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Rosh Hashanah - the Jewish New Year (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 10, 2019
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Political Leaning
Eve. of Sept. 18 will be the start, I think ....
Happy New Year to the Jewish people.

When I think of the Jewish people, at least two thoughts come to mind.

1. The Jewish people have suffered horrible persecution in Europe throughout the centuries. Just think: They had to live in ghettos and were restricted to certain professions. There were constant pogroms. The unthinkable, of course, was what happened to them in the 1930s & 1940s in a country that was considered one of the most advanced nations on earth.

2. The Jewish people have been responsible for many improvements to human life. One shining example has been all the medical breakthroughs discovered by Jewish medical workers. I thank them for helping to alleviate human suffering.
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From last year:

We were delighted to partner with our colleagues at the European Jewish Community Centre and the Finnish Presidency, and our event MEPs to host our annual Rosh Hashanah cocktail in the European Parliament. H.E. Ambassador Hanna Lehtinen on behalf of Finnish Presidency of the Council of the European Union gave a wonderful summary of Finland’s sterling efforts on eradicating xenophobia and intolerance through a direct programme of actions at educational and governmental level ....

European Jewish Association
Already: Replies: 4 - Views: 81
Soon we will be in the year 5781

With the year 1 representing what?

Beginning of time?
Creation of Earth?
Creation of man?

What happened 5780 years ago to start this numbering system?
Happy New Year to the Jewish people.

When I think of the Jewish people, at least two thoughts come to mind.

1. The Jewish people have suffered horrible persecution in Europe throughout the centuries. Just think: They had to live in ghettos and were restricted to certain professions. There were constant pogroms. The unthinkable, of course, was what happened to them in the 1930s & 1940s in a country that was considered one of the most advanced nations on earth.

2. The Jewish people have been responsible for many improvements to human life. One shining example has been all the medical breakthroughs discovered by Jewish medical workers. I thank them for helping to alleviate human suffering.

The Jews are also kicking ass in desalinization technology. That stuff might save humanity someday.
The Jews are also kicking ass in desalinization technology. That stuff might save humanity someday.

You think of the Israelis?

Jews and Israelis need not be identical.
With the year 1 representing what?

Beginning of time?
Creation of Earth?
Creation of man?

What happened 5780 years ago to start this numbering system?

Traditionally, it's from Adam and Eve. The story I was told was when the Ancient Hebrews were putting the calendar together, they listed as far back as they had records for, and then assumed that was the start of the world. Of course, that was the story I was told as a kid, and I don't know how TRUE it is.
Traditionally, it's from Adam and Eve. The story I was told was when the Ancient Hebrews were putting the calendar together, they listed as far back as they had records for, and then assumed that was the start of the world. Of course, that was the story I was told as a kid, and I don't know how TRUE it is.

So Adam and Eve was less than 6000 years ago?

So fossil records of man going back tens-of-thousands of years are what?
So Adam and Eve was less than 6000 years ago?

So fossil records of man going back tens-of-thousands of years are what?

The Bronze age nomads form 3500 years ago didn't know all that.
Leading to the idea that there's probably a great deal they didn't know.

That is a given. ... However, I got curious and looked it up. It turns out the current year numbering system came about in the middle ages, where the rabbi's of the time period 'calculated' the start of the world. THey, of course, were wrong.
That is a given. ... However, I got curious and looked it up. It turns out the current year numbering system came about in the middle ages, where the rabbi's of the time period 'calculated' the start of the world. THey, of course, were wrong.

Huh, Jews - the original "Young Earthers".
Who knew? :lol::lamo
Now we are well under way into the New Year! (y)(y)
Are there no Jews in this forum?

Or no Jews who are interested in their own New Year?

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