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Russia funds level 3 bio lab in Mexico , near US border. (1 Viewer)

Big Eye

DP Veteran
Jun 6, 2020
Reaction score
Portsmouth ,UK
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
They haven’t , but the US has done something similar in Ukraine . Now perhaps you understand why Russia is pissed.
But they are not run by your enemy ( unless you count the CIA ) …this is not rocket science.
The false assumption here being that Russia considers the US its enemy.

If people in Russia believe that, then they are idiots.
They haven’t , but the US has done something similar in Ukraine . Now perhaps you understand why Russia is pissed.

There is one poster who believes that one of the Bio Labs is researching Pancreatic diseases because that is what he has been fed .

Overlooking the fact that all of these Ukraine Labs are solely funded by the US with Pathogen research licences and have used the DTRA chief contractor for building/equipping .

And guess what the DTRA are involved with .

Exactly . Bio Labs that research Viruses , Bacteria and Toxins .
The false assumption here being that Russia considers the US its enemy.

If people in Russia believe that, then they are idiots.
The US would not tolerate a Russian funded bio lab on its border…never mind the 13 the US have in Ukraine.
There is one poster who believes that one of the Bio Labs is researching Pancreatic diseases because that is what he has been fed .

Overlooking the fact that all of these Ukraine Labs are solely funded by the US with Pathogen research licences and have used the DTRA chief contractor for building/equipping .

And guess what the DTRA are involved with .

Exactly . Bio Labs that research Viruses , Bacteria and Toxins .
Liberals are nuts…I think most of us can agree on that lol. They are once again falling for the narrative…the are unquestioning fools.
Complete bullshit…
You get so angry once facts are given .

US funded labs all over the planet . At least 25 different countries .


Start with Georgia , Kazakhstan , Uzbekistan -- just to get a feel for the subject .
You get so angry once facts are given .

US funded labs all over the planet . At least 25 different countries .


Start with Georgia , Kazakhstan , Uzbekistan -- just to get a feel for the subject .

It's almost like we are funding these labs to detect new strains of diseases that emerge... Why would the US need labs all over the planet to create biological weapons?
The US has been testing bio weapons on Eastern European troops…

LMAO... So top secret they published the results of this "testing"... Why would they publish bio weapons testing in a widely read journal?


@Big Eye is from the UK, so I will put it in terms they can understand.
Ooooooo..... And Armenia too... Tell us why there would be press releases announcing these "top secret" labs?

This bio lab situation goes some way to indicate why the Russians invaded…they were being prodded into action. That does not excuse Russia’s behaviour but it goes some way into explaining it …and demonstrates the Ukraine government’s complicity.
LMAO... So top secret they published the results of this "testing"... Why would they publish bio weapons testing in a widely read journal?

Who said anything about “top secret”…this only works if the Russians know about it but dumb ass Western liberals don’t.
This bio lab situation goes some way to indicate why the Russians invaded…they were being prodded into action. That does not excuse Russia’s behaviour but it goes some way into explaining it …and demonstrates the Ukraine government’s complicity.

Russia is getting their asses kicked and no amount of bullshit by Pootin supporters is going to justify the wreckage Pootin is causing his country. The WORLD knows what happened... Save the WMD bullshit... GW tried that already...

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