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"russia" has defaulted on its foreign debt, says S&P (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 2, 2017
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"russia" has defaulted on its foreign debt, says S&P​

London (CNN Business)Russia has defaulted on its foreign debt because it offered bondholders payments in rubles, not dollars, credit ratings agency S&P has said.

the things are MOVING much faster THE LAST DAYS , one for sure our SANCTIONS WORK (y)
Rather they support it or not, the citizens are going to pay the price.

Wonder how many would change their opinion of the war if they knew the truth of what is going on.
So is there a going out of business sale scheduled? I am in the market for a couple of used tanks.
That's the way it goes.....It is only when the people rise up that dictators are removed.
I agree. Hopefully the Russian people will demand the end of the war.
Most Russians support the war in Ukraine like most North Koreans support the nuclear ambitions of Kim Jong Un. When a stranger comes up to you with a piece of paper and a pen and asks if you support of the policies of the unelected leader of the dictatorship where you live, you say "yes."
Most Russians support the war in Ukraine like most North Korean
not really , NK is a totalitarian country, Muscovy is a kleptocracy. Belarusians under the same pressure of Moscow RT propaganda + Loo propaganda work mainly in the same RT. direction still ONLY 3% BELARUSIANS support this war, compere to 80% Muscovites .



I wonder about that. When you go to jail for not supporting it, one has to wonder if the support is real.
"Belarusians under the same pressure of Moscow RT propaganda + Loo propaganda work mainly in the same RT. direction still ONLY 3% BELARUSIANS support this war, compere to 80% Muscovites ."

not really , NK is a totalitarian country, Muscovy is a kleptocracy. Belarusians under the same pressure of Moscow RT propaganda + Loo propaganda work mainly in the same RT. direction still ONLY 3% BELARUSIANS support this war, compere to 80% Muscovites .

View attachment 67385167


For the same reason that North Koreans support the policies of North Korea. When a stranger comes up to you with a piece of paper and a pen and asks if you support of the policies of the unelected leader of the "kleptocracy" where you live, you say "yes."
North Koreans support the policies of North Korea
NK don't have internet, colonies , etc, you can´t compere stalenist - totalitarian NK with Muscovite empire ...
NK don't have internet, colonies , etc, you can´t compere stalenist - totalitarian NK with Muscovite empire ...
I can when it comes to whether or not to trust polls about whether people who live in authoritarian states support the authoritarian.

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