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Russia Says They Will End Ukraine War on These Four Conditions (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 16, 2021
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Political Leaning
If this is true it sounds like putin has changed his mind about this war.

I don't know if Ukraine will accept the conditions.

From the article:

In an interview with Reuters, Peskov said that Russia could "end war immediately" if Ukraine agrees to sign a neutrality agreement that would bar it from entering NATO, recognizes Crimea as Russian and the separatist regions of Luhansk and Donetsk as independent, and ceases all military action.

If this is true it sounds like putin has changed his mind about this war.

I don't know if Ukraine will accept the conditions.

From the article:

In an interview with Reuters, Peskov said that Russia could "end war immediately" if Ukraine agrees to sign a neutrality agreement that would bar it from entering NATO, recognizes Crimea as Russian and the separatist regions of Luhansk and Donetsk as independent, and ceases all military action.

Hmm… Ukraine should give Russia whatever they want or Russia will (continue to) attack. ;)
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If this is true it sounds like putin has changed his mind about this war.

I don't know if Ukraine will accept the conditions.

From the article:

In an interview with Reuters, Peskov said that Russia could "end war immediately" if Ukraine agrees to sign a neutrality agreement that would bar it from entering NATO, recognizes Crimea as Russian and the separatist regions of Luhansk and Donetsk as independent, and ceases all military action.

1] Crimea may be lost to Russia at the moment, but I think recognizing it - officially - might bea tough sell.

2/3] Luhansk & Donetsk seem to want independence, so that might work

4] Bar NATO? No idea how that sets with Ukrainians, who had seem extremely reticent to join NATO, but may have changed their minds after all this.
If this is true it sounds like putin has changed his mind about this war.

I don't know if Ukraine will accept the conditions.

From the article:

In an interview with Reuters, Peskov said that Russia could "end war immediately" if Ukraine agrees to sign a neutrality agreement that would bar it from entering NATO, recognizes Crimea as Russian and the separatist regions of Luhansk and Donetsk as independent, and ceases all military action.

It really makes me wonder why anyone in our intelligence community didn't see this war coming? Let me rephrase, I wonder why people didn't listen to those in the intelligence community that saw this war coming? Remember when the USSR put missiles in Cuba? And what our response was? That was 90 miles from the US. Imagine they had put them on the border of Mexico and the US? Do you think we'd stand for it? This war could easily have averted.
If this is true it sounds like putin has changed his mind about this war.

I don't know if Ukraine will accept the conditions.

From the article:

In an interview with Reuters, Peskov said that Russia could "end war immediately" if Ukraine agrees to sign a neutrality agreement that would bar it from entering NATO, recognizes Crimea as Russian and the separatist regions of Luhansk and Donetsk as independent, and ceases all military action.

Russia seems to want out.
Russia seems to want out.
Yeah, I think all of the sanctions are starting to have an effect.
There are only so many billionaire yachts that can be seized before these billionaires start becoming uncomfortable with not having their fancy toys.
The people of Russia do not want this war.
A majority of the world is united with Ukraine.
And Putin agrees to stand trial for war crimes, because that needs to happen.
Well, first you need to have evidence of war crimes and I’m sure Russia will insist that Zelensky also stand trial for war crimes over what the Ukranian military has been doing in the Donbas.
Yeah, I think all of the sanctions are starting to have an effect.
There are only so many billionaire yachts that can be seized before these billionaires start becoming uncomfortable with not having their fancy toys.
The people of Russia do not want this war.
A majority of the world is united with Ukraine.
I'm not sure Russia should be able to waltz out without any restitution for damages, but at least keep all the sanctions on, maybe?

But it may be a moot point. Don't know if Ukraine will agree to officially accepting the loss of those territories.
Well, first you need to have evidence of war crimes and I’m sure Russia will insist that Zelensky also stand trial for war crimes over what the Ukranian military has been doing in the Donbas.
you’re entering the mycroft zone, fella….
Those 3 areas come under Russian control - how is that acceptable? Ukraine loses land, these areas develop their own America hating, Russia loving countries, and life goes back to normal? All the death and destruction gets forgotten as sanctions get lifted? At least until Russia regains its strength and comes for who knows who next?

**** that. I feel for the Ukranian people. Personally I'd rather we support them with our military than allow Russia to grow stronger. I believe Russia is dividing the US, Nato, and now growing. Putin as a plan and the US is playing right into it.
The problem is that an agreement to "Russia will halt its military action in Ukraine if Kyiv meets four conditions."
does not mean an agreement to never start additional actions in the future!
you’re entering the mycroft zone, fella….
Not really. According to the UN, the Ukranian military killed 5,000 civilians during the Donbas War. And so far there have been no repercussions for that. That is what Putin is talking about when he says that Ukraine has been committing genocide.
I'm not sure Russia should be able to waltz out without any restitution for damages, but at least keep all the sanctions on, maybe?

But it may be a moot point. Don't know if Ukraine will agree to officially accepting the loss of those territories.
I hope the sanctions remain after the conflict is over. Russia needs to be penalized for their actions.
Well, first you need to have evidence of war crimes and I’m sure Russia will insist that Zelensky also stand trial for war crimes over what the Ukranian military has been doing in the Donbas.
Is there evidence of this? There is plenty of video evidence of Russia's ongoing war crimes.
Those 3 areas come under Russian control - how is that acceptable? Ukraine loses land, these areas develop their own America hating, Russia loving countries, and life goes back to normal? All the death and destruction gets forgotten as sanctions get lifted? At least until Russia regains its strength and comes for who knows who next?

**** that. I feel for the Ukranian people. Personally I'd rather we support them with our military than allow Russia to grow stronger. I believe Russia is dividing the US, Nato, and now growing. Putin as a plan and the US is playing right into it.
The situation is more complex than that. Ukraine was part of Russia for centuries and didn’t gain independence until the 1980s. The Ukranian people are not a monolithic entity and there are plenty who prefer to be independent from Ukraine and align with Russia. I don’t know how you tell the people of the Donbas region for example that they don’t have a right to self-determination.
Is there evidence of this? There is plenty of video evidence of Russia's ongoing war crimes.
Yes. That civilian infrastructure is damaged or destroyed and that civilians are dead is not evidence of a war crime in and of itself. The laws of war are much more nuanced than that.
If this is true it sounds like putin has changed his mind about this war.

I don't know if Ukraine will accept the conditions.

From the article:

In an interview with Reuters, Peskov said that Russia could "end war immediately" if Ukraine agrees to sign a neutrality agreement that would bar it from entering NATO, recognizes Crimea as Russian and the separatist regions of Luhansk and Donetsk as independent, and ceases all military action.

Well want they want is Ukraine to be a neutral buffer zone from NATO and Luhansk and Donats to leave Ukraine.

It seems their original plan was to achieve this via regime change and installing a puppet regime, but it sounds like they want to drop that idea and try to get in exchange for a negotiated cessation of violence.
Putin has the go-ahead to rebuild the USSR from trump and the GOP. Putin’s war is designed to help the GOP in the upcoming elections.
oh geez.
If this is true it sounds like putin has changed his mind about this war.

I don't know if Ukraine will accept the conditions.

From the article:

In an interview with Reuters, Peskov said that Russia could "end war immediately" if Ukraine agrees to sign a neutrality agreement that would bar it from entering NATO, recognizes Crimea as Russian and the separatist regions of Luhansk and Donetsk as independent, and ceases all military action.

These are eminently unserious demands and I certainly wouldn't agree to them, but of course that is up to Ukraine to decide.

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