Supplies To Poland Over Refusal to Pay In Roubles. (1 Viewer)


Handsome Pitbull
DP Veteran
Aug 3, 2014
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Political Leaning
Libertarian - Left
Russia will stop sending gas to Poland from Wednesday, the Polish state gas company PGNiG has said.
PGNiG said Russian energy firm Gazprom had told it all gas deliveries to the country would be halted from 08:00 CET (06:00 GMT).
Gazprom has justified the suspension under new rules announced last month, which mean "unfriendly" countries must pay for gas in roubles.

PGNiG has refused to do this.

PGNiG relies on Gazprom for the majority of its gas imports and bought 53% of its imports from the Russian company in the first quarter of this year.
It described the suspension as a breach of contract, adding that the company would take steps to reinstate the flow of gas.

Actions have consequences as everyone will soon be learning
Who do you know that doesn't believe "Actions have consequences"? I have a bridge for sale they may be interested in.
Who do you know that doesn't believe "Actions have consequences"? I have a bridge for sale they may be interested in.

Consequences they might have thought were remote or highly unlikely.

How much for the bridge and can I pay in roubles?
It's almost the end of April.
Might get chilly at night but the hellish winter is largely over.
Yes, I do realize that natgas is essential for other things besides heating and cooking.
Yes, I do realize that this is going to be something of a nightmare for Polish people.

It's also a teachable moment, and I think Poland is going to rethink its entire energy use habits and
resources. That's going to backfire on Russia in the long term.
Other than Germany Poland has been prudent enough to effect a timely construction of an LNG terminal on its coast. A condition on which Germany will lag at least 2 years (if not longer), seeing how such a facility cannot be erected overnight.

Additionally the pipeline that is currently under construction between Poland and Norway is expected to be operational by next year.

Beyond all of which Poland's gas storage tanks are two thirds full right now.
Poland...along with the rest of Europe...were warned years ago by Trump. To Poland's credit, though, they started buying LNG from the US at the time.

This could be an opportunity for US LNG suppliers.

Do you not think that the highlighted has been an obvious aim of this proxy war well prior to the Russian invasion, along with NATO expansion and arms sales to everyone off the back of it?

I always say follow the money and that's where you will find the real drivers of international relations
Putzin using oil as a weapon...big surprise.

The US used Ukraine and its people as a weapon and is still doing so...........US proxy war, no big surprise.
Consequences they might have thought were remote or highly unlikely.

How much for the bridge and can I pay in roubles?
That the oil would continue to flow and that business would carry on as usual was always a delusion.
The US used Ukraine and its people as a weapon and is still doing so...........US proxy war, no big surprise.
Russia is using their weapons and soldiers in order to invade Ukraine.
Do you not think that the highlighted has been an obvious aim of this proxy war well prior to the Russian invasion, along with NATO expansion and arms sales to everyone off the back of it?

I always say follow the money and that's where you will find the real drivers of international relations

1. The Biden pukes don't want to make money for US fossil fuel energy producers. They want to drive those producers out of business.
2. The US hasn't been selling arms to Ukraine. We've been giving them away.
3. The threat of NATO expansion is a tactic the Biden pukes used to manipulate Putin into attacking Ukraine but the motives for doing that have nothing to do with selling anything to Europe.

Yes...follow the money. But the money we should follow is more about which politicians are being paid by multinational globalists, where all the money and arms that we are sending to Ukraine are ending up and which NGO's are getting flush with cash.
Poland is in the northern hemisphere, heading into spring and summer. They can afford to do without Russian powered heat for a few months……they better stock up in the interim.
The US used Ukraine and its people as a weapon and is still doing so...........US proxy war, no big surprise.


And.... What "war"?

The only war from 2014-2022 was Ukraine fighting Separatists in their eastern areas.

How is that a "proxy war" and how was the US involved?

Training Ukrainians?
Do you not think that the highlighted has been an obvious aim of this proxy war well prior to the Russian invasion, along with NATO expansion and arms sales to everyone off the back of it?

I always say follow the money and that's where you will find the real drivers of international relations

What money is gained by supporting Ukraine?
Other than Germany Poland has been prudent enough to effect a timely construction of an LNG terminal on its coast. A condition on which Germany will lag at least 2 years (if not longer), seeing how such a facility cannot be erected overnight.

Additionally the pipeline that is currently under construction between Poland and Norway is expected to be operational by next year.

Beyond all of which Poland's gas storage tanks are two thirds full right now.
Yes, I heard a Polish government representative confirm that on the BBC World Service news last night.
Russia is using their weapons and soldiers in order to invade Ukraine.

Correct because it has seen the US using it as a proxy, first to threaten Russian national security with NATO membership speel , followed by the coup imposition of virulent anti Russian leaderships and ,on top of that, weapons shipments and military training etc. The Ukrainians have been set up as proxies and the US will fight Russia to the last Ukrainian and the complete destruction of Ukraine if they can.

The US would NEVER allow Mexico to host Russian military installations, troops and training, along with the possibility of missile bases. You know it but can't/won't apply it to the Russia/Ukraine situation because it completely undermines the pushed narratives that the sheeple here immerse themselves in.
What money is gained by supporting Ukraine?

Do you really need to be told that? lol

Try the arms companies for a start and then see how the US energy sector will exploit the shift away from Russian energy supplies, having already taken Iran out. Follow that up with forcing the neutrals into joining NATO and all of the arms sales for US corporate vultures. NATO expansion east was/is, imo, at the behest of the arms lobbyists in the US and elsewhere. Western businesses will always want new markets and Ukraine, severed from Russia, opens itself up to them.
Do you really need to be told that? lol

Try the arms companies for a start and then see how the US energy sector will exploit the shift away from Russian energy supplies, having already taken Iran out. Follow that up with forcing the neutrals into joining NATO and all of the arms sales for US corporate vultures. NATO expansion east was/is, imo, at the behest of the arms lobbyists in the US and elsewhere. Western businesses will always want new markets and Ukraine, severed from Russia, opens itself up to them.

The vast majority of kit up to the present was old stock of mixed Soviet and NATO make.

As to energy the shipment of LNG is cumbersome and expensive.

And "forcing" neutral nations to join NATO?


And NATO weaponry is a mixed bag as Germany, England, Sweden, France all have local production for tanks, aircraft, ships, etc.

1. The Biden pukes don't want to make money for US fossil fuel energy producers. They want to drive those producers out of business.

They say that but their actions show different. Biden and co have already this month ordered the release of 180 million barrels of oil from the US reserves and is planning huge natural gas deals to Europe off the back of the war in Ukraine
2. The US hasn't been selling arms to Ukraine. We've been giving them away.

The only free cheese is in a mouse trap.

They haven't been " giving them away" lol You American tazpayers are paying for them and the arms dealers are then " giving" them to Ukraine. You should perhaps look at how foreign " aid" actually plays out. Clue, it's a conduit for handing over public money into private pockets of the donor nation

3. The threat of NATO expansion is a tactic the Biden pukes used to manipulate Putin into attacking Ukraine but the motives for doing that have nothing to do with selling anything to Europe.

I don't think you fully understand how the corporatocracy operates even though you understand there is such a thing, so kudos for that.
Yes...follow the money. But the money we should follow is more about which politicians are being paid by multinational globalists, where all the money and arms that we are sending to Ukraine are ending up and which NGO's are getting flush with cash.

US tax payers are arming Ukraine and paying for the effort at home in cost of living hikes. The Ukrainians are paying for the effort with their lives and homes. Meanwhile the western war vultures are enjoying the financial windfall off of the carnage.

As Smedley Butler put it........." war is a racket"
The vast majority of kit up to the present was old stock of mixed Soviet and NATO make.

How much do you think all of the below has cost? And that's just arms sales

As to energy the shipment of LNG is cumbersome and expensive.

You don't understand business either? Clue, the pass that cost onto the customer, customers they NEVER had before the war recall. :rolleyes:

And "forcing" neutral nations to join NATO?

Of course if you poke a bear in the eye with a stick it tends to lash out and all of the creatures in the vicinity, the US being not really being a part of that compared to the likes of Finland/Sweden, tend to get nervous and seek to protect themselves. Logic isn't coming naturally to your arguments

I don't understand your confusion, it'sa pretty basic application of logic and reason imo

And NATO weaponry is a mixed bag as Germany, England, Sweden, France all have local production for tanks, aircraft, ships, etc.

Western arms dealers, yep. The march eastward saw the former eastern bloc countries modernizing and expanding their military power, who do you think benefitted financially from that?

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