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Ron kind proposal the most sensible (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 18, 2017
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SW Wisconsin
Political Leaning
Slightly Liberal
The Democratic Party is spending $1 billion a day - totally wasted as if thrown in a fire - to not have border security - now over the entire cost of the 300 miles President Trump wants to add to the 700 mile Pelosi-Schumer border barrier.

The Congressman's proposal is simple: "Give the Democratic Party 12,000,000 more voters and we will stop burning a billion dollars a day."
Ron kind is my house rep, and he is as moderate as anyone can get.

He kills a deer on his own farm nearly every year, he does not do it for the photo op, yet the phony lobbyist group the NRA won't back him.

He has an answer, and I hope he runs for president...


They gave him an A rating and have endorsed him in 2010.
Ron kind is my house rep, and he is as moderate as anyone can get.

He kills a deer on his own farm nearly every year, he does not do it for the photo op, yet the phony lobbyist group the NRA won't back him.

He has an answer, and I hope he runs for president...


I have a better idea:

Build the wall. Go after companies who employ illegal aliens w/harsh punishments. Crack down on visa overstays. Deport every single illegal alien we find.

If these measures reduce the effects of illegal drugs, alone, by 10% that saves the taxpayer $50 billion and pays for the wall and then some.

The fact is...those illegal aliens have no right to a "path to citizenship". None.
The Democratic Party is spending $1 billion a day - totally wasted as if thrown in a fire - to not have border security - now over the entire cost of the 300 miles President Trump wants to add to the 700 mile Pelosi-Schumer border barrier.

The Congressman's proposal is simple: "Give the Democratic Party 12,000,000 more voters and we will stop burning a billion dollars a day."

Well all we know now is what you...want to believe.
Ron kind is my house rep, and he is as moderate as anyone can get.

He kills a deer on his own farm nearly every year, he does not do it for the photo op, yet the phony lobbyist group the NRA won't back him.

He has an answer, and I hope he runs for president...

U.S. Rep. Ron Kind offers plan to end federal shutdown

I like everything about the plan except the part about constructing new border structures. I have no issue with refurbishing/upgrading existing border structures.

Does it sound as though I'm utterly unwilling to see funded any sort of new structure that Trump can claim as his wall having been built, started, etc? If it doesn't, it damn sure should.

Why am I so ardent in my objection to any new wall construction? Because:
  • Policy:
  • Politics:
    • Trump hasn't directly and unequivocally acknowledged the idiocy of his wall proposal.
    • Trump declared Mexico's going to pay for his wall and he's yet to directly and unequivocally recant that declaration, nor has he done the same re: absurdity of such a declaration.
I have a better idea:

Build the wall. Go after companies who employ illegal aliens w/harsh punishments. Crack down on visa overstays. Deport every single illegal alien we find.

If these measures reduce the effects of illegal drugs, alone, by 10% that saves the taxpayer $50 billion and pays for the wall and then some.

The fact is...those illegal aliens have no right to a "path to citizenship". None.

I say build a roller-coaster and we can make some money here. Call Disney, for a 2000 miles amusement park.

Where's the rent-seeking capitalist when we need one. Oh yes, I forgot, a small tax would just ruin the party...greed and all...ya'know.
Ron kind is my house rep, and he is as moderate as anyone can get.

He kills a deer on his own farm nearly every year, he does not do it for the photo op, yet the phony lobbyist group the NRA won't back him.

He has an answer, and I hope he runs for president...


That kind of policy doesn't work, and has been tried before.

A few reasons why it fails:

1) Illegals, because they are undocumented, don't work at a competitive rate, severely undercutting those who are legal, and for whom the government tracks income.

2) Becoming a documented alien might raise their income, but it would put them in competition with people with more skills to be employed in America. They would, as a group, suffer in employment prospects for being documented.

3) Many who receive welfare receive higher benefits for their children than they would if the government could track their income.

4) The majority would choose to continue living as they currently live, being paid under the table, collecting benefits for their children as a zero income household than go on record.

I'd bet that maybe 10% would take advanage of the offer, and many would try to flood across the boarder trying to claim they had been here for years but in the end, they would stay illegal... so comes enforcement:

5) Democrats would still refuse enforcement and still wail and moan and gnash their teeth at the evil people who try to enforce the law.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

I've seen TWO attempts at this amnesty solution passe din my lifetime (1986 and 1994). Both resulted in an more illegals crossing the border, an underwhelming number of undocumented residents coming forward, and the Democrats returning to the same bull**** demonization of those who want to enforce the law that was passed.
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That kind of policy doesn't work, and has been tried before.

A few reasons why it fails:

1) Illegals, because they are undocumented, don't work at a competitive rate, severely undercutting those who are legal, and for whom the government tracks income.

2) Becoming a documented alien might raise their income, but it would put them in competition with people with more skills to be employed in America. They would, as a group, suffer in employment prospects for being documented.

3) Many who receive welfare receive higher benefits for their children than they would if the government could track their income.

4) The majority would choose to continue living as they currently live, being paid under the table, collecting benefits for their children as a zero income household than go on record.

I'd bet that maybe 10% would take advanage of the offer, and many would try to flood across the boarder trying to claim they had been here for years but in the end, they would stay illegal... so comes enforcement:

5) Democrats would still refuse enforcement and still wail and moan and gnash their teeth at the evil people who try to enforce the law.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

I've seen TWO attempts at this amnesty solution passe din my lifetime (1986 and 1994). Both resulted in an more illegals crossing the border, an underwhelming number of undocumented residents coming forward, and the Democrats returning to the same bull**** demonization of those who want to enforce the law that was passed.

Do you just sit around and make this **** up, or are you listening Russian funded right wing propaganda?

Ron kind is from Wisconsin he is actually a representative that keeps in touch with his constituents.

Dairy farmers in his district rely on migrant workers, he is proposing a logical solution that helps small businesses, does not break up families and protects hard working tax payers ( yes migrant workers pay taxes).
Do you just sit around and make this **** up, or are you listening Russian funded right wing propaganda?

Ron kind is from Wisconsin he is actually a representative that keeps in touch with his constituents.

Dairy farmers in his district rely on migrant workers, he is proposing a logical solution that helps small businesses, does not break up families and protects hard working tax payers ( yes migrant workers pay taxes).

LOL! "The Russians!" Take a Drink!

I am telling you that his style of proposal has been done before and it doesn't work for the reasons I have stated. I saw it happen in 1986 and watched it happen from the front lines in 1994. The definition of insanity is trying the same thing again and expecting a different outcome.
I have a better idea:

Build the wall. Go after companies who employ illegal aliens w/harsh punishments. Crack down on visa overstays. Deport every single illegal alien we find.

If these measures reduce the effects of illegal drugs, alone, by 10% that saves the taxpayer $50 billion and pays for the wall and then some.

The fact is...those illegal aliens have no right to a "path to citizenship". None.

No none said they have a "right" it is just the logical solution.

They broke the law, fine them, give them community service and let them be rehabilitated a d become productive members of society (not to say they are not already).
No none said they have a "right" it is just the logical solution.

They broke the law, fine them, give them community service and let them be rehabilitated a d become productive members of society (not to say they are not already).

They broke the law. They entered our country illegally. Remove them.

They should not be rewarded for engaging in illegal activity.
Ron kind is my house rep, and he is as moderate as anyone can get.

He kills a deer on his own farm nearly every year, he does not do it for the photo op, yet the phony lobbyist group the NRA won't back him.

He has an answer, and I hope he runs for president...


This sounds like another scheme like Schumer's smoke and mirrors $25 billion wall funding.

If Democrats stop playing people for stupid and make the whole $25 billion outlined above fully funded and available immediately, I could get behind this plan. If not, take your bullsh** somewhere else.
They broke the law. They entered our country illegally. Remove them.

They should not be rewarded for engaging in illegal activity.

Then we never get a fully sealed border. You and me know that.

I'm fully willing to compromise if this problem is taken care of once and for all.
Ron kind is my house rep, and he is as moderate as anyone can get.

He kills a deer on his own farm nearly every year, he does not do it for the photo op, yet the phony lobbyist group the NRA won't back him.

He has an answer, and I hope he runs for president...


They at one time did support him? What happened? Changes he made that would hurt legal gun owners?

NRA-PVF Endorses Ron Kind for U.S. House of Representatives in Wisconsin’s 3rd Congressional District

Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Democratic Party is spending $1 billion a day - totally wasted as if thrown in a fire - to not have border security - now over the entire cost of the 300 miles President Trump wants to add to the 700 mile Pelosi-Schumer border barrier.

The Congressman's proposal is simple: "Give the Democratic Party 12,000,000 more voters and we will stop burning a billion dollars a day."

No, the Democratic Party isn't doing that. Why lie about something like that?
They at one time did support him? What happened? Changes he made that would hurt legal gun owners?

NRA-PVF Endorses Ron Kind for U.S. House of Representatives in Wisconsin’s 3rd Congressional District

Thursday, September 30, 2010


That was 2010, did they financially back him?

Have they backed bins since the? His views have not changed why are they backing opponents of his that have never hunted?
That was 2010, did they financially back him?

Have they backed bins since the? His views have not changed why are they backing opponents of his that have never hunted?

Yes they would have given his campaign a donation. Hunting is great but the NRA looks at how he has voted on gun issues so that would
be where his rating with them has gone down. I believe he has a D rating today.
I have a better idea:

Build the wall. Go after companies who employ illegal aliens w/harsh punishments. Crack down on visa overstays. Deport every single illegal alien we find.

If these measures reduce the effects of illegal drugs, alone, by 10% that saves the taxpayer $50 billion and pays for the wall and then some.

The fact is...those illegal aliens have no right to a "path to citizenship". None.

LOL It's always the same with you. Born yesterday should be your middle name. Didn't the "war on drugs" teach you anything? The wall won't stop drugs and if won't stop illegal immigration either. And Republicans will not make e-verify mandatory because they hire the most illegals.
Yes they would have given his campaign a donation. Hunting is great but the NRA looks at how he has voted on gun issues so that would
be where his rating with them has gone down. I believe he has a D rating today.

I have no idea what his rating is as I have not taken their ratings seriously for very many years.

Ron kind has not voted against gun rights or ever changed his position, the only reason his rating has dropped is he has a D in front of his name.

Hell they would probably give teddy Roosevelt an F when he ran on the bull moose party in todays environment of all Republican all the time...
I have no idea what his rating is as I have not taken their ratings seriously for very many years.

Ron kind has not voted against gun rights or ever changed his position, the only reason his rating has dropped is he has a D in front of his name.

Hell they would probably give teddy Roosevelt an F when he ran on the bull moose party in todays environment of all Republican all the time...

Not true! Sens. Joe Manchin III (D-W.Va.), Joe Donnelly (D-Ind.), Jon Tester (D-Mont.) and Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.) have grades of A-minus or higher.
Then we never get a fully sealed border. You and me know that.

I'm fully willing to compromise if this problem is taken care of once and for all.

A compromise is only good if both sides uphold their end of the deal.The only thing a amnesty/legalization deal will do is ensure that the amount of people here illegally will double or triple just like the last so called comprise deal did. Because of the Reagan amnesty we went from around 3 million illegal aliens to 11 to 20 million illegal aliens. That have shown for 30 plus years that they have no intention of upholding their end of the deal. So only a retard would fall for such a compromise.
This sounds like another scheme like Schumer's smoke and mirrors $25 billion wall funding.

If Democrats stop playing people for stupid and make the whole $25 billion outlined above fully funded and available immediately, I could get behind this plan. If not, take your bullsh** somewhere else.

What would stop them from yanking funding for the wall once amnesty/legal status is granted?
LOL It's always the same with you. Born yesterday should be your middle name. Didn't the "war on drugs" teach you anything? The wall won't stop drugs and if won't stop illegal immigration either. And Republicans will not make e-verify mandatory because they hire the most illegals.

Did I say something about stopping drugs? Did I say something about stopping illegal immigration? I don't think I did.

I agree with you about e-verify...but it's not just about Republican.

In any case, I presented my idea. I think it's better than that politician's idea.

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