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Russia-Backed Television Network Airs Tucker Carlson's Pro-Putin Monologue (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 16, 2019
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Tucker Carlson should be shipped to Russia, to put it simply he is a traitor of the highest degree. Even the Trump supporters should be ticked off.

The monologue, in which Carlson, the host of Tucker Carlson Tonight, questions why Americans should dislike Putin, aired this week on RT, an international television network controlled and funded by the Russian government. The channel is often considered a major source of Russian propaganda.

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Tucker Carlson should be shipped to Russia, to put it simply he is a traitor of the highest degree. Even the Trump supporters should be ticked off.

The monologue, in which Carlson, the host of Tucker Carlson Tonight, questions why Americans should dislike Putin, aired this week on RT, an international television network controlled and funded by the Russian government. The channel is often considered a major source of Russian propaganda.

I think they've been showing Trump's praise also. (Its twitter and I can't post a link because twitter wants me to log in every time I try to look at something.)
I'm sure grandpappy will be along to call all of US commies and Mycroft will tell us how it's all Biden's fault that Carlson spoke out any minute. Wonder what they think of Tucker?
Tucker Carlson should be shipped to Russia, to put it simply he is a traitor of the highest degree. Even the Trump supporters should be ticked off.

The monologue, in which Carlson, the host of Tucker Carlson Tonight, questions why Americans should dislike Putin, aired this week on RT, an international television network controlled and funded by the Russian government. The channel is often considered a major source of Russian propaganda.

Attacking the Capitol with intent to destroy the republic. Slurping Putin. This isn't mere partisan rancor.
As the Russian leader prepared to invade Ukraine, the leader of the Republican Party had only praise for Vladimir Putin.

Donald Trump has a history of supporting Putin ever since the Russian helped Trump win the 2016 Presidential election. So, it is no big surprise that Trump would have high praise for what Putin is doing as the latter prepares for a European war that could rival WWII in its severity.

The leader of the GOP thinks this is a great idea.

ABC News reports, "As Vladimir Putin steers Russia toward an invasion of Ukraine, former President Donald Trump is calling the actions of the Russian president "genius" and "savvy."

“I went in yesterday and there was a television screen, and I said, ‘This is genius.’ Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine, of Ukraine, Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that’s wonderful,” Trump said.

“So Putin is now saying, ‘It’s independent,’ a large section of Ukraine. I said, ‘How smart is that?’ And he’s going to go in and be a peacekeeper. That’s the strongest peace force. We could use that on our southern border. That’s the strongest peace force I’ve ever seen. … Here’s a guy who’s very savvy. … I know him very well. Very, very well,” Trump added.

Trump's comments were made on Tuesday. They have been endorsed by the Republican leadership by virtue of their silence.

ABC continued, "Trump has long expressed an admiration for Putin, saying on Tuesday that as president, he got along "great" with the Russian leader."

"He liked me. I liked him. I mean, you know, he's a tough cookie, got a lot of great charm and a lot of pride," Trump said. "And he loves his country, you know? He loves his country."

It's true. The Republican has always been in total agreement with the communist dictator.

Concerning Russia's interference in our 2016 election, President Trump sided with Putin in July 2018. He "declined to endorse the US government’s assessment that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election, saying he doesn’t “see any reason why” Russia would be responsible," CNN reports.

“I have great confidence in my intelligence people, but I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today,” Trump said during a joint news conference in Helsinki.

Iran is a sworn enemy of the U.S. and the West. Iran is a Russian ally. The Iranian nuclear agreement (known as the JCPOA) was an agreement between Iran and the six major powers. It permanently barred Iran from making a nuclear weapon.

President Trump destroyed the agreement in May 2018.

The Republican Party which lost the House, Senate, and the Presidency during a span of two years (2018 to 2020) while under Trump's leadership is expected to win control of Congress in the November mid-terms.
In principle, I won't condemn someone simply for Russia supporting their message enough to bypass their censorship and air it in Russia.

That's what Khrushchev did for JFK's 'peace speech'. If had today's corrupt Republican partisanship, they could have gone wild attacking JFK for that. Hey John Moscow loves you!

Context matters. JFK gave a great, groundbreaking speech, and it was right on both sides that it was given and that Moscow welcomed it.

This Tucker behavior, of course, is not that. It's entirely different on the merits, and that's where it deserves to be condemned. THIS time Russia airing it is shameful.
Tucker Carlson should be shipped to Russia, to put it simply he is a traitor of the highest degree. Even the Trump supporters should be ticked off.

The monologue, in which Carlson, the host of Tucker Carlson Tonight, questions why Americans should dislike Putin, aired this week on RT, an international television network controlled and funded by the Russian government. The channel is often considered a major source of Russian propaganda.

Russia-Backed Television Network Airs Tucker Carlson's Pro-Putin Monologue​

We know it was on Fox, were you talking about another Russia- backed television network?
I'm against both Carlson and Trumps statements regarding Putin.

But you guys need to learn just what the constitutional definition of "treason" actually is.
I'm against both Carlson and Trumps statements regarding Putin.

But you guys need to learn just what the constitutional definition of "treason" actually is.

I think Leftists who openly espouse Open Borders should learn what the constitutional definition of treason is.

I think Leftists who openly claim that White people are inherently racist and oppressive should learn what racism is (note: I'm not White, I'm of Asian descent)

I think Leftists who openly claim that Voter ID laws are racist should learn both what racism is and what treason is.
I think Leftists who openly espouse Open Borders should learn what the constitutional definition of treason is.

I think Leftists who openly claim that White people are inherently racist and oppressive should learn what racism is (note: I'm not White, I'm of Asian descent)

I think Leftists who openly claim that Voter ID laws are racist should learn both what racism is and what treason is.

In other words, you don't care about democracy and freedom. You only care about illegal immigrants and white grievances.

If you're Asian then maybe you should review your history--the Chinese Exclusion Act, Asian Exclusion Act, Japanese internment camps, and all the various times angry white mobs have attacked Chinese communities. If you think that joining with nationalists will work for you in the long term, you're a fool. They'll turn on you the next time there is a problem with China.
We could probably get off Russian oil by capturing how fast Reagan is spinning in his grave right now.
In other words, you don't care about democracy and freedom. You only care about illegal immigrants and white grievances.

Illegal immigration is about democracy and freedom? Since when?

If that's the case, then you should be welcoming the influx of illegal immigrants into Ukraine from its eastern borders.

If you're Asian then maybe you should review your history--the Chinese Exclusion Act, Asian Exclusion Act, Japanese internment camps, and all the various times angry white mobs have attacked Chinese communities. If you think that joining with nationalists will work for you in the long term, you're a fool. They'll turn on you the next time there is a problem with China.

The next time there's a problem with China?
China is a non-stop troublemaker now.

Rather than purely depending upon identity politics, you should consider supporting competent policies. Unfortunately, Biden doesn't have those.
I'm against both Carlson and Trumps statements regarding Putin. But you guys need to learn just what the constitutional definition of "treason" actually is.

Treason is a word with both legal and rhetorical meanings, i.e., with a Constitutional definition, which is strict and narrow, but the word also has a broader meaning.

The narrow constitutional definition requires an individual to give aid and comfort to a declared enemy of the United States (by Congress) whereupon Congress has declared war.

The broader definition would include acts of betrayal of the United states, aid and comfort to a de facto enemy of the united states, or
Treason is the crime of attacking a state authority to which one owes allegiance - wikipedia and Trump has done that by inspiring the acts of 1/6, some say, but, of course, it doesn't rise to the American legal standard.

The legal definition is the former, for purposes of indictments, convictions, etc. but the latter can be used rhetorically, conversationally.

Therefore, we can, rhetorically, conversationally, assert that Trump and Tucker are traitors, but a prosecutor could not indict them because Congress has not formally
declared Russia an enemy nor has Congress declared war on Russia.

Thing is, Congress will never do that unless Russia declares war on us, which is not likely, either.

But, it is fair, for purposes of conversation, to assert they are traitors, treasonous bastards, which they are.

Why? Because Putin is a de facto enemy of democracy and for purposes of conversation, rhetorical usage, aiding him puts one fair game for the charge., but we can't expect a prosecutor to do anything about it.
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Send the little twerp who got all his money from his inheritance to Russia. He is a traitorous bastard.
Which little twerp are you referring to? They both got all their money from an inheritance.

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