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Russia opens criminal investigation of Meta over death calls on Facebook (1 Viewer)


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Dec 3, 2017
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  • Russia opened a criminal case against Facebook’s parent Meta Platforms on Friday and moved to designate it as an “extremist organisation” after the social network changed its hate speech rules to allow users to call for violence against Russians in the context of the war with Ukraine.
  • It was not immediately clear what the consequences of the criminal case might be.
  • Two weeks into Russia’s war in Ukraine, a Meta spokesperson said on Thursday the company had temporarily eased its rules for political speech, allowing posts such as “death to the Russian invaders,” although it would not allow calls for violence against Russian civilians.
  • =======================================
Invasion? What invasion? Orwell's 1984 lives in today's Russia.
Maybe the Russian Govt. can do what the American Govt. couldn't. Oh the irony.

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