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Russia 'sought access to UK visa issuing system' (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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Political Leaning
Russia 'sought access to UK visa issuing system'

A Russian IT specialist claims that he was asked by the Russian Security Service to provide back door access to the system issuing visas for Russians to travel to Britain. The individual is currently seeking asylum in the United States. He spoke initially to the Bellingcat investigative website who investigated his claim and published a report today. The BBC has also spoken directly to the individual who has asked not be named to protect his safety. While it is impossible to verify many of the details, experts say his story is consistent with activity by the Russian security services. It is unclear if it is linked directly to the travel of Russian intelligence operatives to Salisbury this March when Sergei Skripal was poisoned. The man - known as "Vadim", which is not his real name - worked for TLScontact, a company which provides IT services to consulates for visa applications. In the case of the British operation in Russia, it processes and transmits data to London where final decisions on visas are made.

continued @ link above

Perhaps the Muscovite's have more people to poison the the UK?
LOL so what.. this been happening for decades to one degree or another on all sides.. another anti-Russia non story.
man, Russians must really like British cathedrals.
man, Russians must really like British cathedrals.
It's like with all these tourist honey traps, first a loner discovers them, then follow the masses.

In this case one dissident followed by the assassins.:mrgreen:
This OP really hates the Russians.
This OP really hates the Russians.

Indeed, good point.

A story, entirely unverified, based on the claims of someone seeking asylum in the US.

When it comes to desperate, that's as low as it gets, and I thought the UK government's celebrated claims of 'highly likely' re Skripal were bad enough.
Indeed, good point.

A story, entirely unverified, based on the claims of someone seeking asylum in the US.

When it comes to desperate, that's as low as it gets, and I thought the UK government's celebrated claims of 'highly likely' re Skripal were bad enough.

Russia will always be the butt of anything. I'm glad I don't live in Russia for many reasons.
This OP really hates the Russians.

Trumpers really love the Russians. Must be an S&M thing.


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