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"Russia" is most unequal country in the world (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 2, 2017
Reaction score
Political Leaning
I want to see what all Moscow lovers here will write, I want to see your arguments :lamo

"Credit Suisse's latest Global Wealth Report shows the wealthiest 10% of Russia's population own 82% of all household wealth. This gives Russia the most unequal wealth distribution in the world, compared to figures of 76% for the United States and 62% for China.Apr 15, 2019"
Russia is ‘most unequal’ country in the world | Public Finance Focus
Russia Named World’s Most Unequal Economy - The Moscow Times

related: https://www.debatepolitics.com/russ...-russian-empire-videos-pictures-mems-etc.html
I want to see what all Moscow lovers here will write, I want to see your arguments :lamo

"Credit Suisse's latest Global Wealth Report shows the wealthiest 10% of Russia's population own 82% of all household wealth. This gives Russia the most unequal wealth distribution in the world, compared to figures of 76% for the United States and 62% for China.Apr 15, 2019"
Russia is ‘most unequal’ country in the world | Public Finance Focus
Russia Named World’s Most Unequal Economy - The Moscow Times

related: Daily life in dying "russian" empire . videos , pictures, MEMS etc.

What is there to argue?

You got the country name correct.

And Russia has its share of Kleptocracy.

BTW - Your "related" isn't.

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