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Russia to Bolster Troops With Ex-Soldiers as Losses Mount in Ukraine: UK (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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Russia to Bolster Troops With Ex-Soldiers as Losses Mount in Ukraine: UK


Russia plans to increase its own troop numbers in Ukraine by enlisting former soldiers as its losses mount amid the ongoing invasion of the Eastern European country, according to a defense intelligence update from the U.K. "In response to mounting losses, the Russian armed forces seek to bolster troop numbers with personnel discharged from military service since 2012," the U.K. Defense Ministry tweeted early Sunday morning, adding that Russia is also trying to recruit troops from Moldova (Transnistria) to "generate more fighting power." Russia has experienced what Kremlin press secretary Dmitry Peskov called "significant losses" of its own troops. He also told Sky News on Thursday that the Russian military casualties were a "huge tragedy for us" without revealing an exact number.

On Saturday, Prime Minister Boris Johnson met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Kyiv to assert further support for the country. The British government confirmed that it is "providing a range of economic, humanitarian and defensive military assistance to Ukraine, and is imposing additional sanctions on Russia and Belarus." The prime minister announced this week that Britain would provide Ukraine with £100 million ($130 million) worth of weapons following Russia's bombing of a train station in the eastern city of Kramatorsk. Zelensky shared pictures of his meeting with Johnson on Facebook, and called the prime minister "one of the most principled opponents of the Russian invasion, a leader in sanctions pressure on Russia and defense support of Ukraine."

Props to Boris Johnson.

Russians who are desireous of becoming Putin's cannon-fodder in Ukraine please raise your hand.

You don't see sons of the Russian elite on the front in Ukraine. They're sniffing coke in mansions in Western Europe.
You don't see sons of the Russian elite on the front in Ukraine. They're sniffing coke in mansions in Western Europe.
Most likely they're doing labor for the oligarchs and building those mansion if my Russian friend at work is to be believed. He says it's well known in Russia that when you are in the army you spend a good amount of time doing bullshit for the oligarchs.

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