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Russia Deploying Members Of Notorious Ukrainian Police Unit In Occupied Regions, Official Says (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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Berkut commander Sergei Kusyuk in Moscow 2018.

Russian forces have tried to intimidate local officials working in the occupied southern Ukrainian city of Kherson and deployed officers from a notorious, now-disbanded riot police unit as part of that effort, a local administration official said. In an interview, Serhiy Khlan, deputy chief of the Kherson regional council, also described in more detail an effort by Russian officials to organize a sham independence referendum, in a pretext for formally taking over the region or simply prying it away from central government control. Kherson, located not far from the administrative border separating Ukraine proper from the Russian-annexed peninsula of Crimea, became the first major Ukrainian city to be taken over by Russian forces on March 5. Thousands of Kherson residents rallied in the city center on March 13, in an unusual public display of protest against Russian forces. People marched through the streets chanting “Russian soldiers are fascist occupiers!” In one video posted to social media by Kherson officials, gunfire can be heard as Russian soldiers fired weapons into the air in an apparent effort to frighten marchers.

Speaking to Current Time on March 12, Khlan also said that the police officers being deployed under Russian orders included former members of a feared Ukrainian riot police unit known as the “Berkut.” The unit was notorious for violent repressions against protesters, and was blamed for most of the shooting deaths of Ukrainian civilians that occurred in February 2014, in the final days of the Maidan street protests. The “Berkut” unit was disbanded by the government that took over after President Viktor Yanukovych fled Ukraine; many of its officers fled to Crimea and the Donetsk and Luhansk regions. “Kherson is effectively under the control of the Russian National Guard. They are the so-called police. These are people from the Berkut who, after the Maidan in 2014 fled Ukraine. Now they are returning, filled with hate for Ukrainians,” he said. “The Russians are deploying them in occupied towns to form an administration and install their so-called Russian order.,” he added.

The Kremlin is following the "Crimea model" in occupied Ukrainian cities ....appointing collaborators as officials and holding sham "referendums".

The "Berkut" (Golden Eagles) was the personal militia of disgraced former Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych. On the orders of Yanukovych, Berkut shot to death 77 Euromaidan protesters in Kyiv between February 18-20 2014.



Berkut commander Sergei Kusyuk in Moscow 2018.

The Kremlin is following the "Crimea model" in occupied Ukrainian cities ....appointing collaborators as officials and holding sham "referendums".

The "Berkut" (Golden Eagles) was the personal militia of disgraced former Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych. On the orders of Yanukovych, Berkut shot to death 77 Euromaidan protesters in Kyiv between February 18-20 2014.

I mean, if it’s okay to let the Azov thugs run wild, why should I care about these guys?
Meanwhile, Biden still refuses to give Ukraine the MIGs they need to dislodge these crooks.

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