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Russia threatens new nuclear deployments if Sweden, Finland join NATO (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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Russia says a nuclear-free Baltic region would no longer be possible if Finland and Sweden become NATO members, alluding to additional nuclear deployments in Europe. “If Sweden and Finland join NATO, the length of the alliance’s land borders with the Russian Federation will more than double. Naturally, these borders will have to be strengthened,” Dmitry Medvedev, former president and deputy chairman of Russia’s Security Council, wrote on his official Telegram channel Thursday. Russia will have to “seriously strengthen the grouping of land forces and air defense, deploy significant naval forces in the waters of the Gulf of Finland. In this case, it will no longer be possible to talk about any nuclear-free status of the Baltic - the balance must be restored,” he said.

If Finland and Sweden did join NATO, this would give Moscow “more officially registered opponents,” Medvedev added. He claimed that NATO was planning to admit the two Nordic states with “minimal bureaucratic procedures.” Russia’s response should be taken with “no emotion, with a cold head,” he added. Moscow sees neighboring Finland’s potential inclusion in NATO as a threat to its national security, as the U.S. could deploy advanced military equipment in Finland if it joined the alliance. If Finland joined the alliance, Sweden would likely follow suit. Finland and Sweden, as well as Ukraine, are already “Enhanced Opportunity Partners” of NATO, the closest form of partnership with the alliance, and partake in military exercises with NATO states. Rather than urging the countries to pursue membership, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has repeatedly said it is for Finland and Sweden to decide their own path. He has also said, “the door remains open” for the alliance to welcome new members.

"Coercive diplomacy". Blackmail is a more honest descriptor. All due to Putin's incredible blunder in invading Ukraine. But this Kremlin threat is nothing new.

Moscow deployed mobile nuclear-capable Iskander-M missiles (the 152nd Missile Brigade at Chernyakhovks) to Kaliningrad in 2016.

Included in their range are six NATO capitals.... Talin, Riga, Vilnius, Warsaw, Prague, and Berlin. Stockholm and Helsinki would increase the Kalingrad threat to eight NATO capital cities.


"Coercive diplomacy". Blackmail is a more honest descriptor. All due to Putin's incredible blunder in invading Ukraine. But this Kremlin threat is nothing new.

Moscow deployed mobile nuclear-capable Iskander-M missiles (the 152nd Missile Brigade at Chernyakhovks) to Kaliningrad in 2016.

Included in their range are six NATO capitals.... Talin, Riga, Vilnius, Warsaw, Prague, and Berlin. Stockholm and Helsinki would increase the Kalingrad threat to eight NATO capital cities.

Good let them bleed their treasury even more when they are in dire straits already economically. Same blunder the Soviet Union did which was one of the reasons it collapsed.


"Coercive diplomacy". Blackmail is a more honest descriptor. All due to Putin's incredible blunder in invading Ukraine. But this Kremlin threat is nothing new.

Moscow deployed mobile nuclear-capable Iskander-M missiles (the 152nd Missile Brigade at Chernyakhovks) to Kaliningrad in 2016.

Included in their range are six NATO capitals.... Talin, Riga, Vilnius, Warsaw, Prague, and Berlin. Stockholm and Helsinki would increase the Kalingrad threat to eight NATO capital cities.
Don't they have nukes that can hit London and DC?
"Russia says a nuclear-free Baltic region would no longer be possible if Finland and Sweden join NATO, alluding to additional nuclear deployments in Europe"

It isn't nuclear-free now! Russia is part of the Baltic region. They may not have much land directly on the Baltic but they are definitely part of the "region".
I want to Biden to extend an invitation to visit the White House to Prime Minister Andersson and Pres. Sauli Niinist forewith, with all due diplomatic honors. I am 100% in support of their inclusion into NATO. Now that is the kind of 'sanction' against Putin that will really stick for a very long time!


"Coercive diplomacy". Blackmail is a more honest descriptor. All due to Putin's incredible blunder in invading Ukraine. But this Kremlin threat is nothing new.

Moscow deployed mobile nuclear-capable Iskander-M missiles (the 152nd Missile Brigade at Chernyakhovks) to Kaliningrad in 2016.

Included in their range are six NATO capitals.... Talin, Riga, Vilnius, Warsaw, Prague, and Berlin. Stockholm and Helsinki would increase the Kalingrad threat to eight NATO capital cities.
See what happens when fear is a person's driving factor? Putin must think everyone thinks like him where all of the countries around you appear in your mind as your enemy. Sorta' like how the gop gins up its base, fear.

Has anyone heard any talk from any country with plans to invade russia?

Has anyone heard any talk from L O L A, lola about corrupting the gop? She walks like a woman and talks like a man.
I want to Biden to extend an invitation to visit the White House to Prime Minister Andersson and Pres. Sauli Niinist forewith, with all due diplomatic honors. I am 100% in support of their inclusion into NATO. Now that is the kind of 'sanction' against Putin that will really stick for a very long time!
There are reports that Putin appears to be in bad health. He has become irrational, and paranoid, having some of his command staff executed, and isolating himself. He's made it known that his dream is to restore the USSR to its previous "glory". Considering his nuclear threats, savage tactics in Ukraine, and apparent desperate condition, a perceived slap in the face may not be prudent.
I believe continued support by providing weaponry to repel the invasion is the best strategy. JMHO
There are reports that Putin appears to be in bad health. He has become irrational, and paranoid, having some of his command staff executed, and isolating himself. He's made it known that his dream is to restore the USSR to its previous "glory". Considering his nuclear threats, savage tactics in Ukraine, and apparent desperate condition, a perceived slap in the face may not be prudent.
I believe continued support by providing weaponry to repel the invasion is the best strategy. JMHOf
That may already be taking place. The lack of quick progress, losing ground, dead generals, a high casualty rate of russians and now the loss of their flag ship has to be some kind of slap in the face. Putin must be furious if not depressed.
That may already be taking place. The lack of quick progress, losing ground, dead generals, a high casualty rate of russians and now the loss of their flag ship has to be some kind of slap in the face. Putin must be furious if not depressed.
No doubt he is. I hope he not so desperate and humiliated, that he does something stupid. I'm a big fan of Sun Tzu. As distasteful as it may seem, an olive branch may be in order.
That may already be taking place. The lack of quick progress, losing ground, dead generals, a high casualty rate of russians and now the loss of their flag ship has to be some kind of slap in the face. Putin must be furious if not depressed.
One also need remember the oncoming May-09 celebration of the Great Patriotic War victory on which Vlad, amid miles and miles of military parading, expected to be able to present his Ukraine "success" as further proof of his having re-established the same Russian victorious greatness.

Even with his propaganda apparatus having brain-washed the majority of the Russian public, selling that is becoming more and more difficult.

Furious and depressed he may be perhaps but, far more dangerous than that, increasingly frenzied.

We can already see that reflected in the by now uncontrolled rampage of his troops and we need to get ready to see far worse.

His health and indeed his life depends, like with the proverbial Mafia Don, in maintaining his top position in the hierarchy (IOW showing his total control in any venture engaged upon). Once he's seen as more and more impotent, it's not the oligarchs he need worry about all that much, it's his own gang of thugs. Not because they oppose this war but because they will more and more oppose being led by a weakling. The only recourse, however futile in the end, will be for him to execute every single one in the KGB (errhh FSB) and even Stalin, possessed of similar end game paranoia, couldn't quite achieve that. Not for lack of trying either.

If he were to croak tomorrow he'd be purged from Russian history within the year. Other thugs would quickly see to that.
Does Russia still think its scary?
No doubt he is. I hope he not so desperate and humiliated, that he does something stupid. I'm a big fan of Sun Tzu. As distasteful as it may seem, an olive branch may be in order.
Olive branch? It would be seen as a sign of weakness.
I want to Biden to extend an invitation to visit the White House to Prime Minister Andersson and Pres. Sauli Niinist forewith, with all due diplomatic honors. I am 100% in support of their inclusion into NATO. Now that is the kind of 'sanction' against Putin that will really stick for a very long time!
It doesn't work like that. First the governments of Finland and Sweden need to tell Parliament that their respective country should join NATO and seek Parliamentary approval. Then if they get approval from Parliaments the governments would officially send in their requests to join the alliance, which then will have to be debated and approved by the whole alliance. You don't invite anyone to NATO, new members applies to join.
It doesn't work like that. First the governments of Finland and Sweden need to tell Parliament that their respective country should join NATO and seek Parliamentary approval. Then if they get approval from Parliaments the governments would officially send in their requests to join the alliance, which then will have to be debated and approved by the whole alliance. You don't invite anyone to NATO, new members applies to join.
LOL, Don't tell me how 'it' works unless you are sure you know we are talking about the same 'it' and we are definitely not. . Not a single hurdle or hoop of the formal process you so painfully describe, disappears because of this state dinner. The hoops to jump still remain after the state dinner. That's not what this dinner is supposed to accomplish. Its just a beautiful sign of growing deepening friendship among democracies. This is Pres. Biden sending a signal, not a private channel communique, but a bold, clear signal of how much this administration loves and respects the aspirations of the people of Sweden and Finland for freedom and if Putin and the rest of the world and the US Senate for that matter, see something more, like an engraved invitation, with regard to this country's position on a NATO petition, well Putin and the rest of the world can interpret it however they want!

Got it yet?

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