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Rush Limbaugh, Tiger Woods among the most successful college dropouts of our time (1 Viewer)


I Am The Walrus
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Mar 30, 2021
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An Octopus's Garden
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The right continues its assault on higher education. Rush Limbaugh and Tiger Woods have no morals or values. I guess just making money is the measure of success for the far right. No surprise — ignorance and immorality are big plusses for Trumpettes.
I wish Rush would just take the hint and **** off.
Oh, I forgot as he isn't well known in the UK.
It's not like conservatives have any moral highground here anyway as they moan about dead liberals all the bloody time.

I thought you were being Gilbert Gottfried funny.

The right continues its assault on higher education. Rush Limbaugh and Tiger Woods have no morals or values. I guess just making money is the measure of success for the far right. No surprise — ignorance and immorality are big plusses for Trumpettes.
Wait, they dropped out of school... and still had successful careers???


The right continues its assault on higher education. Rush Limbaugh and Tiger Woods have no morals or values. I guess just making money is the measure of success for the far right. No surprise — ignorance and immorality are big plusses for Trumpettes.

I don't blame Tiger. He had a natural talent that he needed to make good on. He was never going to be a rocket scientist. He was going to be the world's greatest golfer.

That being said, I don't think dropping out of school is something to be championed. Sure, you can still end up a nickzillionaire. But the overwhelming majority don't.

My husband played NCAA Division 1 hockey. One of my sons is currently playing D1 as well. The NHL scouts are trying to get him to drop out of school and start playing pro now. We told him that was a bad idea. You should always have the degree to fall back on, just like my husband did.
I don't blame Tiger. He had a natural talent that he needed to make good on. He was never going to be a rocket scientist. He was going to be the world's greatest golfer.

That being said, I don't think dropping out of school is something to be championed. Sure, you can still end up a nickzillionaire. But the overwhelming majority don't.

My husband played NCAA Division 1 hockey. One of my sons is currently playing D1 as well. The NHL scouts are trying to get him to drop out of school and start playing pro now. We told him that was a bad idea. You should always have the degree to fall back on, just like my husband did.

Considering how rough hockey is I'd say it's vital to have a fallback just in the event of a career ending injury.
It's not unthinkable to get completely splatted in a game in the first year and have to retire.
It happens in soccer all the time and that's a much less agressive sport.
Considering how rough hockey is I'd say it's vital to have a fallback just in the event of a career ending injury.
It's not unthinkable to get completely splatted in a game in the first year and have to retire.
It happens in soccer all the time and that's a much less agressive sport.

My #3 son is playing soccer in college right now. They are a lot rougher than his high school and travel team opponents:p:D

Yup, my son agreed with us right away when we said it to him. He was entranced by the idea of a big signing bonus but knew that a college degree would ultimately be worth a lot more.
My #3 son is playing soccer in college right now. They are a lot rougher than his high school and travel team opponents:p:D

Yup, my son agreed with us right away when we said it to him. He was entranced by the idea of a big signing bonus but knew that a college degree would ultimately be worth a lot more.

Verry sensible.
While the signing bonus may seem good now I'm sure that'll disapear fast as he wants to buy a house and stuff.
There are countless failed sportspeople who endup with terrible jobs due to dropping out of school.
Not everyone who's spotted at school goes on to make megabucks.
The school we’re talking about per the OP article is college. Most Americans do not have a college degree and it isn’t necessary to be successful.

The right continues its assault on higher education. Rush Limbaugh and Tiger Woods have no morals or values. I guess just making money is the measure of success for the far right. No surprise — ignorance and immorality are big plusses for Trumpettes.
More of that "skool is bad" education envy from the ignorant right.

College makes a person better. The academic environment is geared to provide a good, rounded education and socialization skills. I went to an all white, Catholic high school, not the nicest one in town, more of a blue collar one, back when they existed. Alas, my HS is long gone. But, the academic portion of college was easy for me because of how tough HS was. But, college allowed me to take a wide variety of classes and meet a lot of different people that, up till then I never had access to. I enjoyed Intercultural Communication courses, became a TA, and got a wonderful internship with the airline where I would spend 14 wonderful years working for.

Because I had a degree, I was able to go for the jobs I wanted, once I had valuable experience. College was great, it helped to prepare me for the world.

Rush dropped out of community college and got a job at a family members' radio station, he created a shtick, and became a cartoon character, and fed ignorance to the rubes. In America, that gets you money. But, he certainly was not an educated man, you could tell in the early days when he yearned to be another William F. Buckley, but even though he had the money and the limo and the house, he never had the education or the respect. Now that he is dead, no one misses him.
My #3 son is playing soccer in college right now. They are a lot rougher than his high school and travel team opponents:p:D

Yup, my son agreed with us right away when we said it to him. He was entranced by the idea of a big signing bonus but knew that a college degree would ultimately be worth a lot more.
I remember hiring a former NFL athlete once at a job I temped at between jobs (at a sleazy mortgage company, just before the bubble). This guy knew nothing, didn't graduate, never took any real classes, just football. Which was great, till he got hurt. Nice guy, but it was sad.
He was a horrible person who used his celebrity status on the right to rile up his fans.
I think the world is a better place without him in it but if you disagree then feel free.
Now that you know he is dead, you are still speaking ill of the dead. Stay classy.
I found this subtitle line in the article interesting:

Fox News article said:
These 8 individuals ditched academia for their true passions

I always saw college as a place that provided additional tools to help me realize my passion.

The right continues its assault on higher education. Rush Limbaugh and Tiger Woods have no morals or values. I guess just making money is the measure of success for the far right. No surprise — ignorance and immorality are big plusses for Trumpettes.
LOL - have you ever heard of Bill Gates? How about Mark Zuckerburg? What did Rush Limbaugh build? Nothing - instead he tried to tear the nation apart for economic gain. I hope he's burning in (you know where) right now, painfully!

The right continues its assault on higher education. Rush Limbaugh and Tiger Woods have no morals or values. I guess just making money is the measure of success for the far right. No surprise — ignorance and immorality are big plusses for Trumpettes.
Says a bunch of no talent college grads who want the public to pay off their loans because they spent their whole time learning CRT.
Says a bunch of no talent college grads who want the public to pay off their loans because they spent their whole time learning CRT.

Oh yes, because nobody goes to university to learn crap like advanced engineering or medicine.

All the best surgeons left school at 12.

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