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Russia may have found a buyer for its cheap oil: India (1 Viewer)


Social Democrat
DP Veteran
Apr 28, 2015
Reaction score
Third Coast
Political Leaning

"Russia is offering oil and other commodities at a heavy discount. We will be happy to take that," one of the Indian government officials said.

The official added that such trade required preparatory work including transportation, insurance cover and getting the right blend of crude, but once that was done India would take Russia up on its offer.


It seems India is heavily dependent upon Putin for arms & oil, to the point it the Indians will take advantage of the situation, to the detriment of the West's sanctions.


Oy Vey!


It seems India is heavily dependent upon Putin for arms & oil, to the point it the Indians will take advantage of the situation, to the detriment of the West's sanctions.


Oy Vey!
Poor country, long term relationship with Russia, and the US needs India for the Indo Pacific
US needs allies to counter China.
Look at India's per capita, and tell me they should pay higher oil prices?
Poor country, long term relationship with Russia, and the US needs India for the Indo Pacific
US needs allies to counter China.
Look at India's per capita, and tell me they should pay higher oil prices?

Yeah, it's a tough situation, and it's hard to hold them at fault.


It seems India is heavily dependent upon Putin for arms & oil, to the point it the Indians will take advantage of the situation, to the detriment of the West's sanctions.


Oy Vey!
Then India should get the saem treatment.
Yeah, it's a tough situation, and it's hard to hold them at fault.
It is. US cannot try and push India into an alliance
That would fail
India will get there, patience is needed.
Unfortunately this is one area where Republican administrations have been consistently on the right side of history. Our relationship with India atrophied under Clinton, strengthened under bush, atrophied again under Obama, strengthened again under Trump, and thus far the Biden administration has not made any meaningful positive overtures. Indeed, US foreign policy has always been oriented toward Pakistan in terms of military support despite their being The leading proliferator of terrorism and nuclear weapons in the world. And of course we are the fuel for China’s economic engine. So, given our heavy consistent investment in India’s enemies, one a dictatorship and the other a totalitarian state, plus our three decade hot and cold relationship with India itself, it should be no surprise India will maintain warm relations with the one nation that has been consistently supportive of them for many decades.

This is unfortunate because the United States and India really ought to be Long-term strategic partners and a unified offset to China.


It seems India is heavily dependent upon Putin for arms & oil, to the point it the Indians will take advantage of the situation, to the detriment of the West's sanctions.


Oy Vey!

India spent several billion dollars campaigning for American business to "MAKE IN INDIA" and several tens of billions modernizing Hyderabad and a couple of
other technology satellite cities to create a friendly environment for the free world to manufacture in as an alternative to China.
Meanwhile CHINA is actually preparing to lead the world in electric vehicles, and India is in no position to cling to their old polluting ways, with their old polluting
Hindostan taxicabs and 2-stroke tuk-tuks, so if they need Russian oil, it's because "Thoroughly Modern Modi" isn't quite as modern as he says he is, MAKE IN INDIA
isn't as genuine as it wants people to think it is, and by siding too closely with Russia, they are sending a message that the free world should not expect stability in India.
India spent several billion dollars campaigning for American business to "MAKE IN INDIA" and several tens of billions modernizing Hyderabad and a couple of
other technology satellite cities to create a friendly environment for the free world to manufacture in as an alternative to China.
Meanwhile CHINA is actually preparing to lead the world in electric vehicles, and India is in no position to cling to their old polluting ways, with their old polluting
Hindostan taxicabs and 2-stroke tuk-tuks, so if they need Russian oil, it's because "Thoroughly Modern Modi" isn't quite as modern as he says he is, MAKE IN INDIA
isn't as genuine as it wants people to think it is, and by siding too closely with Russia, they are sending a message that the free world should not expect stability in India.
Foreign investment is always going to be a dicey topic wrought with complication, when it comes to India.

Four words: East India Trading Company.
Foreign investment is always going to be a dicey topic wrought with complication, when it comes to India.

Four words: East India Trading Company.

Yabbut that's precisely my point, thanks...why would India want to reinforce that negativity?
I realize that they have to depend on a certain amount of Russian oil, they always have.
But they need to be careful about signaling to the West that they're all in and fully in the tank
with going beyond that.
Then India should get the saem treatment.
If we’re not willing to cross China on trade with Russia, I’m not seeing why we would have a different position on India or indeed anyone else who trades with Russia.
Yabbut that's precisely my point, thanks...why would India want to reinforce that negativity?
I realize that they have to depend on a certain amount of Russian oil, they always have.
But they need to be careful about signaling to the West that they're all in and fully in the tank
with going beyond that.
I agree. I’d like to see them do better. India’s central governance is extraordinarily weak by Western standards - the ‘Modi-is-dictatorial!’ garbage is laughable to anyone who actually knows India - but this means it’s fairly ineffectual at crafting policy and fighting momentum to change course. China’s ability to effect change in an instant is the reason they’ve run circles around India. I dislike this but, well, that’s where India is.
Biden needs to get on the phone and convince India that this would be very damaging for India and the world.
He has 40 years of foreign policy experience. Right?
For those interested, here’s the perspective from India:

Note the almost snide comment about how NATO partners have it “easier” than India because they get to continue buying oil from Russia, underwriting the war with nary a complaint while the west exhorts India to go without. It’s worth keeping in mind…
I am wondering if the delivery infrastructure between Russia and India is large enough to deliver all the oil India needs. I know the connection for Russia to China is rather limited.
Meh. Europe is still buying energy products from Russia. I don't see why it's a big deal that India does.
India paying a fraction of the cost that Europe was paying for oil doesn't really benefit Russia much. The value of their oil is greatly reduced and with so few buyers, their in no position to negotiate price any time soon. The lower price hurts them and shows that the sanctions are clearly working.
It seems India is heavily dependent upon Putin for arms & oil, to the point it the Indians will take advantage of the situation, to the detriment of the West's sanctions.
Oy Vey!


It seems India is heavily dependent upon Putin for arms & oil, to the point it the Indians will take advantage of the situation, to the detriment of the West's sanctions.


Oy Vey!
Well Modi is psychotic so it makes sense
India has much more lax standards for car safety, so for better or worse, cheap electric cars
are poised to become EVER so much more a fast growing trend.
There are only a handful of express highways with a 75 mph (120 kph) top speed and most are
actually 60 mph (100 kph) but conditions are seldom if ever good enough to maintain
that speed. Most of the time under optimum conditions you may maintain 50 mph on average.

In the next few years we may very well see a gradual attrition of the gasoline fleet.
The famous high polluting and comparatively thirsty Hindustan cab is now history, and they are
being traded in for hybrid cars from Mahindra or Toyota, or even pure electric tuk tuks which
are replacing the detestable two stroke motors.

With such a large population this is of course not a rapid transition, but it doesn't bode well
for the future. India has no desire to be dictated to by Russia any more than it wished to by
Great Britain.

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