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Rumsfeld (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2005
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Would it have been better if as Donald Rumsfeld said , that the USA forces went into Iraq on their own without the British forces. What do you think?
I'd imagine he knows better than us, but I don't know who would be keeping southern Iraq in line if not for the Brits.
Originally posted by mikeey:
Would it have been better if as Donald Rumsfeld said , that the USA forces went into Iraq on their own without the British forces. What do you think

Rummy knows best!

mikeey said:
Would it have been better if as Donald Rumsfeld said , that the USA forces went into Iraq on their own without the British forces. What do you think?
When did he say this?
Rumsfeld is always shoving his foot in his mouth.

Schwarzkopf, interviewed on MSNBC-TV’s “Hardball,” chided Rumsfeld for his reply to a soldier in Kuwait over the lack of armor on many military vehicles used in Iraq.

“I was very, very disappointed — no, let me put it stronger — I was angry by the words of the secretary of defense when he laid it all on the Army, as if he, as the secretary of defense, didn’t have anything to do with the Army and the Army was over there doing it themselves, screwing up,” Schwarzkopf said.

Schwarzkopf, a registered independent who campaigned for Bush in the last two presidential elections, has previously criticized Rumsfeld on several occasions as arrogant and out of touch with troops on the ground.

Monday, Schwarzkopf said the Defense Department had badly misjudged the situation in Iraq. Reserve forces were rushed into urban combat — “toughest kind of fighting” — without adequate training, and “things have gone awry.”

“In the final analysis, I think we are behind schedule” in Iraq, Schwarzkopf said. “... I don’t think we counted on it turning into jihad.”

Washington Post

"When he makes his comments, it appears that he disregards the Army," Schwarzkopf says. "He gives the perception when he's on TV that he is the guy driving the train and everybody else better fall in line behind him -- or else."

That dismissive posture bothers Schwarzkopf because he thinks Rumsfeld and the people around him lack the background to make sound military judgments by themselves. He prefers the way Cheney operated during the Gulf War. "He didn't put himself in the position of being the decision-maker as far as tactics were concerned, as far as troop deployments, as far as missions were concerned."
Billo_Really said:
Rummy knows best!


Wars make strange bedfellows..I can remember in WW2 we were chummy with Stalin..........
Yeah, Rummy does put his foot in his mouth alot. I remember him talking about the "alleged" WMDs in Iraq, he said, "It's a slam-dunk". He should be replaced immediately.

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