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RT America Folds (1 Viewer)

Checkerboard Strangler

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Aug 8, 2005
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Russia-backed cable news station RT America shuts down operations immediately amid Ukraine invasion

The U.S. cable news network RT America informed its employees that it’s halting operations immediately and laying off almost all staff, according to a memo obtained by CNBC.
RT America is an English-language sister network of RT, the Russian state-owned news channel. It’s operated by Russia-backed T&R Productions, which sent a memo Thursday to more than 100 employees informing them their employment will end on May 3, according to a person familiar with the matter.

Russia-backed cable news station RT America shuts down operations immediately amid Ukraine invasion

The U.S. cable news network RT America informed its employees that it’s halting operations immediately and laying off almost all staff, according to a memo obtained by CNBC.
RT America is an English-language sister network of RT, the Russian state-owned news channel. It’s operated by Russia-backed T&R Productions, which sent a memo Thursday to more than 100 employees informing them their employment will end on May 3, according to a person familiar with the matter.

I've also noticed that Twitter has a lot fewer real American patriot accounts spamming right wing garbage lately.
I wonder how many of these people will have a gap in employment on their resume?
Dr. Evil... "I'd probably move on, get another replica, but there would be a 10 minute period there where I would just be inconsolable."
RT America surprised me. They weren't like Chinese government media, which is an elephant of extremely one-side, crude propaganda. RT America often hired actually very good US commentators who could say what they wanted. If they had a heavy hand censoring who was selected, it wasn't usually clear. You had to look for the clear propaganda much more than usual for propaganda tv.

My best guess is that their approach was to hire 'legitimate' critics of US policy in hopes of it being divisive from the right-wing, instead of the 'Russia is great' type propaganda. The commentators I've been mentioning commented on the recent collaboration between Russia and China's propaganda, saying that Russia is a lot better at it.
Surprised it took them this long to cut and run. But:
- "our war on Ukraine is a just war intended to free the Donbas from the horrors of nazification"

If you wondering where Trump learned the benefits of shameless lying you don't have to wonder any longer.
Where are we going to get our Russian funded propaganda now?
I am counting on some of my fellow posters to keep fighting the good fight.

Russia-backed cable news station RT America shuts down operations immediately amid Ukraine invasion

The U.S. cable news network RT America informed its employees that it’s halting operations immediately and laying off almost all staff, according to a memo obtained by CNBC.
RT America is an English-language sister network of RT, the Russian state-owned news channel. It’s operated by Russia-backed T&R Productions, which sent a memo Thursday to more than 100 employees informing them their employment will end on May 3, according to a person familiar with the matter.
Never even knew any of the cable carriers had an RT America station. LOL

I am sure they will serve their purpose on pro-Trump Rumble ....... which I don't watch either

Russia-backed cable news station RT America shuts down operations immediately amid Ukraine invasion

The U.S. cable news network RT America informed its employees that it’s halting operations immediately and laying off almost all staff, according to a memo obtained by CNBC.
RT America is an English-language sister network of RT, the Russian state-owned news channel. It’s operated by Russia-backed T&R Productions, which sent a memo Thursday to more than 100 employees informing them their employment will end on May 3, according to a person familiar with the matter.
That's too bad. It's always good to know what the enemy is saying.
Where are we going to get our Russian funded propaganda now?
Judging by article comment sections, election interference professionals from abroad are still on the case. Where there's a VPN, there's a way, I guess.
Thoughts and prayers to the janitorial and food services staff at the RT America office who may have lost their jobs.

I don't particularly care about the rest of them however.
Just hang around, there's plenty right here.

At least the RT people were paid a steady paycheck for their propaganda. The strange thing is is that those here who go out of their way to regurgitate the Kremlin line are not even paid for it.
At least the RT people were paid a steady paycheck for their propaganda. The strange thing is is that those here who go out of their way to regurgitate the Kremlin line are not even paid for it.
As far as we know...

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