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Rookie police officer in Davis, 22, is fatally shot; suspect also dead (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 5, 2015
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A rookie 22-year-old police officer who had just completed field training before Christmas was fatally shot while she responded to a car crash in downtown Davis, Calif., the city’s police chief said.

The suspected gunman was found dead inside a home about a block away from the shooting, police said in a statement at around 1:30 a.m. Friday, “with what appears to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound.”


What a tragedy, especially in Davis. First time a cop has been killed in the line of duty in Davis since 1959.
Thoughts and prayers.
A close friends sister just finished her first week on the Chicago Police force. One of the most dangerous professions but the most noble.
A close friends sister just finished her first week on the Chicago Police force. One of the most dangerous professions but the most noble.

Policing isn't even in the top 10 most dangerous jobs, in The United States.
Policing isn't even in the top 10 most dangerous jobs, in The United States.

true-overall but some cities-its far more dangerous than others. I suspect Chicago is a bit more dangerous than say Cheyenne or Yankton or Ithaca, NY
true-overall but some cities-its far more dangerous than others. I suspect Chicago is a bit more dangerous than say Cheyenne or Yankton or Ithaca, NY

True, but I was addressing policing nationwide, as was the post I responded to.
True, but I was addressing policing nationwide, as was the post I responded to.

fair enough. I tend to see those who serve in places like East St Louis, the south side of chicago, Watts, Gary, Indiana or Over the Rhine, Cincinnati, as being in more danger than those patrolling Greenwich CT, White Plains NY, or the Lake Shore Drive area of Chicago
fair enough. I tend to see those who serve in places like East St Louis, the south side of chicago, Watts, Gary, Indiana or Over the Rhine, Cincinnati, as being in more danger than those patrolling Greenwich CT, White Plains NY, or the Lake Shore Drive area of Chicago

My hat's off to them all. I thought about going into law enforcement when I got out of the Army and didn't for various reasons. I'm kinda glad I didn't, because I wouldn't be a cop nowadays for all the tea in China.
My hat's off to them all. I thought about going into law enforcement when I got out of the Army and didn't for various reasons. I'm kinda glad I didn't, because I wouldn't be a cop nowadays for all the tea in China.

Crab fishing in the Bering sea is one of the most dangerous jobs. One of the boats portrayed on deadliest catch was just recently lost with a few fatalities.
Crab fishing in the Bering sea is one of the most dangerous jobs. One of the boats portrayed on deadliest catch was just recently lost with a few fatalities.

According to Time in 2016 it was #2. Garbage collectors was #5 (not sure what makes that so hazzardous).
According to Time in 2016 it was #2. Garbage collectors was #5 (not sure what makes that so hazzardous).
My guess is if a garbage collector cuts himself on some nastiness, it could be fatal given the filthy materials that they handle every day.
True, but I was addressing policing nationwide, as was the post I responded to.

Probably the reason why that is the case is because of the precautions and procedures police implement that people often criticize.

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