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"Russia" deploys two nuclear-capable strategic bombers to Venezuela as U.S. tensions soar (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 2, 2017
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what will be putler´s next step, Muscovite nuclear robots in Cuba? with such push - over president , putler can do literally anything ....


"Russia" deploys two nuclear-capable strategic bombers to Venezuela as U.S. tensions soar"

Re: "Russia" deploys two nuclear-capable strategic bombers to Venezuela as U.S. tensions soar

" Russia ‘will send missiles to Cuba’ as US withdrawal from nuclear treaty is 'way to WAR'

VLADIMIR Putin will be forced to deploy missiles to Cuba ....."

Is the Daily Star a tabloid? I'm interested, as Putin making such a statement is significant, but I'd like a mainstream source or something I recognize. Or convince me the Daily Star is reliable.
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Re: "Russia" deploys two nuclear-capable strategic bombers to Venezuela as U.S. tensions soar

Is the Daily Star a tabloid? I'm interested, as Putin making such a statement is significant, but I'd like a mainstream source or something I recognize. Or convince me the Daily Star is reliable.

whats about "Russia" deploys two nuclear-capable strategic bombers to Venezuela as U.S. tensions soar" ?
Re: "Russia" deploys two nuclear-capable strategic bombers to Venezuela as U.S. tensions soar

whats about "Russia" deploys two nuclear-capable strategic bombers to Venezuela as U.S. tensions soar" ?

They're not armed. We do it to them. I remember a similar incident, also Venezuela perhaps, a year or so ago.

The statement regarding Cuba concerns me if accurate.
Re: "Russia" deploys two nuclear-capable strategic bombers to Venezuela as U.S. tensions soar

what will be putler´s next step, Muscovite nuclear robots in Cuba? with such push - over president , putler can do literally anything ....


"Russia" deploys two nuclear-capable strategic bombers to Venezuela as U.S. tensions soar"


Trump is Putin's Bottom Boy, we saw that in Helsinki. Bottom Boy Trump won't do anything meaningful.
Re: "Russia" deploys two nuclear-capable strategic bombers to Venezuela as U.S. tensions soar

They're not armed. We do it to them. ...

The statement regarding Cuba concerns me if accurate.

1) who said so ?
2) its 100% accurate, TV.ru talks about it everyday, putler´s propagandacondoms , politicians, military men , etc
Re: "Russia" deploys two nuclear-capable strategic bombers to Venezuela as U.S. tensions soar

1) who said so ?
2) its 100% accurate, TV.ru talks about it everyday, putler´s propagandacondoms , politicians, military men , etc

The article is specific: "nuclear capable", not "nuclear armed".

Evidence of Putin putting Cuba on the table, from a reputable source, would be interesting.
Re: "Russia" deploys two nuclear-capable strategic bombers to Venezuela as U.S. tensions soar

what will be putler´s next step, Muscovite nuclear robots in Cuba? with such push - over president , putler can do literally anything ....


"Russia" deploys two nuclear-capable strategic bombers to Venezuela as U.S. tensions soar"

Hope they're well guarded, the Venezuelans will steal them for food.
Re: "Russia" deploys two nuclear-capable strategic bombers to Venezuela as U.S. tensions soar

There is a distinct difference between nuclear capable and nuclear armed.
Re: "Russia" deploys two nuclear-capable strategic bombers to Venezuela as U.S. tensions soar

Trump is Putin's Bottom Boy, we saw that in Helsinki. Bottom Boy Trump won't do anything meaningful.
What would you like him to do?
Re: "Russia" deploys two nuclear-capable strategic bombers to Venezuela as U.S. tensions soar

Hope they're well guarded, the Venezuelans will steal them for food.

are your sure ? maybe it´ ll be other way around ?

Re: "Russia" deploys two nuclear-capable strategic bombers to Venezuela as U.S. tensions soar

what will be putler´s next step, Muscovite nuclear robots in Cuba? with such push - over president , putler can do literally anything ....


"Russia" deploys two nuclear-capable strategic bombers to Venezuela as U.S. tensions soar"


1, These things are scary. Very very fast, very heavily armed with extremely fast stand off missiles. Nasty.

2, Why do they need to be in the very exposed forward position of Venezuela? They have vast range and mid air refuleing so why would they ever want to beoutside their Siberian/Arctic bases?
Re: "Russia" deploys two nuclear-capable strategic bombers to Venezuela as U.S. tensions soar

They could have been used to drop food over Venezuela, yeah, that's the ticket.
Re: "Russia" deploys two nuclear-capable strategic bombers to Venezuela as U.S. tensions soar

What would you like him to do?

there is plenty he can do. For one, stop undermining the US intel agencies publicly by "going with his gut" instead of the intelligence gathered. It's one thing to question intel or be skeptical, it's another to publicly say you are going with your gut instead. Right now, he's essentially saying the US intel agencies are all lying but his "gut" is telling the truth.
Re: "Russia" deploys two nuclear-capable strategic bombers to Venezuela as U.S. tensions soar

there is plenty he can do. For one, stop undermining the US intel agencies publicly by "going with his gut" instead of the intelligence gathered. It's one thing to question intel or be skeptical, it's another to publicly say you are going with your gut instead. Right now, he's essentially saying the US intel agencies are all lying but his "gut" is telling the truth.

Hmm... didn't going with the intel agencies get us into the Iraq war(s)?
Re: "Russia" deploys two nuclear-capable strategic bombers to Venezuela as U.S. tensions soar

Hmm... didn't going with the intel agencies get us into the Iraq war(s)?

No, actually that was a US president that got us into that war. The intel agencies did not say "attack now".

Are you comfortable with a president going with his gut?
Re: "Russia" deploys two nuclear-capable strategic bombers to Venezuela as U.S. tensions soar

1, These things are scary. Very very fast, very heavily armed with extremely fast stand off missiles. Nasty.

2, Why do they need to be in the very exposed forward position of Venezuela? They have vast range and mid air refuleing so why would they ever want to beoutside their Siberian/Arctic bases?

they are there because America does the same ... America virtually surrounds Russia with military bases and Americans get upset when Russia sends nuclear capable bombers to there allies in Venezuela .... that is what you call double standards
Re: "Russia" deploys two nuclear-capable strategic bombers to Venezuela as U.S. tensions soar

they are there because America does the same ... America virtually surrounds Russia with military bases and Americans get upset when Russia sends nuclear capable bombers to there allies in Venezuela .... that is what you call double standards

Fighters with support would be more of a threat. Or anti-ship missilies.

Unsupported very long range bombers are simply a show off item which you would never be able to use from such an outflung place.
Re: "Russia" deploys two nuclear-capable strategic bombers to Venezuela as U.S. tensions soar

there is plenty he can do. For one, stop undermining the US intel agencies publicly by "going with his gut" instead of the intelligence gathered. It's one thing to question intel or be skeptical, it's another to publicly say you are going with your gut instead. Right now, he's essentially saying the US intel agencies are all lying but his "gut" is telling the truth.
So, you have nothing other than the standard TDS rant. Thanks for clearing that up.
Re: "Russia" deploys two nuclear-capable strategic bombers to Venezuela as U.S. tensions soar

They sent 2 so there will be parts available when needed...
Re: "Russia" deploys two nuclear-capable strategic bombers to Venezuela as U.S. tensions soar

Until we know for sure the connection between Trump and Putin, I don't believe in the political danger of any of this.
Re: "Russia" deploys two nuclear-capable strategic bombers to Venezuela as U.S. tensions soar

1, These things are scary. Very very fast, very heavily armed with extremely fast stand off missiles. Nasty.

2, Why do they need to be in the very exposed forward position of Venezuela? They have vast range and mid air refuleing so why would they ever want to beoutside their Siberian/Arctic bases?

They are their deadliest bombers, those with the tu-22m and the mig-31 are the scariest thoughts for nato, however they only sent two of them plus one missile ship, and no air superiority fighters. In a long range standoff game they may be sent alone to bombard carrier groups, but 2 of them is not enough to do that, if they were used in closer ranges without long range stand off missiles like kh101 missiles, which can hit targets over 3k miles away, they require air superiority fighters with them.

The fact they did not send air superiority fighters with them or send either more tu-160 or other strategic bombers says to me it is nothing more than a show of force with a little bit of prevention against a us invasion as damaging russian assets in a russian allied country is the same as declaring war on them.

But if they actually wanted to do anything against america or it's allies the rest of their bombers in russia are far more useful and strategically placed, while venezuala offers no strategic importance for bombers.

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